This is where I sit down and I think.
For me, this is simply a Pilgrimage. And it is very much “Stage #2” of the Human Experience. It is hard. It is difficult. It is long. And the arduous duration is the purpose. This Self-Wisdom Journey of The Discovered Self is meant to push you and test you. It is not easy.
I guess you could say that, this book, is the Plain Speech Edition of my experience through the Asha Journey as well as all my findings and discoveries there.
But most it’s a Guide Book for you. The Pilgrim.
The Pilgrim’s Guide to The Asha Journey. I guess that is really what this is.
What is The Asha Journey?
The Asha Journey is The Self Wisdom Journey and it is activated at the 6th Ethical Perspective Stage of Growth.
In a Healthy, Optimized Human Person, your System Upgrades at around 6 Years old.
Prior to the Upgrade, you can feel your Emotions.
After the Upgrade, you can feel Herzen, Out-of-Phase Signals, The Force, Logical Fallacy, Truth, and Emotions.
Fun fact “Herz” or “Hz” is the German Word for “Heart.”
The Asha Journey is simply the Journey for Self-Wisdom. More specifically, if you want the True Definition, it is the pursuit of Rta, which is The State of Being of Pure Truth.
Rta is The Point of Comprehension, which is located at the 37th Level of Consciousness — The 1st Ethic of the 4th Round of 12 Ethics.
Asha is the Old Persian word for “Wisdom.”
This comes from Sumerian, Akkadian, and Zarathustra. It is very much from The Fertile Crescent, Ur, Assyria, and Pre-Babylon Regions.
Zoroastrianism is the direct Descendent of this Concept along with Confucius and Pythagoras Philosophy.
The Ashavana are the Pilgrims who have completed the Asha Journey and who have reached Rta.
This aligns with Stoicism Philosophy and Gnosticism, however Modern Romans have botched the Translation due to their Exoteric Comprehension.
In this book, I will talk to you like a Psychologist. I will talk to you like a Philosopher. I will talk to you like someone who has done it. I will talk to you like a Physicist and as a Fellow “Feel” Person. Because I get it.
But you have to know what is really going on with you and what is “happening to you” and what this means for you. Had you grown up in a proper educational System, you would have been taught about your Spiritual Puberty and it is really called your Existential Crisis. It’s when your System begins the Advanced Maturing Stages.
And you need to be prepared for what comes next.
Your Perspective “Combination”
These two things are not compatible. They are downright a dangerous combination. They are so dangerous that your Brain coms equipped with a Natural “Fail Safe” to freeze you at the 6th Ethic.
There is an “Combination” — a literal Perspective Combination — that dictates your Ethical Alignment. And if you are not Aligned, then you do not Grow On.
I almost never talk about the Ethical Perspective Combination, but here, on this subject, it cannot be denied and it is a highly effective tool in helping you understand your situation.
- You have your Ethical Perspective.
- You have your Self-Preservation System’s Ethical Perspective.
- You have your Environmental Ethical Perspective.
If the Numbers do not match at 666 — Yes. 666 — Then you cannot “Open the Door.”
“666” is the reason why I don’t talk about the Perspective Combination. Ever.
Because Spiritual People will go nuts over this.
Let’s do this.
Revelation 13:18
“This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.”
Tesla’s Number of 666 is 9.
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 +> 1 + 8 = 9
666 is the “Combination” that Activates the “Door” of the Abstract, which lasts from The 6th Ethic through to the 9th Ethic.
This is what it meant.
Your Ethical Perspective (A)
This is the 2nd Part of your Cognitive Core and determines your Ethical Perspective. To determine, which Ethical Perspective you are in, you need to have Integrated the Following Ethics into you :
- (1) Courage to be Vulnerable
- (1) Self-Nourishment
- (2) Self-Authority
- (3) Self-Regulation
- (4) Trust –> In Self and Others
- (4) Self-Control with Discernment and Self-Law
- (5) Self-Accountability
- (6) Self-Value
- (6) Equal Footing
Your Highest Number is your Identity’s Ethical Perspective.
Your Self-Preservation System’s Ethical Perspective (B)
- (1) Courage to be Vulnerable
- (1) Self-Nourishment
- (2) Self-Authority
- (3) Self-Regulation
- (4) Trust –> In Self and Others
- (4) Self-Control with Discernment and Self-Law
- (5) Self-Accountability
- (6) Self-Value
- (6) Equal Footing
Your Lowest Number is your True Ethical Perspective and your Self-Preservation System’s Ethical Perspective.
Your Environmental Ethical Perspective (C)
- (1) Courage to be Vulnerable
- (1) Self-Nourishment
- (2) Self-Authority
- (3) Self-Regulation
- (4) Trust –> In Self and Others
- (4) Self-Control with Discernment and Self-Law
- (5) Self-Accountability
- (6) Self-Value
- (6) Equal Footing
Your Private Environmental Ethical Perspective is set to the Ethical Perspective of the most Dominant Individual in your Living Home Environment.
If you live alone, it is set to your Self-Preservation System’s Ethical Perspective.
Your Public Environmental Ethical Perspective is set to the Most Common Ethical Perspective. It is most likely 2, 3, or 4.
The Numbers are “A – B – C”
A = Your Ethical Perspective
B = Your Self-Preservation System’s Ethical Perspective
C = Your Environmental Ethical Perspective
When I began this Journey in 1995, I was a 6 – 6 – 3.
By 2015, I was 6 – 3 – 3.
By 2020, I was 6 – 5 – 5.
By 2022, I was 6 – 3 – 6+.
By 2023, I was 6 – 6 – 6.
These misalignments are Herz.
Having multiple, conflicting Herz causes Out-Of-Phase Signals in Physics. That is called Harmonic Dissonance in Music Theory and Cognitive Dissonance in Psychology.
At 6 – 6 – 6 “The Door” opens and you shift into the 7th… You Modulate into the 7th and you shift from Harmonic Mindset to Melodic Mindset.
The “Hierarchical” Harmonic Scales “Fall down” and you see everything from Left to Right.
You have shifted from “Key Signature” Mindset to Melody Line Mindset and Logical Sequencing.
At the 6th You have begun The Metaphysical Transformation.
Mental Illness and The Metaphysical Transformation
Mental Illness is NOT compatible with Metaphysical Transformation. You go into the Abstract without your Alignment and your 6-6-6, then you increase the odds of becoming Catatonic. But also, in most cases, Your Self-Preservation System won’t let you.
For this reason, if you want to be or are trying to get your alignment to 6-6-6, then you need to Deconstruct your Trauma, Purge all Lies, Commit to the Truth above all Ego, work your way through the 12 Ethics. Learn Music Theory, Logic, and Psychological Physics, and Triadic Healing Part #1.
Triadic Healing Part #1 is 100% all about just getting you up to your 6th Ethical Perspective Alignment.
At which case, you open the 7th Door.
The 7th Judgement Day
“Day” is the Ancient Ashavana Word for “Ethical Perspective.”
It’s when you stand before the God In You and you answer for your Ethical Violations. And you know every single one of them.
You can’t hide from yourself.
You’re going to wish a God judged you.
Study Aikido.
You must Study Aikido. If you feel you will have a Problem with this Ethic, Study the Philosophy of Aikido.
Humble Submission to Learn… The Commitment to learn and do better… This is the only Ethic that will save you.
Find an Aikido studio near you and start Learning Aikido. Authentically and Genuinely.
We will see many Suicides because of this. Aikido will help you through this. Please. Turn to The Humble Submission to Learn. Religious Leaders under Community Gaia will be trained in this.