Original Fan Art Page

This post is the original “Fan Art” Page before I cleaned it up. I didn’t feel like sorting it so I just threw it up here as is.

Click here for a glance at the Contests

I am a writer. A dancer, musician, singer, composer, pianist, novelist, and poet with a strong background in theater. Did I miss any? Ah yes! Art. I can not draw…or paint or sculpt. I’ve tried. I suck. It’s bad.

But I want to see my characters battling each other on the pages. I want to see Kallan naked in the Nordic lake gazing up at the Aurora Borealis. I want, so badly to see the blue light of Kallan’s Seidr, splashed upon Rune’s face as he stands in her prisons glaring down at her…This is where you come in!

Artisits! I am asking—pleading, begging…rather desperately. It’s pathetic. Send me your Dolor and Shadow fan art!

What do you get out of it? Honor! Respect! My happiness! Also, I will post your work on my blog and feature you as an artist. I will also include a link to your website, or your buddy’s website, or your favorite cat video on YouTube—really whatever you want. It’s your call.—in ode to your work. You keep the rights, I just ask for the privilege to advertise for you and flaunt your stuff.

And if I get no entries, then I will simply have to draw my own! Trust me…you do NOT want me to do this!

Email all entries as JPEGS or PDFs to [email protected]

Time passes.

More time passes.

13 September 2015

You asked for it! I drew this!


I drew this. OH YEAH!!

A photo posted by Angela B. Chrysler (@abchrysler) on


10 December 2015 May I present Kallan by Sonya Craig. Learn more about Sonya here.

DrawingKallan7 DrawingKallan10 DrawingKallan12


Thank you so much, Sonya! She’s beautiful!


And now… here is something from my cartographer!

Midgard Map

Here is the final as seen in Dolor and Shadow.

And here is a story my 12 year old wrote and drew! She’s better at drawing than I am 🙂 I give you “The Adventures of Fred the Ball” while we wait for drawings of Kallan, Rune, and Bergen to arrive!

Cell #1 of The Adventures of Fred the Ball written by my 12 year old, Emily. A photo posted by Angela B. Chrysler (@abchrysler) on

Cell #2 of The Adventures of Fred the Ball written by my 12 year old, Emily. A photo posted by Angela B. Chrysler (@abchrysler) on

Cell #3 of The Adventures of Fred the Ball written by my 12 year old, Emily. A photo posted by Angela B. Chrysler (@abchrysler) on


Okay readers! I just had to share this piece with you!

I play with Instagram a lot and follow a handful of amazing people! Mobeep is one of these amazing people. She likes my gardens. I like her artwork. And my god, is she talented!

Today, she posted this beauty.


By Mobeep

It was so gorgeous, I asked her if I could post it. She said yes and to thank her, I am sharing her name and Instagram account with you. This is just one of many gorgeous things she does.


This was provided by the beautiful artist, Tamara! She and I have been chatting up the nerd side of things for nearly a year now and have entered some passionate topics about Iron Man and Batman! There was mention of a Monopoly Zelda game in there somewhere *wink* Nevertheless! I give, the art of Tamara! Follow her out on Twitter!


And this came in from my anime-loving sister, Nikki! Ask you can see, I did NOT get her skills.

Nichole Gohl (1) Nichole Gohl (2)


Thank you all for your contribution to “Fan Art.” Keep sending art in so that the masses may observe it for posterity!

Email all JPEGS to [email protected]


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About the Author: Anna Imagination

Biographical Info... What you seek is my Story. Every Soul is a "Blurb" as one would read on the back of the book. But can people be "unwrapped" so easily? Most importantly, why try? I have long since learned to preserve the Savory that comes with Discovery. Learning of another Soul is a Journey. It is an Exploration. And it does not do the Soul Justice to try and condense a Soul Journey into a Bio.