Chapter #37 : Into The Abstract

I lost all I had written here. My computer crashed and I lost my morning written progress. This is a hard reality every Author lives with.

The Apprentice Author cries and panics. The Master Author knows there is a lot more where that came from.

I had talked about how sore my body was and how much I was now becoming aware of “The Frostbite” my body had had up to now. And how much it was now “waking up.”


I wrote this article :


When I first learned how to Reverse Engineer New Disciplines, I had no idea what I had really stepped into.

This Skill is one my 30+ Years in Ancient Greek Philosophy “unlocked” in me.

Authors won’t find it.

Linguists won’t find it.

Scientists won’t find it.

Psychologists won’t find it.

Philosophers won’t find it.

Musicians won’t find it.

Economists won’t find it.

But Readers who are Linguists, Scientists, Psychologists, Philosophers, Musicians, and Economists who have a passion for Logic WILL.

  1. Psychological Physics.
  2. Power Economics.
  3. Integrated Mathematics.
  4. Atomic Health.
  5. Wisology : The Science of Knowledge and Education
  6. Ontological Physics.
  7. Quantum Logic.

Storiology, Oralstorian, These too are also here. Jediology is where I am now with Alchemy. But Alchemy is not at all what people think it is.

These are all the Art-Sciences that lay beyond Cognitive Biology, which is my Mastery.

Biology — turns out according to Wisology — is an Academic Cradle.

The greatest challenge I had in delivering these New Academic Disciplines to the World was presenting the Complex Logical Order in a way that they would understand.

I made my way around the World. A Psychologist from Kenya — One of the greatest I have ever had the privilege of knowing — found me. After studying my work, he presented it to the head of Psychology — without a doubt, the best Psychologists in the world.

The reviewed my work in Psychological Physics — backed by the Empirical Evidence in Physics and the A Priori Evidence that my work presented, and it passed Peer Review with flying colors.

“Irrefutable Fact” they said, and immediately handed me 1,000+ Psychologists to begin training.

I’m a Scientist, a Philosopher, and have been deemed by the Head of Psychology in Kenya as “The Authority” on Psychological Physics. My work is taking off. I’ve written 11 Books in Wisology — a term no one truly understands yet — Wisology is The Science of Knowledge and Education — All Teachers should be Philosophers.

It is my Professional Deduction that Educators are the cause of the Mental Illness in this world.

My work reveals the Natural Educational System embedded during Gestation into the Cognitive Core of the Subconscious Mind, which is located in The Mitochondria. The Subconscious Mind is the “Living Report” on the Cellular and Atomic Health of our Cells and Atoms for Production of our DNA.

This is proven with A Priori Evidence. The Empirical Evidence is not available on this… yet.

Education is Pre-requisitional and also Mother Nature “activates” our Learning in a very Precise and Mathematical Order to prepare the Foundation for our next Discipline.

Each Discipline is a Dependent of the one after it.

Each Discipline is an Independent of the one that comes before it.

Every Discipline contains its Science, its Story, and its Art. The Sage of every Discipline is the Master who has Mastered the Science, the Story, and the Art — and has Integrated them — into The Discipline.

Music has Art, Story, and Science.

Chemistry has Art, Story, and Science.

This is Quantum Logic and Wisology.

Why does this matter to you? Because if you are going to fix your education and prevent the same situation from happening to your child, you need to know that you’re missing crucial Academic Disciplines that are required to properly build your Logical Comprehension.

These missing pieces to your Education creates something in Psychological Physics that we call “Comprehension Gap.” ← This is what causes Insanity.

Comprehension Gaps are the “Dropped Stitches” in your Logic, which builds your Perspective, your Reality, your understanding, Language Skills, and your Mental Health. Oh! It also builds your DNA.

How many Comprehension Gaps can you have before you experience Logical Grid-Lock? That is what everyone has. Logical Grid-Lock. It’s a lot like the Mental Version of Lock Jaw. It also causes Mental Diabetes and Mental Auto-Immune Disease.

Comprehension Gaps are dangerous. And most everyone in America has it.

There are no Science Journals that exist for my work. They don’t exist. Some of the Science Journals that do exist are built on False Logic and are 100% incompatible with my Work.

A Science Journal is built on a Logic Line. Every Publication builds on that Logic Line. But if the Logic Line is incorrect, you have to disprove the Logical Fallacy IF — and only if — the People allow you to. When Logic disproves the Belief of Mainstream, Mainstream will think more about the Economy, their Jobs, the Invested years they spent on False Education, and this Logic will activate their Self-Preservation System.

