The Queen is Hosting a Challenge!
For Warriors, Knights, Pilgrim’s, Pirates, and Faeries!
All of whom seek to become…
The Queen’s Challengers!
When you were born, you were siphoned into an Assembly Line.
The Queen is hosting an Alternative to the Assembly Line!
We call it “Life.”
Life Challengers must be seeking their Courage for the journey will be hard and long.
They must persevere and endure.
They must desire — but are not required to have — Imagination and Creativity, Play and Games, Fun and Joy.
They must be in pursuit of Love, Truth, Freedom, Ethical Nobility, and The Honor of Knights.
They possess the spirit of The Knight for they will require The 12 Ethics.
The Spirit of The Philosopher for they will require Deep Thought.
The Spirit of the Warrior for they will Battle Demons and The Self.
The Spirit of The Pilgrim for the Journey will be long and hard.
The Spirit of the Pirate for they must not Conform and Live Free.
The Spirit of the Fae for they must Shift and adapt with Change.
The Spirit of the Child for they must Play, Make-Believe, and Imagine as they once did.
All who seek to become a Life Challenger, must arrive at
“The Virtual Forum of Alexandria.”
At the Forum, the Queen will receive Contenders. There they will receive their next set of Instructions.
There is no Deadline.
This Quest Activates the moment you choose to Accept it.
Spectators or those who desire to watch The Games should sign up here and will have the option to join later if they so choose.
PS – If you stumbled onto my Blog, this Quest is explained in greater detail in Chapter #18 of Into The Abstract : The Seidr Cycle, Book #1