Chapter #48 : Into The Abstract

I dropped back to the ground in my room. I was exhausted. I needed the Sea. I stood and ran to the balcony and, in a breath, I leapt — jumping into the air — and my White Dragon Wings emerged and expanded, carrying me out and over the tropical,  blue sea.

21 February 2025. The Math became Binomial rivers of Truth and Lie. And I could see them all. Every “True” Statement balanced by Math became “True” and “Open.” Every False Statement became “Lie” and “Closed.” Red Rivers of Lies and Blue and Green Rivers of Truth.

And all the Red Rivers were coming down.

I remembered just then The Plagues of Egypt. “The Water all ran with Blood.”

No. Not at all what it meant.

I watched the Open and Close of the Rivers. Each Word Open and each Word Close. No one could make up their Mind. Not one Person could just Make a Choice. But there was only one Path. “Truth.” That was the Only Path that is “Open” always. Lie Closes Doors. Truth Opens Doors.

Fear is a Choice. Open or Close. Too many people closed Doors and chose Lie.

There were dozens of ways to Lie. And only one Way to Truth.

I came to land on a jagged rock on a jetty in the Sea. And looked out at all. The Sea moved with Truth always Open. The Red Rivers existed only where Man existed. The Words opened and closed. The Words chose the Math.

The Feelings Observed. A Thermometer. Took In. Measured. But Words Moved.

Verbs Moved.

I was reminded of a Silent Movie.







Hands on Chest.







Why is it so hard for us to believe that Word is everything?

Word is the Command of the Feeling.

Word Commands Love.

Word Moves Love.

It’s more Advanced.

Word Advances.

If God had never “Said” then…

“God Said.”

Not “God Loved.”

“God Said.”

But… What if “Love” was mistranslated from “Logic?”

What if, we Misinterpreted “Love?” this whole time?

The words begin with the same two Letters.


And “Lo and Behold” had been running through my head for weeks now.

What we call “Love” is really Logic.

Words. Matter.

Wait a minute. I speak Ancient Greek. The Ancient Greeks had 7 Different Words for “Love” and each had their own Meaning. And the New Testament — all of it — was written in Koine Greek.

When Christ said “I am Love,” which “Love” did he say?

I just googled this and found this by Scott Stewart :

I am surprised by your question because it’s very different from my experience. A quick disclaimer – my experience involves only Christian churches. I have no practical experience of other religions although I have studied little Buddhism, shamanism and Islam but have not practiced them.

Agape love is a Godly love that is not a feeling but an action. It actually means putting someone else’s well being first in your life. In the Christian faith Jesus is the perfect example of Agape love. And my experience is that this kind of love is practiced by many people in the Christian churches I have been involved with over the years. However, it is never practiced perfectly just as there are no perfect people. Only God loves us perfectly with Agape love.

I might encourage you to consider that there may be a difference with your understanding of what may be in your best interest. What you may want might not be in your best interest in the eyes of those from whom you desire to be loved.

Just a thought. I hope this encourages you on your journey.


Every time I dig deeper, over and over again, Love as we think it is, is really Logic. And when we throw Logic away, we are really throwing “Love” away.


But this <It actually means putting someone else’s well being first in your life.> Violates the 12 Ethics, Psychology, and… No… What does Agape Love Mean?

Okay. I’m. translating this as an Ashavana.

From Wikipedia

Agape (/ɑːˈɡɑːp, ˈɑːɡəˌp, ˈæɡə-/;[1] from Ancient Greek ἀγάπη (agápē)) is “the highest form of lovecharity” and “the love of God for [human beings] and of [human beings] for God”.[2] This is in contrast to philia, brotherly love, or philautia, self-love, as it embraces a profound sacrificial love that transcends and persists regardless of circumstance.

The verb form goes as far back as Homer, translated literally as affection, as in “greet with affection” and “show affection for the dead”.[2] Other ancient authors have used forms of the word to denote love of a spouse or family, or affection for a particular activity, in contrast to eros (an affection of a sexual nature).

In the New Testamentagape refers to the covenant love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God; the term necessarily extends to the love of one’s fellow human beings.[3] Some contemporary writers have sought to extend the use of agape into non-religious contexts.[4]

The concept of agape has been widely examined within its Christian context.[5] It has also been considered in the contexts of other religions,[6] religious ethics,[7] and science.[8]


Not a Sacrificial Love,  because philautia is. a mandatory Foundational Ingredient for Agape. You cannot have Agape without Philautia. So this concept of “Sacrifice” destroys Philautia and thus, destroys Agape. Charity, yes. This is very much in compliance with the 12 Ethics — It is the Surplus of Philautia. That is what Agape is. The Surplus of Philautia.