Now they have Confirmed Bias in reviewing my Work.

As I made multiple attempts to deliver my work to NIMH, WHO, and to Mad In America, all of them ignored it, shelved it, and dismissed it. I call this The Truth vs. Self-Preservation Paradox.

I can’t contend with that.

So I stopped arguing with America and went International where I was received with the highest of honors.

I am at an impasse. Do I leave America alone and let it sink itself? Do I beat on their. doors trying to get in and be heard?

I’ve witnessed Thomas Sewell — for 30 Years — beating on that same door and he still hasn’t gotten in.


Unless the people take matters into their own hands and finally decide to step outside of their own Self-Inflicted Imprisonment, nothing will change for them.

The Educational System they were given was — in Truth — Mental Poison that has shut down their Natural Educational System so severely, that they can’t even care that they’re The Walking Dead. And they are.

America is The Walking Dead.

For two years, I tried to give this knowledge to the United States. They didn’t want it. Everyone who was in a position to help them, didn’t. I’ve written to Michelle Obama, to Kamala Harris, to Native American Leaders, to NIMH, to WHO, to Mad In America…

No response. NIMH told me to “apply for a job” and recommended some PTSD websites. WHAT!? Can they even READ?

America is already Dead and they don’t know it.

I gave this information to people in Kenya, and their country ignited into a passion I’ve never seen. They rose into action and they immediately built the Groups — they did things I hadn’t even thought of yet. And they are rolling out the plan.

And — in just 30 days — I’ve seen my work there spread, changing the Society into a Healthy Team like I have never seen.

It may be too late for America. I’m not seeing any hope for it.

Canada is on board. Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Uganda are also on Board. In 5 Years, their Educational Systems will be far superior to the US.

The US is run by Invisible Prison Warden and Slave Masters in the disguise of “Authority.” And they have done an excellent job. Everyone is a very good and obedient Slave. While people complain, they do the work. So long as you do the work. That is all the Slave Masters care about.

Americans live in terror of not doing the work.

I know what this is. “As it is on one level. So it is on all levels.”

What has happened to the US, is exactly what happens in a Single Mental Mind that refuses to “Open.” It refuses to Trust. It refuses to have Courage. It has no Self-Authority.

So the Individual “Closes” and Isolates. In Biology, we call this Cell Apoptosis. Look it up.

“As it is on one level. So it is on all levels.”

I won’t be making it through to the People at the top. They are the Invisible Prison Warden and Slave Masters in the disguise of “Authority.”

Too many people who can make a difference won’t because of The Truth vs. Self-Preservation Paradox.

The only ones who I can get through to are the handful of Americans who aren’t The Walking Dead. That’s really it. I’m looking for the Rick Grimes still alive in the Zombie World. — Oh. Sorry. Walker World.

I have little hope for America. In two years, I have found only four Americans who can actually understand anything I’m saying. Three of them cares enough to take Action. All Three of them — like myself — have left America. Like me, they too couldn’t get through. Because Americans don’t know how to Turn their Dead Minds back on. You should be scared. But most people who read this won’t be. They’re Minds are too “Dead” and that is why they can’t get scared… and also why they should.

A side effect of The “Walking Dead Disorder” America currently has.

Bottom line. Mental Illness is Highly Contagious and is Highly Lethal. More than 98% of Americans have it. And I have the Antidote. But I can’t even get through to anyone to even understand me. Because they are all in the Late Stages of Mental Illness.

I am Legion.

I really do think it’s too late for America. I do hope someone in America proves me wrong.


100% of everything written here is proven with Logic, Math, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. It is simple Truth and has already been adopted by the World’s Leading Professionals.

If you want to learn more, sign up for our Tuesday Zoom Meetings “Wake Up America” at 11:00 AM EST

End Article


And then I wrote this article



I wrote this phrase in my last article and it was so spot on to hitting the nail on the head, I couldn’t leave it there.

I have weekly meetings with my people, Canada and Michigan, and Florida. And we talk about what we can do about America.

Yesterday, my peep, Justin, voice messaged me about how bad it all was. He had been taking my classes on Psychological Physics and he had “The Awareness Strike.”

The Awareness Strike is a Logical Deduction the Subconscious Mind Natural draws when it has certain bits of data to fill in the Comprehension.

