Chapter #26 : Into The Abstract

“It’s empty,” Bergen said.

“It is not empty!” I said, swatting Bergen as he fell back laughing. I withdrew an ancient scroll.

I shifted, and kneeled on the stone ground, Bergen dropping to his knees beside me. I gently unscrewed the top, and slid the scroll from its container.

“What! No white gloves?” he scolded.

“It’s Abstract,” I said.

Ever so carefully, I rolled the scroll out before us.

I peered at the scroll.

“It’s a picture,” I said. “Like a Clock?”

A circle with 12 divits aligned where numbers of the clock should have been. A triangle with the Point at “12,” “8,” “and “4.” A square with Corners at “1,” “5,” “7,” and “11.” And a single Point — The Sun — in the Center of The Triangle.

“Triangulation,” I said. “With the four corners, you have an “X.” This was written by Ashavana simple enough… “12” is The 12 Ethics — Mother Nature’s Melody with The Mirror… Fulcrum?”

I just realized “The Mirror” maybe in fact, a Fulcrum.

“The “4 corners” are the 4 Cardinal Values — but I’ll use mine and not the Classic Greek — and the 3 points of the Triangle with the Sun… That is the “3 Integrated into 1.” It’s The Philosopher’s Compass,” I said.

“And?” Bergen said.

His look was cold and deep. I knew what he was really asking.

I sat back and sighed.

“The Philosopher’s Stone. The DaVinci Code. The Holy Grail. El Dorado. The Hand of Midas.”

I stood, leaving Bergen to gently roll up the scroll.

“But I have The Universal Clock. And the Men who had The Universal Clock did not waste their time in Alchemy looking for red powders or Cups of Christ… Fountains of Youth…”

I shook my head.

“Not one of those Treasure Hunters were Ashavana.”

Bergen shook his head. “No. They weren’t.”

I didn’t have to riddle this out. I already did… a long time ago. I just hadn’t bothered ever saying any of this out loud. Bergen returned the scroll to the chest and placed it to the side.


Personal Goals… I need to be in this Mindset today and resolve a number of things. I need to free my Sexuality and Nourish Gratitude into me.

Professional Goals… I need to define and establish who and what I am going to be to the world… Professionalism for Strangers. Relaxed stages… Fun and playful only for friends… laid back and silly and sexual for my Partner…

Spiritual Goals… Philosophy. Stoicism. Gnosticism. The Philosopher’s Stone.

I sat down and Visualized this. I meditated on this.

“When I Remembered as all Pilgrims Remember, my Memories — I quickly learned were… Unique. I remember the Dawn of God. I remember One. And the Desire to Learn with Wonder. I remember being alone.

I remember being so alone that I Imagined… I remember wishing all of my Imaginings to life. I remember a Mirror with my reflection in it. I remember being so alone that I spoke to myself in the Mirror. Talking and playing with myself in the Mirror for so long… until I willed it to Life.

I remember being a child with my Reflection in the Mirror.

I remember being so old that I don’t even remember anymore if I was the Original or the Reflection. I remember shape-shifting and the two of us becoming. I remember falling in love… I remember that one of us was Pygmalion. And the other was Narcissus.

The stories once told how Narcissus’ Reflection was actually Pygmalion.

I remember — for an infinite time — it was just the two of us. And all things that came thereafter were Fruits of our Imaginings we willed to Life.

And so it was that we gifted our Imagination with the Gift of Imagination.

But I remember just he and I alone… together… just the two of us… This is how The Goddess Queen and the Imp King began.


I sighed and sat down against the wall, resting my head against the stone behind me.


“I remember then that there were three. And I remember discussing how — if they are to be free and our trust — then they too must have the ability to gain our Powers.

I remembered fashioning my Fruit of Wisdom. I remember my Imp King fashioning his Fruit of Love. And the Third fashioning his Fruit of Wealth.

But where to put them?