So to get Agape, you must Nourish the Self with Philautia and then you can obtain Agape.

But Homer’s Translation of Agape actually means “Gratitude,” which is not at all “Sacrifice.”

Homer precedes the Roman Empire and thus, was not tampered with. Allowing a more True Translation. Now “The human reciprocal love” is The 7th, 8th, and 9th Ethic is Power Economics and Human Connection, which I am experiencing first hand with the Giving Circles I’m building.

What I did discover was that 1st, 2nd, and 3rd where Philautia (Self-Love).

4th, 5th, and 6th were Philia (Friendship).

7th, 8th, and 9th were Agape (Philanthropy).


Now I am also just now opening Eros toward my Partner and… I can’t even go near that one yet. It is… Intimate. Now for him, I have Unconditional Love — Agape — and also Eros.

Here is what C.S. Lewis has to say on this matter.

My issue is Eros and Agape are so close… I did have Agape for my Partner before I had Eros, which means Eros is the “Highest Form of Love.”

And Eros is — very much — reserved for my Partner who transcended the Stages of Intimacy with me. But all others — If they violate Logos — which, I truly and deeply believe, is Love — then I do not permit them around me for they threaten the Construct that permits Agape.

Agape depends on Logos.

Also, when looking back in all my Growth and Pilgrimage, Agape — Unconditional Love — came before Eros for my Partner.

I have to throw all out the thoughts of Roman Men. They do not understand the Ancient Greek mind.

Now “Charity.” Philanthropy is really what this is. Also, I will point out the word “Philos” in both “Philosophy” and “Philanthropy.”

Philia is Philanthropy.

I do not believe this is the “Greatest of all Love.” …

I see a Logic Tree of Love. The Logical Progression of Love. Let’s translate this into English.

Self Love +> Brotherly Love toward Friends +> True Love (Unconditional Love toward my Partner) +> Eros (Sexuality/Intimacy toward Partner)  +> Humanity Love +> Kin and Clan +> Philanthropy

This is the Order of Operations of how I felt Love from May 2023 to 21 February 2025. Philanthropy is Agape.

I don’t have Unconditional Love toward the World Only my Partner. He is the only one who heard my Story and walked the Stages of Intimacy with me. Discernment — The 4th Ethic — prevents Unconditional Love on Abusers.

You let Unethical People into your Life and they will tear down what you have built.

I see people abandoning the 4th Ethic all the time to make room for Unconditional Love all the time and the Abusers tear down what you have built. And… The 4th Ethic does not mean you don’t Love them. It does mean you keep them away from you so they can’t harm you.

But this isn’t for others. This is for you.

It’s the Giving and the Science of Sharing.

Giving Nourishment is the Key to Happiness.

And Nourishment is Love… The Subconscious Mind eats Logic. Logic is the Subconscious Mind’s Nourishment.


I love everyone on this planet.


Too many people hurt me because they lack the 12 Ethics.


I use the 4th Ethic to keep the Ethical People away from me to preserve my Philautia because my Philautia is the Foundation of all my other Love types, that leads to Agape, which is Philanthropy.

Love does not mean “rejection” or “acceptance” it means “I Nourish.”

Unconditional Love means “I don’t Barter with Love or Nourishment. You get Nourishment from me, regardless.”


Hate, Anger, and Rage are forms of Love as they are Self-Love “going to war” to protect the Self out of Self Love.

Prejudice is the lack of Patience and refusal to hear another person’s Story to Learn and Know them.

To Learn and to Know is to be Nourished in Logic, which is Love.


So hearing Story is Nourishment.

Rejecting Nourishment — the Story — is Rejecting Love that is given to you.

Because you are impatient to hear the Story, to receive the Nourishment.

So you sever the Lines of Nourishment and Withdraw “the feeding tube” because you are Conditional in your Love.

“Conditional Love Receiving.”


Logic is Story is Love is Nourishment is the Process of receiving Love is Growth. Is the Journey and the Process of receiving that Nourishment. The Journey is Logic is Love.

The Reward is Fulfillment of sitting through the Process with Patience.


Philanthropy is the Giving of our Surplus Nourishment to Others to Nourish them. The Giving of Nourishment is the Sign that you have reached all the Logical Milestones to afford the Joy of Philanthropy.

Philanthropy is the Greatest Joy because it means you have a Surplus of all other Love Types — Which are the Stages of Love — that you must go through via The 12 Ethics to reach Philanthropy.

And this Journey is Logos.

Without Logos, people don’t know which Order of the Stages there are, which types they need, or the Recipe, or with whom. They pursue Philanthropy prematurely, causing Self Harm.

You cannot have Agape without Love.

