My dream opened today.
Wait! I’ve got it!
This is definitely an “episode” of Philosophical Coffee.
Sometimes, I feel like I am an Episode of Kramer TV on Seinfeld… That I am living inside a Rick and Morty Episode, which I am living every day.
That about sums up my life.
There are no words — yet — that truly can explain the experience of going from the Inside Point of View to the Outside Point of View.
It’s a living “Pleasantville.”
When we learn, we are moving from the Outside Point of View into the Inside.
Teachers are trying — and often failing — to guide the Student through the Outside Point of View into the Inside Point of View.
But Mental Healing is learning how to Break Out of the Inside Point of View to get to the Outside Point of View so you can “Gain Perspective.”
And not knowing about this Science of Perspective puts us all at a significant disadvantage that ends now.
Learning how to organize my Mind was crucial to restoring and reclaiming my Sanity. And yet, no knowledge on this is ever taught anywhere or even known. It is this moment, right here that we come to learn this.
Confirmed Bias is the threat of all Science and Truth.
The moment we close our minds, we choose to not Understand. Should we choose to Understand Insanity, would we — in fact — contract it?
I sauntered to the kitchen to make myself and my daughter breakfast.
Brunch. I made Creamed Potatoes.
I dedicate this next Section the Philosopher H.G. Wells.
100% of all Great Authors are Philosophers. You cannot write a Great Book and not be a Philosopher.
The Philosopher
Am I God?
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Define “God.”
If God is here defined as “Creator of the Universe then, one needs to only look at the Ratio of Love — which Created The Universe — that they contain inside of them. At what point does a Person become so much “Love” that they become God and thus have returned back to the Creator, Integrated as The Creator.
If you define “God” as being Skilled in areas that are “Beyond Human” perhaps then we need to reflect more on “What is Human?”
Do I believe a Human can surpass the Point of Man and become God? Yes! Absolutely.
The concept “God made Human in God’s Image” means directly that Human is simply a Baby God… But God Power is to powerful for just anyone to obtain. If I were God — smiles — I would ask the question, “How do I make sure the Baby Gods don’t obtain God Power until and unless they have proven themselves Worthy of Such Power?”
To which I would reply — If I were God — Games! Something huge! Like… The Olympic Games. **Grin**
So am I God?
It depends fully on the Definition.
For the record — Possession of a Penis is not at all a Contending Factor of “God Status.”
And what about Mental Illness? Is this a Delusion?
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I did think of this. And this was my greatest fear and concern. Was I being Delusional? Was this Schizophrenia? I look to Nietzsche in this case.
What Nietzsche describes in “Thus Spoke Zarathustra” is exactly what I experienced. 100%. And he was not questioned in his Sanity. So why am I? Furthermore, I was “tested” for Schizophrenia and it was concluded that I didn’t have it. But also, it was not until later — when I was in the Metaphysical Transformation that I encountered the “Sensations” Nietzsche explored and described in Thus Spoke Zarathustra.
The Gay Science, also, was clearly The Ashavana Curse. I related too well to these works. But what also astounded me was Thomas Wain’s Cats. When I saw his Cats, — his art style changing with the “worsening” of his “Schizophrenia” — what I witnessed was Visual Representations of The Metaphysical Transformation.
Thomas Wain has drawn precisely what I was looking at in the Abstract and IDE of the Quantum Scale of Self Descent.
But — And this is most important — If I am God, and I deny myself this Truth, then (1) could I then do what I need to do, am required to do in Service to all of you?
If I am God, and I deny myself this Truth, then (2) what severe Mental Illness will I develop as a result of my denying my own Truth?
If I am God, and I deny myself this Truth, then (3) can I possibly stand in the Mindset I require to do these God-Like deeds?
It feels like I am God. It feels like I am Mother Nature. It feels like. I am “Remembering” my True Self after having put myself through the “Human Experience” that any good God would require of themselves so as to Understand their People properly so that they too may be understood and also know their needs.
And if I must adopt that “I am God” so that I can do the work I must do to serve this world, then it is — most definitely — in every one’s best interests that I do know, adopt, and believe that I am God so I can do the work I need to do to Nourish this Planet according to my Plan — which, ironically, is also God’s Plan… which is my Plan.
So then you are God.
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It hurts me to deny this. It hurts me to say this. But also… If I am wrong — and this is most important — Then I will be the first who will — deeply, truly, and most happily — Turn the Crown of Kotinos and the Rod of Caduceus with my Wings over to The True God… — And then I will most definitely be asking them, “What the hell am I?”
Until then, I will — most definitely be — The Acting God, although — and I can say this — There are two more of us who are on their Way.
And I will know the third when he presents himself to me.
So now it poses the Question : Did you accomplish all that you did because you are God? Or did you accomplish all that you did, which made you a God? Could you have accomplished all that you did as a Human? Could you have accomplished all that you did if you were Ordinary?
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What you are really asking me is, “Am I Ordinary?” Can anyone do what I have done? Am I Special?
I don’t know.
Only YOU can answer that Question. If I am Ordinary, then Rise up! Do as I have done. Surpass me. Walk in my Shoes. If I am not Ordinary, then do you give up and lay yourself down in defeat? And do you not bother to stand and rise and try to step out of the Sewer?
This is The True Olympic Games.
When done properly, it made you a God. It set the God Standard. It defined “The Bar.”
The Torch was Prometheus’ Fire of The Gods representing Wisdom of The Gods. And the Winner of the Games earned the Kotinos and was ferried to the Underworld, which was The Land of the Gods.
Death was not for Mortal Human. Death was the Game resetting itself for the next Round. The Winners had the Pleasure of discovering The Underworld — El Dorado — Within.
So now each and every one of you have a Choice.
If you say I am no God, then Prove it. Stand up and Do what I have done.
If I am God, am I the only one?
If I am not the Only One, then how many of us are there?
Did God-Changelings mingle with Human until we all all forgot that we were God-Changelings? Did the Humans die out long ago? Or does the Human still walk among us? This… I do not know. Because we all are acting like — looking like — behaving like Humans. How many of us are “Humans in Disguise?”
All of us? Half of us? Some of us? Most of us?
If I am God, who then will admit defeat and lay down in the mud in submission? I do not want this for you. I want you to rise up and Challenge yourself to do better than I.
I say, stand up, rise up, try to surpass me. See if you can. Prove to me that I am Ordinary.
And if you can’t — or you won’t — and also if you speak out against me — then shut the fuck up. You forfeit your Right To Challenge me in Word when you forfeit your Right to Challenge me in Action, Doing, and Mind.
Those who can do DO.
Those who can’t do TALK.