Nature. Mother. Man. God.


Pre-Order 1 April 2025

Nature. Mother. Man. God. : The Pilgrim’s Guide To The Asha Journey is written for anyone — Religious, Pilgrim, Atheist, Scientist, Spiritualist, Philosopher — who has activated their Self-Wisdom Journey and is looking for Answers.

In this book, Anna Imagination provides Logic, Math, and Psychological Physics to address Philosophical Questions that Spiritualists, Religious Individuals, and Pilgrims often have about the Spiritual Journey.


If the Book is priced at .99 then I’m thinking about writing it, but haven’t started it yet… But I will.

If the Book is priced at 4.99 then I’m writing it, but haven’t finished it yet… But I will.

If the Book is priced at 10.00 then It’s written, but haven’t edited it yet… But I will.

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I often say “Words Matter.” But that has never been proven more than it was proven today. I am a Physicist. Many Scientists have told me that my work will have earned me a Future Nobel Prize for my work in Physics. I am an Ontological Physicist, a Psychological Physicist, and a Quantum Logician.

And when I listen to the Language of Spiritualists, I can’t understand most of what they are trying to say. As a Physicist, 90% of what they are saying is wrong according to Physics.

I went through the Spiritual Journey — as a Physicist — and I had the Language to translate my Experience with Logic, Psychological Physics, and Philosophy. By the time my Journey was complete, I required the Languages of every Discipline to explain it — and I did.

But what were Spiritualists trying to say?


And this is how Nature. Mother. Man. God. begins.

With over 5,000 pieces of data and 5 years living in the Esoteric world of Spirituality, Anna Imagination emerged turning away from Buddhism and Spirituality entirely to define The Universal Language that would translate the Meaning behind the Self-Wisdom Journey of The Discovered Self.

Told from an Authentic and Neutral Point of View from Science and Psychology, Anna Imagination provides the data she uncovered in her research. Here, she dons the role of Philosopher and details what she discovered and provides her professional perspective of this New Age Religion that is taking over the world.

She covers The Prophets, Confucius, Pythagoras, and the Gurus, and provides the much-needed language to the people or anyone who is looking to make sense of their Metaphysical Transformation.