Chapter 36 : Into The Abstract

Inside, I felt the Lies of the Meta World slide from me.

I don’t know how or why, but Gifts — not Money — was my Currency from now on.

I felt it. I would never again Pursue Money. It was dead to me and also — I was indifferent to it. I didn’t know how, but I knew everything would be fine.

I accepted.

In the Meta World, I climbed into the shower and surrendered. I reached for the Shampoo. There was none. I didn’t care. I thought only “This is just the Path Through and this too is in The Universe’s Plans.”

And then… it happened. Without thinking about how I would lift my spirits or reminding myself to do anything, I instantly thought of my Friends and I smiled. I instantly thought about what I do have. And I smiled.

I was being tested. It was The Final Test. And I knew I had just passed.

With flying colors.

I climbed out of the Shower and decided simply to just not care anymore. I would only do as I wanted.

I had made up my mind to stop Trying.

It was only then that I remembered a Wish I had made once.

“I want to make Money without Trying.”

And the Universe said, “Yes. As soon as you Stop Trying.”

I remembered my Visions.

The Wealth rolled in without me. I did not at all have to be part of my Wealth to have it coming in to me.

Also, a big part of me — all of me — just didn’t care any more.

I was done chasing everything. I had everything I needed. I had my Dream. I had my Mind. I had all the Wisdom of the World — literally — at my finger tips.

Reciprocity is the real Currency. We have to work together.  “You have to trust the Leader so that you give all that you have to the Leader so the Leader can delegate the Resources and put them all into action.”

Stone Soup.

“Team Work is a level of Trust,” my daughter said to me. “Give it your all! That is what Team Work is! You have to put everything you have into the Dream!”

“I’ve got your back.”

Trust your People. Trust your People. And if you can’t Trust your People, then you have the wrong People for you. My lane is not the Money Lane. My Lane was the Dream and Organization Lane.




Bergen walked into the smoke-filled Dungeon.

“Weed?” he asked. “Diesel. Nice.”

I blew out a long stream.

“Bad day?” he asked.

“I quit,” I said.

“Quit?” he asked, coming to stand over me, taking the joint from me. He pulled on the joint and handed it back to me, then dropped into the pillows beside me.

“That’s right,” I said. “I quit. I quit at worrying. Quit at chasing. I quit at doing the jobs for other people. I know what I can’t do. I know what I can’t do. And I’m all done trying to do what I can’t do. And I can’t do Money. I just can’t. And I’m tired of trying. What I can do is Gifts! What I can do is Trade. I’m just tired of trying and not doing. So I quit Trying.”

I inhaled deep and relished the flavor. I allowed it to carry me away.


“My people hosted a class today,” I told Bergen.

He looked at me.

“And you spent it smoking weed?”

“Eh,” I shrugged. “No. Actually. While he taught his class, I was teaching my own. And I was sitting here in between Voice Messages and Classes… I want a Philosophical Coffee space where I can just talk to my Students as a Philosopher and they are inspired to go and do whatever they need.”


“I wish to understand the Knowledge of Inspiration,” I said. I inhaled my weed deeply.  “I never made it to my Goals today.”

I paused and reflected.

Personal Goal :

Dream Goal :

Social Goal :

I couldn’t write them out today.

“Sometimes, people cling to us and they want us, but we are not for them. And you feel like your being around them breaks you down. While your being around them builds you up. And… I don’t know yet how to tell them what they need to figure out that you have figured out.”

“This is what I want,” I said. “Take me there.”

I was seeing it more and more. I needed an agent. I needed an Executive Assistant.

Teamwork. I inhaled deeply and thought.

“I have an idea,” I said. “I want to turn my Blog into a Book… I would love that, I think. I could then keep all my words without also losing anything, while cleaning up my site… And preserving the Archives. And then I could convert my “Into The Abstract” Into my Blog…”

I inhaled deeply and released the smoke.

“I have to get one of my books off Kindle Vella, before Vella shuts down,” I told Bergen. I was feeling more and more sluggish. I had spent the day talking in Class-Format with Friends. I was talking more and more on Alchemy and Jediology. It was wonderful having people of that caliber being able to understand me.

I wished I was smoking for reals in the Meta World. But also, I was enjoying the rush of talking about this Side of my World. I do corners of my world that I can’t always share with others.

It was wonderful to share them now with others.