The Salmon of Knowledge : Triadic Healing Book #4 (eBook)


This is an #Educator‘s Book on how to Educate Children with #Psychological Physics and The Science of Learning. This is based on my 30+ Years worth of Work, which has already passed Peer Review — My work has been adopted as Irrefutable Fact in the Scientific, Psychological, and in the Educational Field — and has been adopted by The World’s Leading Psychologists at Moi University in Kenya. Hospitals are now adopting my Work and more Universities have signed on for my Psychological Physics Courses in my Cultivator Training Program.

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Back of the Book Blurb

The 4th Book in The Triadic Healing Series, The Salmon of Knowledge takes everything presented in The Theory of Love and breaks it down for The Ethical Teacher and the Ethical Parent.

This is an Education Manual for Parents and Teachers to learn what a Child needs, how they Learn, and also, how to Construct your Child’s Natural Learning Environment to Nourish and Supplement what already is there.

This is 100% Compatible with both Religious People and Atheists. The Focus in this Book is Mental Health for Optimized Learning in your Child. It brings awareness to The Natural Learning System in the Cognitive Core of your Subconscious Mind where Tuition is Integrated to become INTUITION. It’s the Science of where your Intuition comes from. Which is how and why we can “inherit” a love of Science or Piano Playing from Parent to Child.

This is based on the Science outlined in The Theory of Love, but Salmon of Knowledge stands alone.

Anna Imagination hosts events every 21, 22, and 23rd for Parents and Teachers who want to learn HOW to implement the changes outlined in this Book.


This is the Prelude to Anna’s Children Series, “Anna Imagination : The Abstract Scientist