Those “Anchor Points” of Data — I call them Knowledge Nuggets — are the Catalyst for Common Sense to be born.

  1. This can ONLY occur with Truth. No Lies can do this.

I know how to strategically place Knowledge Nuggets to trigger the birth of Common Sense. I’ve seen this a million times.

He called me up in a panic.


I had finally learned not to let their panic carry me off with them. I stabilized and calmly replied.

“Yes. Calm. It’s already done. I already have the Solution, the Answers, the Plan, and it’s already in Motion. I needed you to “catch up.” Now that you are, I can tell you the rest of the Plan.”

I spent the rest of the day filling him in with The Plan and what we already had in place.

“I need a World Class Tech Team. I need a World Class Marketing Team. I need a World Class PR Team. — I may already have that — I need The Engineer.”

The person who can actually assemble this and build it.

I have the Blue Prints and the Team. I have the Scientists and the Think Tank in place. I have My Poiotestat! A Poiotestat is an Alchemist’s tool for measuring Psychology, Effectiveness in Education, Health, Chemistry, Biology, Truth, Logic, and Quality all in one. I built it with Math 🙂 I love my Poiotestat.

I teach it to others so they too can use My Poiotestat.

According to the Poiotestat, America is The Walking Dead.



There is Hope. There is Hope. I know you’ve heard it before. By Liars and False Authority. So you broke down and you submitted to the lowest place of Human Suffering because you don’t think there is Hope.

But… There is one Story you never heard before.

Love — True Love — is A Phoenix. It is the only thing in the World that is Birthed from Nothing. But you have to reach the Point of Most Nothing. And it has to be True Love.

Hope is that Love.

Everything you did before didn’t work because you did not have all The Academic Disciplines.

Because you did not have a Poiotestat. Or anyone who knew about any of this. But now you do. Today — this moment right here — is now different from everything you have ever known before.

Because now — we don’t “think.” And we don’t “Guess.” We KNOW. We KNOW. And they lied to you. They told you that they did know before — But they did not. They had too much Mental Illness and Shame to admit that they — after all their education and learning — they still did not know.

And so their Shame and Mental Illness and Arrogance hid the fact that they did not at all know.

And they Taught you anyway and that broke your Trust.

“If I can’t Trust my Parents, my Teachers, my World Leaders… So many people have lied to me… Who can I trust?”

Logic. Proof. Logic is the Science of Proof. Logic builds Trust. You trust Truth. Before I do anything else, I will teach you HOW to find your own Truth so you can Trust — this is The Poiotestat.

It begins with Simple Logic and Common Sense. That builds into Proof. And then you have the birth of Truth. And that is what you Trust. You build The Truth — Logic and Proof at a Time. And it does not at all take long to do.

Your Subconscious Mind is hardwired to do this.

But you need True Love, Courage, Self-Authority — (Those three ingredients give you Trust) — And then you use Logic and Simple Common Sense to build Truth from Logic. Logic will show you what True Love, Courage, and Self-Authority will Intuitively tell you.

And when you combine Logic, Truth, Love, Courage, and Self-Authority, you get Freedom.

But I need you to care. I need you to care enough about you — I need you to care about you as much as I care about you.

Read that line again.

I am not asking you to trust me. I am asking you to trust Logic so you can build your own Truth Anchor. And then I will teach you how to use that Truth Anchor to Measure the Liars from the Truth Speakers — So then you will know who to Trust.


If you want to learn more, sign up for our Tuesday Zoom Meetings “Wake Up America” at 11:00 AM EST

End Article


And then I came back here and I’m… pensive.

I had written out — prior to the articles — a whole “thing” on My Daily Goals.

Personal Goals :

Dream Goals :

Social Goals :

I had written out how much I wanted to dig out this Logical Fallacy I had that was preventing me from… It was holding me back. I felt it. I knew it. I was Holding Back.

I didn’t want to hold back anymore. I was more than “cautious.” I was shut down and scared.

I was scared of Prejudice.

I was scared of not being understood by people who would not tolerate the length of my story.

I knew I had to…

Okay. In all honestly. I was watching One Piece last night — Episode 1,028 — And the Instructions Luffy was given on his Ryo Power… That. It was the same thing I needed to learn how to do.

It was a literal Walkthrough.

Only… I didn’t want to punch someone. I wanted to Nourish them.

I had been thinking about it all night and this morning.

It was the Passing the Spirit on to another.

“Caring about you as much as I care about you.”

I had much to think about.