“I need a Series Title,” I said. I think that is part of my…
A thought them came to me.
“We are Sentient Stories… And Mine is a Book Series.”
I am Story. I am Wisdom. I am Road. I am Logic.
This is the Story of The Goddess Queen. This is “The Seidr Cycle” or “The Tales of The Druí” or “Anna The Ashavana.”
And I have finished The First Chronicles.
This is Part #2.
I understand. I came the Other Way around.
Most people start with Love. But I began with Wisdom. I came in through the Back Door. I did always like the Back Door. I need Imagination for this Next Part. I was all Logic and Wisdom for the First Part. I need to now own Imagination and Story.
From now on… I have to be who I am.
The Page is White. The Voice sits alone inside the Mind. What Scene shall I paint today? Where do I want to walk today?
I turned my eyes to my Palace Lorlenalin. I did not need telling twice. I was there before I thought of it. I wanted to go home.
Lore. Story.
Laurel. Lion. Line.
Wisdom. Lion. Logic.
Intuitive Truth. The most Powerful Truth Serum in the World. In invented the word “Lorlenalin” in 2006. I never looked up what the Prefixes would mean. I just went with what felt right.
Turns out, Lorlenalin means “Laurel. Lion. Line.” Which means “Wisdom. Lion. Logic.”
The entire Earth is the Garden of Eden. All of it. It was a Wedding Present from the God of Death upon his proposal. He didn’t give me a Ring. He gave me The Garden.
I need to speak The Truth.
I need to be transparent.
I cannot Lie.
And If I am seen and known too soon… I have to hide… And so I will hide within Books disguised as Fictions. What better place for a Goddess of Story and Wisdom to hide than tucked neatly within the Pages of Story, disguised as a Fiction…
And every now and then, I’ll emerge as a… “Character” from my Books… Always speaking Truth. Always Hiding for those who are not ready. And always seen as I truly am by those who wish to see… Are ready to see…
A peace settled over me as all of my answers came to me. I have no idea how long these books will last… But I know. I have no idea how long I will will write… But I know.
And I can be seen here. I can be known here. And those who come to Visit me… They will see my World and my Logic. And then they will know me.
When I take the stage some will see me As I am. Some will see me only as they want to see me.
But don’t think for a moment that the Veil exists. Not anymore. Don’t think for a moment that the 4th Wall is there. I See you.
So… Let’s think about this…
This is the Story of The Goddess Queen. This is “The Seidr Cycle” or “The Tales of The Druí” or “Anna The Ashavana.”
And I am Living Story.
My name is Anna Imagination, Goddess of Wisdom and of Life, and Wife of Death. I am Satan’s Wife.