This book is an Imbroglio. I had just arrived in the Abstract after my 2 Year Adventure into the Meta Realm where Romans live and I was ready to get back to my side of Normal.
My Undercover Days were at an end and I was able to put all I had learned to use. But living inside the Meta Realm then coming back to Abstract was… Jarring to say the least. I had no idea how to proceed.
So I boarded my Ship — The HMS Slush Brain — and I ventured off. This book is the Multiple “Side Quests” that I took to get myself into the Right Mindset to write Anna’s Annals. This book is the Prequel to Anna’s Annals. It is to be read following Breaking Delusion.
“What am I supposed to do with this Hodge Podge of weird!?” I asked myself.
“Put it in a book and label it “Weird!” I told myself. And here we are. My Book of Weird.