“I wish I could understand the words,” I thought, driving down the highway this afternoon. I gazed at the radio. “Guns ‘N Roses not Bon Jovi,” I said. I was still learning the music of that era and always confused the two bands. The rains were coming, but I couldn’t see the black clouds rolling […]
Keeping Up Appearances
I am including an interview at the end of “Broken.” This question was asked of me and my answer can’t wait. I had to post it now. The answer I composed surprised even myself. Question: I understand the need to write something like Broken, but why publish it? Why put this out for everyone […]
Going Home
Well, today I awoke as a published author. It feels surreal, but only a little. 🙂 I spent the entire morning on Goodreads while Bergen handled himself on Facebook. Kallan and Rune were teamed up on Google+ where they took turns blasting each other with vile comments and tempers. Occasionally, Kallan fried Rune’s ass. Each […]
Current thoughts
Fear of rejection. Guilt from selfishness. These are my most prominent feelings I’m experiencing right now. I’m a writer. Writers tend to self centered. We write books exploring our stories, our beliefs, our opinions. We launch websites that exist like little countries and we hoist our flag. “I hereby deem this Angela Land!” I exclaim. […]
I’ve always had a fascination with dreams. Long before I studied philosophy or psychology, I studied Jung and Freud and their analysis on dreams. I recorded every dream I had for nearly two years and occasionally, when I dream up another crazy saga, I write it down. Ever wonder what a fantasy writer dreams? Heheheee…Our […]
The Author speaks on “Broken”
Driven by a desperate need to define myself, I began writing Broken on 7 March 2015 hoping to find an answer to one question: Who am I? What emerged was a 90,000 word macabre memoir that explores the psyche of a thirty-five-year old woman who survived a number of traumatic events back to back. The […]
I Am
Hello again, Dear Reader. I have a ten-year-old son with anger issues. A lot of anger issues. Maybe someday I’ll go into those issues and I’ll tell you about the road he and I have taken together to get us here. Today, I want to talk about the conversation I just had with him. This […]