Nature. Mother. Man. God. Chapter #4


This is the most interesting question of all. Who is God? What is God? I figured this would be a great place to start.

Simply put, “God” is “Greater than Human” or “Creating Wonder.” Creator and Destroyer are also Common Denominators.

The name “Solomon” or “Salmon” both mean “One Wonder,” which was later changed to “One Monster.” The names Solomon and Salmon refers to “Great Wisdom.”

One can hardly talk about this topic without discussing Frankenstein : The Modern Prometheus.  

Socrates too had much to say about “God” and likened “God” to The Archetype claiming Perfection. I strongly disagree with this on many friends.

There was a point in my Journey where I could not deny that Man both Creates and Destroys, and their lack of Acknowledgement of this Power and their lack of Education and Training on Controlling this Power is the leading cause to all World Crisis.

Based on this concept, Man is God because they Create and Destroy, but without any awareness — Unlike God who — it is believed Created and Destroyed with Awareness.

Furthermore, we look at the line “God made Man in his own Image.”

This line implies — quite clearly — that Man is God because Man was made from the Image of God. And Christians revolve their entire Faith around “Becoming Christ-Like,” which is the process of becoming God.

How can you become Christ-Like and not embody God, which is Love, which is God?

Food for thought.

But what really intrigued me was this : Zeus’s Fear of Man Becoming God. Google that phrase and see what pops up in you search feed. I rest my case.

It seems there was a “disagreement” among the ranks about who should get “The Power of God” and who should not while God passed his Power around to his Children, much to the chagrin of Lucifer.

This is not a reflection of my Belief, but rather simply the presenting the topics for discussion so as to shed light on these topics.

Are we God? Are we reincarnated Gods? Are we Humans who can turn into Gods?

The Self-Wisdom Journey is all about this Question and you cannot pass the 7th Ethic without bringing it up. In fact, you will spend the full 36 Ethical Perspectives debating this with yourself. Until…

The Humanity Of Man

In 1998, I watched the movies Apocalypse Now and Instinct, and then read the book The Lord of the Flies. I was left perplexed over the question : “Was Brando right? Were Humans born inherently Evil? Or was Hopkins right? Were Humans born inherently Good?”

In 2024, I concluded this research.

I have no doubt — No doubt whatsoever in my mind — 100% that Human Beings are born inherently Good. I haven’t seen a Horrible Human Monster who didn’t pine and ache to be good. Who didn’t weep over their own Loss of Humanity.

Furthermore, we have lived for 2,000 Years without The 12 Ethics. And — despite that — each and every one of us, has lived in terror of not being a Good Person.

How — you tell me — How can an entire Species work as hard as the Human Race to try and be good while also having no education or direction as to how to be good for 2,000 years of walking in Darkness? How could anyone question this after all each and every one of us has done to try — so desperately — over and over again to be Good People?

Were we good at being Good? Many times not. And did we rent ourselves with loathing as a result? Yes. Many times over. Did we fester and fret on the loss of our Humanity? Yes. Many times over. Did we watch movie after movie and book after book cheering on the good guy, hating that the bad guy wasn’t getting his ass kicked?

My People. My gorgeous, beautiful People. Never doubt. Never ever doubt it ever again. Human Beings are GOOD. And we TRIED. We worked so hard in Ignorance to do all we could to make it so and we did so against all odds.

Animal To Man To God

For me, I see Animal to Man to God as Growth Stages. “Animal” was from the 1st Ethic up to the 4th Ethic. The 4th Ethic — when Self Laws are formed, Man begins. And when “No Judgement” is learned, then “God Classes” begin.

This is where I strongly disagree with Socrates’ Archetype. That Archetype was never meant for a Man, but for a God to perfect their “Godness.”

The Self-Archetype — The Perfect Version of You — is what a Man trying to learn how to Master Humanity needs. Baby steps. Asking a Man to act like Jesus is like asking an Animal to behave like a Man — See Animal Farm.

An Animal can no more behave like a Man until they Perfect behaving like an Animal.

Perfect Humanity. Then — after Humanity is easy for you — move on to a Prophet… Then Focus on becoming God.