This article needs cat photos! There! That’s better! Ailuros + Phile = Ailurophile (Cat Lover) I conducted this etymological research about ten years ago then boasted my accomplishment. “I love cats so much, I looked up the Greek word for “cat” just so I could call myself an Ailurophile.” A year later, I realized there […]
Eladrin Stones: Table of Contents
If you are easily offended by swearing, debauchery, and Jack Black you probably will be offended by The Eladrin Stones. But if you love Skyrim, Cards Against Humanity, and D&D—and are 18+—you have come to the right place! The Blurb When the oddest group of miscreants wake in the cellars of a howling hag, they […]
Nerd News!!
Oh my god! Anime freaks! Gamers! You gotta see this! I was uploading my Dolor and Shadow book trailer on YouTube, when I saw this! First, if you are not an anime freak, I have to say this about this composition…This melody is played throughout Naruto at the most heart wrenching, “ball my eyes out” […]
Happy Birthday to me!
Good merry morning, mina! So…it’s my birthday today! I’m 30 something…again…(I was born in 1980. You do the math, BUT DON’T TELL ME!) and I walked down to my coffee and this…THIS…is what I found! ISN’T IT EPIC!?!? Okay, so I’m a little excited. My husband rocks! Not flowers. Not lingerie or candy or anything […]
My Philosophy
Philosophy. Greek. Philo means Love. Sophie means Wisdom. A Love of wisdom. Not “a study of.” Logos means “to study” and gives root to the word “logic.” Logos also is Greek for “Idea.” Cool, huh? Why don’t we say “Sophilogy?” I am a philosopher who takes Sophilogy (I am such a word nerd). Just rambling […]
The HMS Slush Brain: Debauched Voyages (Part 2)
Schneider: If I was going to name an article of clothing Daryl- it wouldn’t be my boots 🙂 Chrysler: I see me standing there so cool like in my hero pose, and you’re on your hands and knees, licking my feet. That’s going in the book, Cindy. Dreece: LOL! Chrysler: LMAO Schneider: Only if your […]
The HMS Slush Brain: Debauched Voyages (Part 1)
One particular day around January 2015, four writers (myself included) came together and brainstormed one weird fantasy in a DM (Direct Message) on Twitter. What began as idle conversation over Star Trek, developed into one far-fetched D&D RPG fantasy. Enjoy! The HMS Slush Brain: Debauched Voyages (Part 1) Previously Known as “Daryl Dixon: The Zany […]
Ten Favorite Screen Characters
A list of the Author’s top ten most loved screen characters who influenced her.
One Lovely Blog Hop
Seven facts (some fun—some not so fun) about the Author she chose to share with you.
The Holodeck: Part #16
Still one of my favorite posts… Sugie: DUH Duh duh. [dramatic notes] Angela: Rushing in, Ben catches the tripwire Angela had strung and he falls flat on his face. “Heheheheheheheeee…. Hahahahahahahahahahaaa… BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.” Angela lights a match, a cigarette, takes a draw and smiles. “My plan worked. You just couldn’t stay away.” Angela cocks her gun […]