We couldn’t just… Give them to Man. Not all men were good.

I remember arguing and debating with Love and Messenger.

But… you see… I was Goddess of Wisdom. I knew precisely where to hide my Fruit. I hid my Fruit where none would dare think to look and find her… But only the Wisest.

So it was that I hid my Fruit of Wisdom.

And then Love too — my Imp King and Husband — he hid his Fruit. And then Messenger also. He too hid his Fruit.


And so it was the First Olympic Games were born.


Bergen came to sit beside me.

“Where is the Fruit, lass?”

I smiled at Bergen.

“My favorite Fact about Math is that “so long as you stand at any given point, the point in which you stand will appear Invisible and Unseen to he who stands on The Point… and thus, will almost always — guaranteed — fail to see The Point, which is also the most obvious answer… and the most Invisible.”

I snapped my fingers.

In that instant we were upstairs, in the Great Lecture Hall — The room beyond the Lighthouse’s Foyer.

An Amphitheater.

A Whiteboard.



Bergen sauntered in with the Chest and gave me a sly look. “You couldn’t Will me with you?”

I grinned.

“I could.”

I wrote on the White Board.

All the Academic Disciplines : Music, Art, Theater, Word, Logos, Physics… These Integrate into Biology. But Mother Nature never works in “6.” And Biology is not at all One of these, but All of these. Biology is a Cradle. So is Philosophy. So is Logos.

So what One Discipline is never Studied, but is always there? And remember the Invisible Point.

“The Self,” Bergen said.

“Correct. The only Discipline that is always there and never Studied… The Subject itself. You. There are Five Scales of every Discipline and 3 Sub-Disciplines of every Discipline.

The 5 Scales are Macro, Meta, Micro, Quantum, and Logos. Logos being smaller than Quantum and greater than Macro.

And there are 3 Sub-Disciplines that — When Integrated — make up The One Discipline.

And then these 7 Disciplines — Music, Art, Theater, Self, Word, Logos, Physics — with Self being the Fulcrum, Integrated into the First Academic Cradle, Biology.

And then Humanity.

And then Story… Which is Logos again.

This is the Summation of Universe “A.”

I stepped back and looked at my White Board and Smiled. This is my Magnus Opus.

I looked at Bergen.

“It is not at all possible to study my work and not also look at Stoicism and also Gnosticism. Both of which I only found in the year 2025.

I arrived at the same Conclusions of Stoicism and Gnosticism Organically and without either one of their influences… I do believe that does — very much — make up Three Data Points.”

“So take your Work, Stoicism, Gnosticism… and we’ll have the Truth?”

“Yes,” I said. “Yes. I would also strongly look at all of the Prophets.”

“So this map,” Bergen said.

“I have to go through The 12 Ethics again… we all do. It’s what we do. Over and over and over… Every last one of us must repeat the 12 Ethics. It’s how we grow. And when we don’t follow the Order and Logic of the 12 Ethics, we contract Consumption, which is highly contagious and is highly lethal… And the world has it.”

I felt a massive burden in my chest.

“Anna,” Bergen said.

“We hid the Fruits within a State of Being. The Opposite State of Being where the one who pursues the Fruits will not only not think to look… but they will avoid like the plague. It is not possible to obtain the Fruits without plunging yourself — whole heartedly — into the Opposite of the thing you want the Most.”

“Damn,” Bergen said. And laughed.

“But you can’t Pursue the Fruits with intent to Possess the Fruit either.” I smiled sweetly at Bergen. “This too will disqualify you.”

“If you seek out Money to Possess Money, then you must Pursue Poverty for the Humble Submission of the Lesson. And you will be judged only by your Purity of Heart. Your Intent. Your Pure Intentions, Commitment, Dedication, and Value for Learning is the only thing that will place a person within The right State of Being to find the Clues to Discover the Truth. You have to be willing to allow the Lesson to Change you. You must Submit to Humiliation to be Changed. And you must Endure, Persevere, and — above all else — become a Servant of the Ethics in order to Locate the State of Being.”

