The Adventures of Anna Abstract (Prelude Anna’s Annals)


Pre-Order 1 April 2025

An Author usually permits the reader a fraction of their mind when they write. But the Mind of The Author is much more vast than a single Story. Despite what the Marketers may say, this is not Fiction. This is just the unseen parts of the Author’s Mind that the Reader never gets to see. And so it was that Anna Imagination stepped into the Abstract, which the “Materials” call “Fiction”… But Anna knew that this was Bull Shit. It was time to introduce the World to Non-Fiction All-Genre.


This book is an Imbroglio. I had just arrived in the Abstract after my 2 Year Adventure into the Meta Realm where Romans live and I was ready to get back to my side of Normal.

My Undercover Days were at an end and I was able to put all I had learned to use. But living inside the Meta Realm then coming back to Abstract was… Jarring to say the least. I had no idea how to proceed.

So I boarded my Ship — The HMS Slush Brain — and I ventured off. This book is the Multiple “Side Quests” that I took to get myself into the Right Mindset to write Anna’s Annals. This book is the Prequel to Anna’s Annals. It is to be read following Breaking Delusion.

“What am I supposed to do with this Hodge Podge of weird!?” I asked myself.

“Put it in a book and label it “Weird!” I told myself. And here we are. My Book of Weird.