Chapter 5 Chapter 26 Chapter 41 Audio Excerpts I am collecting these as you read… Subscribe Thank you for stopping by! I invite you to take a moment and join my monthly newsletter. Subscribe below and receive the post notifications anytime a new article is published and receive the monthly newsletter with updates, news, […]
The Voiceless
At long last. Here is an article I finally can write. It is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. No doubt we’ve seen countless information this month about abused women. No doubt, you will see countless more “save the abused women” this month. I do not discredit these cries of awareness toward woman. This article does not […]
The Trauma of Domestic Violence
For four weeks I’ve been sitting here trying to think of something to write that directly relates to my experience with domestic violence. One author requested a short memoir from me to include in her anthology. After Broken, I politely declined. I didn’t have it in me. But today I realized, for the last four […]
Surviving BPD
I need to state before I begin, I use “she” because I am female and the majority of those diagnosed with BPD are female. There are many men out there with BPD as well and the disorder is not gender limited. So your mate/daughter/friend was diagnosed with BPD. And you’ve decided to stay with them, […]
Living with BPD
I’ve had many a people come to me asking what exactly BPD is (Borderline Personality Disorder). There is a lot of reading material out there. But very little really gets to the heart of what BPD is. BPD is a distortion of self worth. It is that simple. But what does that mean? Borderline personality […]
Broken #5
It is one month to the day that Broken released and already it’s reached #5 and #28! Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #212,052 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Health, Fitness & Dieting > Counseling & Psychology > Pathologies > Dissociative Identity #28 […]
I’m scared
I dreamed last night. I dreamed a man came to the house to rob us, saw me, and decided to rape me instead. But I fought back. I took up a bowl and smashed his head in. I smashed the bowl right through his head until he was dead. I must have hit him a […]
In Defiance
There is a “stage” process when a person heals. For a rape victim, there are variations on how a person may handle… re-establishing control over their bodies. Here is what I have been doing. Painting the house. This established control over the change in my environment and helps ground me as well as mark my […]
Breaking Free Conceived
So! After reading Broken you can imagine I am at the end of my sanity and needed to take some time off. I’ve been spending these last two weeks baking, playing Skyrim (Legendary expansion on the PS3. I’m a thieving/murdering Khajiit), cooking, cleaning, and painting the house. I’ve also been thinking a lot about my […]
Protected: Breaking Free
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.