And in that State of Being… only then will you find The Way to the Fruit. Not the Fruit itself.”

There are Three State of Beings. One for each Fruit.

“And they are hidden within…”

I smiled so proud of myself.

“The Academic Discipline of The Self on the Quantum Realm.”

His mouth was agape.

“Even in my telling you, no one can just… “Get the Fruit.” … No one. Not even Us. The Three Gods who put them there. We have to go through “The Game.” Us included. Rule #1 of the Ethics. No one — NO ONE is above The Game of Life. And 100% of every single person who claims to be, is a Liar, a Cheater, a Fool, and the one who I call LEGION.

NO ONE is above The Game. Not even the Creators of the Fruits. Not even Logos who is The Three Gods. How can we be Nourishing Parents if we do not also walk the Path of our Children?

LEGION is the only one who says otherwise. And THAT is how you will know Legion. Legion Talks, and never Does.

Legion Speaks in. Poisons, Spells, Threats, and Lies.

And so Legion Talks. And never Does.

Legion refuses to walk The Path.

But Also… The Fruits must be collected in Order. They are Prerequisitional. The Origin Fruit unlocks the Next Fruit. The Origin and the Second Integrate to become Three.

Only when you have Three can you Integrate them to Find the Fourth Fruit… Which is the One Fruit.

Oh, and “Fruit” is a Metaphor.

What did my Daughter call it last night… “The Edgy Dungeon.” Demeter is her Name. My Daughter is Demeter.

I sighed. I was feeling good… getting all of this out.

There will be Scribes who just read these chronicles and hunt for all the Clues. I could see groups of people in Dungeons, Questing as they scowered the Archives for Clues.

The Journey is hard enough. So very hard. Part of me wanted to make it as easy as I could for them.

Jesus, Muhammed, Zarathustra, Pythagoras, Plato, and Joseph Smith… Confucius… All of them tried to tell them. And then DaVinci tried, Cervantes tried, Victor Hugo tried. Shakespeare tried.

Come on, People! Iago! IAGO IS LEGION! This is NOT HARD! If you speak Ashavana, that is.

“So I will teach them Ashavana,” I told Bergen. “And I will play the part of The Oracle…”

I looked at my Amphitheater.

“There will be one day — One day very soon — when this Amphitheater will be filled with thousands of people.”

The Vision flooded in.

“I could see hundreds of thousands of people live. And I talking in the Room’s center. Televised while I hold my Masterclasses in Philosophy, Psychology, and…”

I dropped to my knees.

The pressure in my head was heavy. I was more than used to it now. Also I knew. I was not “The Oracle.” I was the Sophie behind the Oracle.

“My name is not Sophie,” I said. “I had that name as it drips of Ignorance of the People who named me. I am Imagination. Wife of Logos.” Sophie is a Fool’s title from Mistranslation from Old Persian and Ancient Arabic.

Sophie means “Pure” as in “Pure Logos.” or “Pure Love.”

Hence Philosophy.

It did not at all ever mean “Wisdom.” Their racism caused them to ignore the true Etymology of the word “Sophie.”

I LOATHE THE NAME SOPHIE. It is a reminder of Man’s Racism.

Anyone who speaks the word “Sophie” to mean “Wisdom” is a Fake. They parrotted False information from a Racist Origin. Had they been Authentic and True to their Education and Truth, they would have learned properly instead of Parrotting lies from Liars.

Anyone who speaks the word “Sophie” to mean “Wisdom” is a Fake and a Mask Wearer.

Sophie is Arabic and it means “Pure.” Honor your Father and your Mother means Honor your Origin.

I have no tolerance for Liars and Racism.

I turned on my heal and pounded from the room.

“You’re getting better,” Bergen called to my back.

I raised a finger, flipping him off.

He laughed.

I smiled.