I stood at the heart of the Amphitheater knowing precisely what I would say and how I would start.
In my audience sat a Religious Leader, a Scientist, an Atheist, a Common Worker, a Psychologist, a Spiritualist, a Pilgrim, and a Teacher.
The Philosopher — I — stood at the Center.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Psychologist. “Why are you here?”
“To learn how to enter the Subconscious Mind of my Patients so as to Understand them and to help them.”
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Scientist. “Why are you here?”
“To learn about the answers to Life, The Universe, and Everything,” The Scientist said.
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Atheist. “Why are you here?”
“To learn how to get through life with happiness and with prosperity,” The Atheist said.
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Common Worker. “Why are you here?”
“To learn how to become comfortable and build wealth so I can work less and gain more,” The Common Worker said.
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Spiritualist. “Why are you here?”
“To learn how to connect with The Divine Mother,” The Spiritualist said.
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Teacher. “Why are you here?”
“To learn how to become a better Teacher,” The Teacher said.
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Religious Leader. “Why are you here?”
“To learn how to Teach the Love of Jesus to my Followers?”
I smiled. “You really should study Philosophy.”
“Tell me,” I said, pointing to the Pilgrim. “Why are you here?”
“I don’t know,” The Pilgrim said. “I seek something I cannot find.
“You should study Philosophy,” I replied.
Philosophy is the Manual for all of these things, and much more besides.
I often say “Words Matter.” But that has never been proven more than it was proven today. I am a Physicist. Many Scientists have told me that my work will have earned me a Future Nobel Prize for my work in Physics. I am an Ontological Physicist, a Psychological Physicist, and a Quantum Logician.
And when I listen to the Language of Spiritualists, I can’t understand most of what they are trying to say. As a Physicist, 90% of what they are saying is wrong according to Physics.
I went through the Spiritual Journey — as a Physicist — and I had the Language to translate my Experience with Logic, Psychological Physics, and Philosophy. By the time my Journey was complete, I required the Languages of every Discipline to explain it — and I did.
But what were Spiritualists trying to say?
Diving Mother?
Higher Frequency?
These words did not at all make any sense to a Physicist.
Herz? Do you mean Higher Herz? Now that makes sense. But Frequency?
And “Divine” and Chakras?
I am also a Linguist and an Archeologists of Ancient Greece, Mesopotamia, Persia, Iran and Iraq, Ancient Egypt, Rome, Great Britain and Scandinavia, and I was a student of Akkadian, Sumerian, Ancient Greek, Latin (Both Modern and Classic Latin) Philology, and PhiloPhysology.
I was currently working in Alchemy to study the Energy and Logic relationship with Physics and Words.
And I couldn’t understand Spiritualists.
I had tracked down their Language to the Following :
- Christian Mythology
- Gnosticism
- Romanian Marketing from Coney Island and New York City
- The Vedic Texts
- The Akashic Records and Ancient Babylon
- And John Milton’s, Paradise Lost
And I still could not understand them.
I then remembered I had the Fruit of Knowledge and Wisdom and knew how to Reverse Engineer… anything I want. So I did. I asked to know what India — one of the greatest Guru’s alive in the world today — knew. So I asked.
I felt my Mind shift into the Quantum Realm only… It didn’t take me to the realm of Quantum Logic or Quantum Psychology where I spent much of my time these days. It took me to another Quantum Realm. One I knew all too well.
“What am I doing here?” I thought. At first I was confused. I knew where I was. But why would my Ask bring me here?
I am also a Composer having composed 2 musicals at age 15 and an opera by age 18 in addition to Choral writing, Counterpoint, and a plethora of Irish Ballads.
I know Music. And I know Physics. While they are Similar they are NOT the same thing.
And then it dawned on me.
“Holy SHIT!” I said. “They aren’t in the Quantum Realm of Physics! They all are in the Quantum Realm of Music!”
And then I saw it and I understood.
They are all stuck on the Harmonic Line. They didn’t know that they were supposed to be reading the Melodic Line. Everything — all of my Confusion — Everything they all had said to me these last few years — All of the Abuse I had suffered from Spiritual People since 2021 suddenly all made very clear sense.
I felt Relief. And then I felt rage then anger.
I messaged my friend — Justin — and vented all of my hurt and rage, working my way through it all.
The Spiritual People found Quantum Music Theory. But they are so bad at Music that a Musician trained from a Master of Julliard could not understand them.
They were so Uneducated that the Spiritual People decided to seek answers in Quantum Physics… But they are so bad at Physics that a Physician and future Nobel Prize winner of my work in Physics could not understand them.
So I went into Psychology. While I Understood their Mental Illnesses and their Problems, I could still not understand what they were trying to Communicate.
So I went into Linguistics, Logic, Language, and Archeology. And still, I could not Understand them.
Spiritual People are so Uneducated that they came off as Insane to Psychologists who diagnosed them with Schizophrenia.
Can we all just take a moment to reflect on why Words Matter.