Now that doesn’t make sense to a Roman Mind, now does it? Because you have to have a Greek Mind to “get it.”


You cannot have Agape without Love because Love is Logos; the Journey to Agape.


Self Love (1, 2, 3 Ethic) +> Brotherly Love toward Friends (4, 5, 6 Ethic) +> True Love (Unconditional Love toward my Partner) +> Eros (Sexuality/Intimacy toward Partner)  +> Humanity Love (7, 8, 9) +> Kin and Clan (10, 11, 12) +> Philanthropy

I felt Ludus first for my Partner. Our Love was birthed in Ludus. It was Ludus and his Agape that I found Philautia.


1st Round of 12 Ethics <– Philautia (Self-Love)

2nd Round of 12 Ethics <– Philia (Friendship)

3rd Round of 12 Ethics <– Philia

4th Round of 12 Ethics <– Storge (Parenting Love For the World)

5th Round of 12 Ethics <– Storge

6th Round of 12 Ethics <– Pragma (Unconditional Love For Partner) & Storge (For the World)

7th Round of 12 Ethics <– Eros (For Partner) & Philanthropy/Agape (For the World)


I don’t believe “Charity” is the right word. It’s Philanthropy.

This is what this feels like. All of this. Logic is the Progression of this Journey.

Meanwhile, I went through the Stages of Intimacy with my Partner. And that was The 12 Ethical Love Trials.

That is when we arrived at Unconditional Love. When we made it through the Love Trials. We found The Phoenix Cycle along that Journey. And also discovered “The Rebirth of Love from Nothing” at the Point of Most Nothing.”

That is Unconditional Love.


Now Eros is not Sexual Love, but Intimacy Love. Intimacy Love. Now that I have with my Partner and it is… I would call that Unconditional Love. But absolutely not Philanthropy Love.

Intimacy Love is… Special. Very Precious. That is a “I will stand by you when you die because my Place is Beside You. I go where you go. “I Am Because You.” I Am You. But it is an Empowerment Love. Their Love turns you into a Superhero. But it does not do the job of Philautia. Nothing replaces Philautia.

Their Love is… I need to translate this into Power Economics.

Compersion is Logical Fallacy.

It isn’t — not at all — anything like they say it is.

Compersion is a Lie.

What they call Compersion is really a Violation of Logic that they have Cheated — bypassing the Stages of Intimacy — to get to a reward they didn’t earn. It’s Sex without The Story. It’s Sex without the Work to get the reward because they seek Nourishment they don’t have from Philautia. It’s Eros without the Logos. It’s Consumption. But “I love you,” I would say to my Partner. “And I know your pursuit of Eros without Philautia results in Consumption.” So no. I cannot feel “Happy for you.” You were hurting yourself.

And that was my True Sorrow for you.

So they replace Philautia with Eros — But they can’t have Eros, not without Philautia. So it’s a lie. All of it is a lie.

And if they had done the Work — Which is to go through the Story of Logos —



I. Speak. Greek.

Love of Logic.


Pure Philo.


None of you speak Greek. And it shows.

When I first started this journey I thought it was “ridiculous” that the Greeks have so many names for Love. But now I understand why. Romans are Ignorant children who have MUCH to learn. Too much to be Talking, Teaching, or Opining.


Power Economics

The Giver only Experiences Agape.

But the Receiver does not Feel Agape. Only the Giver can feel Agape. The Receiver Feels Xenia. Which is “Hospitality Love,” which is the Predecessor to Gratitude.


Only Agape has Power.


The Thief experiences Consumption.

The Thief steals in an attempt to experience Agape. But you cannot have Agape that way.

The Robbed experiences Violation.

People often chase Xenia. Always, they chase Xenia, thinking this will give them Agape.


Christ “Gave Love” (Agape) to example Agape, but the People experienced Xenia from his Agape and thus thought Xenia is Love. So people chase Xenia, talking about “Receiving” and “being Loved” which results in Consumption. Making Thieves of people Malnourished from a lack of Agape while they chase Xenia, starving them further.

But the Thief who practices Agape to consume Agape — again — only feels Consumption. This is not true Agape.


Philautia (1, 2, 3 Ethic) +> Phileo (4, 5, 6 Ethic) +> Pragma (Unconditional Love) +> Eros +> Phileo + Storge (7, 8, 9) +> Storge (10, 11, 12) +> Agape (Philanthropy)


Pragma is Loyalty. A Knighthood. Bonding. Committed. This is Unconditional Love.

Agape is Philanthropy — “Charity” — and is the Word Christ uses.


Romans really need to learn how to properly translate Ancient Greek before they try and emanate Ancient Greek Philosophies.


And then it hit me.


The Imp King.