Originally posted on 20 August 2015 7 Steps To Healing That Surprised Me By Angela B. Chrysler Recently, I watched a video with Matthew Perry on his 30 years of drug abuse… As some of you may know, I endured 30 years of trauma that ranged from rape and torture, to animal abuse and […]
We Have To Be Carefully Taught
We Have To Be Carefully Taught By Angela B. Chrysler You’ve got to be taught To hate and fear, You’ve got to be taught From year to year, It’s got to be drummed In your dear little ear You’ve got to be carefully taught. You’ve got to be taught to be afraid Of people whose […]
Parenting with PTSD
Parenting with PTSD by Angela B. Chrysler Our household consists of two adults—a mother and step-father—and three children all of whom are from the first marriage. Whenever a step-parent enters the equation, chemistry and relationships are sure to conflict, authority is compromised, and power wars commence. It’s been seven years since my husband—a best […]
Hear me
The details are hazy, but some things do stand out. I was talking to Scott (the pedophile). Only he was 16 years old. I told him what he was, what he did to me. I then contacted his daughter, Anita, and told her what her father was and what he did to me. Scott argued, […]
Six Months
Continued from Broken… Judith: “So… It’s almost November,” Judith said with a small smile. She tried to hold back the pride, but I could see it in her eyes. I had come a long way in six months. One fourth of my therapy was almost over. Elizabeth: “It is,” I said. William: “What are your […]
There is one angle on abuse that is always grossly overlooked. I’ve touched on this topic before in my previous writings, but it demands its own spotlight. It is Domestic Violence Awareness month after all. Of all the trauma I endured and survived, there was a unique trauma in being told by those who I […]
The Voiceless
At long last. Here is an article I finally can write. It is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. No doubt we’ve seen countless information this month about abused women. No doubt, you will see countless more “save the abused women” this month. I do not discredit these cries of awareness toward woman. This article does not […]
The Trauma of Domestic Violence
For four weeks I’ve been sitting here trying to think of something to write that directly relates to my experience with domestic violence. One author requested a short memoir from me to include in her anthology. After Broken, I politely declined. I didn’t have it in me. But today I realized, for the last four […]
Surviving BPD
I need to state before I begin, I use “she” because I am female and the majority of those diagnosed with BPD are female. There are many men out there with BPD as well and the disorder is not gender limited. So your mate/daughter/friend was diagnosed with BPD. And you’ve decided to stay with them, […]
Living with BPD
I’ve had many a people come to me asking what exactly BPD is (Borderline Personality Disorder). There is a lot of reading material out there. But very little really gets to the heart of what BPD is. BPD is a distortion of self worth. It is that simple. But what does that mean? Borderline personality […]