Anna’s Playground Membership (The Lightworker’s Package)

$100.00 / 3 Months

Stop! Wait! This Membership Includes The Subscription to our Newspaper “New Earth News!” Intentional Generosity is very important to us. Please Think before you authorize us to Double-Dip your Books. 


Anna’s Playground and The Community Gaia’s Giving Circles are the same thing.

After you Become a Member, get yourself Onboarded with Anna’s Book : Agape Your Way To Optimized Mental Wealth. In this Book, you will be provided with every resource you need including The Radical Global Healing Plan.

100% of Proceeds Fuel The Radical Global Healing Plan and our Philanthropy Play!


Welcome to Anna’s Playground!

We are The Playing Philanthropists!


We have Gamified Philanthropy! And you are Officially being handed a Quest Line!

The First Quest?

(1) Choose your Gaming Level!


We have Four Levels :

The Beginner’s Basic + New Earth News™ Subscription –> $25.00 every Month

The Lightworker’s Package + New Earth News™ Subscription –> 100 for $100 for every Quarter

The Pilgrim Package + New Earth News™ Subscription –> $500 every Month + $500 Sign Up Fee (This Option Includes Licensing Rights)

The Philanthropist’s Package + New Earth News™ Subscription –> $10,000 per Year + $500 Sign Up Fee (This Option Includes Licensing Rights)


What This Does For You!

Surprise! THIS IS Anna’s Done-With-You “Play-A-Long” DIY School!

We have integrated Play + Learn + Dream Build + Community All-In-One!

Psychological Physics and Power Economics is the Academic Discipline at the Core of The Self-Wisdom Journey within The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self.

Psychological Physics and Power Economics is great for –>

  • Witches to Unlock, Elevate, and Master their Power and Spells
  • Spiritualists to Unlock, Elevate, and Master their Power and Manifestations
  • Conspiracy Theorists to Find the Truth and resolve Past Traumas
  • Pilgrims to Sharpen their Skills along The Journey and Augment their Lessons
  • Jesus Followers to hone in on The Words of Christ to better live in His Example
  • Buddhists to obtain a deeper understanding of the Teachings of The Buddha
  • Followers of The Prophet Muhammad to better live according to the Teachings of Muhammad.
  • Psychologists and Teachers who want to study and Train to augment their own Professional Skills
  • Parents who desire to Master the Art and Science of Human Nourishment for Optimized Love-Based Propagation and Cultivation
  • Business Owners who desire to give Their Corporations and Businesses an Ethical Upgrade for The New Earth Transition
  • Philosophers and Life Learners who want to enhance their Knowledge base and Learning Skills to Master The Esoteric Sciences.

Here we Integrate all Cultural Languages into The Simple Science For Practical Use so you can

  • (1) Clear all Blocks
  • (2) Elevate your Power
  • (3) Master your Skills in Mental Diversification
  • (4) Clear Childhood Trauma
  • (5) Purge All Lies
  • (6) Purify your Logic to Get you to Truth
  • (7) Bring you Closer to The Origin Love
  • (8) Calibrate your Cognitive Core to Align and Balance you in Harmony with The Universe/Nature/God
  • (9) Learn to Learn
  • (10) Supplement and Upgrade your Education to Optimize what you did Learn in School
  • (11) Master the Discipline of RAS and Focal Point Direction to Maximize your Mental Skills


You get…

  1. Merlin In Your Pocket!
  2. Full Access to The Monthly Sunshine Imagination Adventures Events!
  3. Early Bird and VIP Specials, News, and Announcements
  4. Exclusive Content
  5. First Access to Anna’s Breakthroughs as she Mines Data straight from the Abstract!
  6. Full Access to Anna’s New Earth News™ Newsletter Novel
  7. Full Access to Anna’s “Into The Abstract” Newsletter Novel Series
  8. Access to our Tuesday’s Q&A
  9. Full Access To 4 of Anna’s Clubs (And more)

The Following Triadic Healing Books Included :

  1. Breaking Delusion
  2. The Theory of Love
  3. Salmon of Knowledge
  4. The Two Mirrors of Narcissism
  5. Addicted : Cracked and Unloaded
  6. 12 Ethics To Jesus


Optional! Read this Really Cool Science!

(From Anna’s Book “Nature. Mother. Man. God.“)


Let’s talk about The Nitrogen Life Cycle.

When you put food in your mouth, you are actually eating Sunlight. Eating is Energy Transfer. But Mastication is not the only way for you to consume Sunlight. 

In Cell Mitosis (Creation in Biology) Cells Replicate and then Disintegrate – not dissolve (That is Cell Apoptosis or Sudden Cell Death) – they DeIntegrate. Disintegrate. This Disintegration process releases Energy X 3 of the Energy Spent. 

Energy is Spent to Activate Cell Mitosis (Creation). Energy is then Replenished during Cell Replication and then Disintegration. This Disintegration Stage is called Telophase. “When the Multiplied Creations separate from the Parent and becomes Independent. 

The Energy that is released during this stage is Spent Energy + Synergy, which gives us a Surge of – You guessed it – Energy! 

We get this during Processing of Food (Digestion) and the Processing of Data (Learning). This is what Christ meant when he said, “Man cannot live by bread alone.” 

He needed to say, “Human Beings have two requirements for Nutrition : Food and Knowledge.” The Digesting of Food is the Release of Energy into your System. You Eat Energy. Guess what. Food is not enough to Nourish you when you surpass the 5th Ethic.

After the 5th Ethic, Food is not enough. You are officially spending more Energy than you are Producing. You need a much greater Energy Input than anything Food can give you.

“Agape” is the “Giving” of Love (Nourishment to Empower/Grow) to Others. It does not matter what kind of Love. It can be Words, Service, Gifts… Giving Love and Loving Others in Action. This is Agape. 

Agape releases an insane amount of Energy because it is a Powerful Creation process. But only if it is done In Love and For Love and not for the Obtaining of the Energy.

Play releases an insane amount of Energy because it is an insanely Powerful Creation process.

Passions and Dreams release an insane amount of Energy because it is an insanely Powerful Creation process.

Now. When you put them together – The Power of Play + Agape + Passion and Dream – I cannot begin to tell you just how much Energy (Power) you get from this combination. Add Laughter to the mix. 

The Power of Play + Agape + Passion and Dream + Laughter

Now, let’s put that in a Learning Environment → Community Gaia → Where you have the Teamwork (Another huge Energy Source) – and The Giving Circles for Philanthropy while we Play? 

The Individual now has a surplus of Energy with which to share and give – Agape – to Others… and this Alchemical Recipe fuels itself. The Leader gives a set of Instructions like “Read Nature. Mother. Man. God.” and everyone does so they too can understand the power of This Formula. Add “The 12 Ethics to Jesus” and you are well on your way through your Pilgrimage. 

All while you Play, all while you Learn, all while you Grow – because you have the Energy Surplus now – all while you Agape (Do Philanthropy and Give for Others), all while you Dream, all while you Laugh.

But only if you are on The Right Side of the Moon. You must become an Esoteric of The Self, which you cannot do if you are on The Wrong Side of the Moon.

This is The Self-Wisdom Journey. The Asha Journey. The becoming of the Self-Esoteric. But you can’t do this unless you are on The Right Side of the Moon. Otherwise, you’ll just be staring at an asshole, trying to convince the world that an asshole is a mouth.


This Science is in Psychological Physics, Psychological Chemistry (It’s called Alchemy), Quantum Logic, and Integrated Mathematics.