Chapter #18 : Anna’s Annals : Into The Abstract (Book #2)

I was tired. I didn’t want to do anymore. I was tired.

Tired of Problem Solving and not living.

Tired of “doing the work” and not living.

Tired of constantly pushing and grinding and “trying to figure shit out.” I was tired and just sick of it.


I didn’t wan to spend my time on Social Media trying to People Fish. People Fishing was the dumbest thing… I felt like I was more focused on People Fishing than just enjoying… What? What was I doing it for? I had no interest in People Fishing. I hated it all. I hated what everyone was telling me to do.


I feel like I was back at the bottom all over again. And I didn’t want to be there. I wanted to be working with Institutions.


I felt like I was staring at a Logical Sequence — A Story Line — that I “had to step into.” But I didn’t want to. I didn’t want to.

“Then don’t,” my own voice echoed back to me. “Which Story Line do you want?” it asked.

I didn’t have to be asked twice. “That one,” I said. Where I get to write books all day and my writing. Where I didn’t have to **do** anything. It just happened for me. When I was in my books, I was happy.

I giggled quite suddenly. I had built my actual “Mermaid Cove” on Facebook.

And I felt it. A little Anna Sanctuary where I could just… Quit the World and relish in the All of Me. It was exhausting to Divide. I couldn’t do it anymore. How the hell… I reflected on this. That’s what this was. Really was. I could no longer Disintegrate.

I needed more ships in my life. And Islands with Mermaids. It was decided. My book covers would have to change to reflect this and I needed this.

I changed them, uploaded them into Mermaid Cove and then dashed back to here.

I was feeling happier. Much happier. Was this all because? …

I was in the Garden today, writing at the bistro table. The fountain trickled happily in the back. I can’t really leave my writing, can I? How can I promote my Books if I’m writing them?

I was beginning to truly understand my problem. I felt like I had to choose… I needed to write “Anna’s Rules For Anna.”

I had been waiting for this. I wrote it on my Paper.

“Anna’s Rules For Anna.”

(1) Main Quest Line : Anna Writes. This is First. I have to Write.

(2) Main Quest Line : I needed Mermaid Cove and that was here to stay. This was easily my 2nd Priority.

(3) Main Quest Line : “The Game” Event was definitely on my highest Priority.


I then realized… I saw it… I was building and preparing for my Fans. I… I was missing them. I was… You…

I suddenly looked at the You who read my words. Tears swelled in my eyes. I live in the Future where I already See you. I know you. And there will be so many of you.

But I won’t be able to take care of all of you Individually. “There are too many of you” he said.

And I can’t afford to make the mistake that he made.

So I build you a Playground. And I built you my World so you can step into Ancient Greece and Nourish your Mindset to Heal. And then I built you my Fan Club and Book Club — Mermaid Cove. And I built you my Newspaper-Newsletter “New Earth News.” I was building Anna’s World For you.

And… I was missing you. I was… I felt something was Missing. I didn’t know what. Now I do. This whole time. It was YOU.



I hate that there isn’t enough of me to go around. I hated that I wouldn’t be able to know each and every one of you like you would know me. And I didn’t want you to be alone.

I thought — I didn’t want you to be alone. So I wrote Broken.

Then I thought, “HOW!? HOW do I get to each one of you? To show you all The Way Out?” And So I wrote Breaking Delusion.

Then I felt, that wasn’t good enough. What about the Theoretical Learners? So I wrote The Theory of Love. And then I thought, “If I could only get to the Teachers and Psychologists. Maybe they could help me? And also the Parents?” So I wrote “The Salmon of Knowledge.”

And that still wasn’t good enough.

So I built my Courses and my Archives. I gave you everything I had.

And I thought… What else would you need?


So — for 2022 — I built you the Kingdom of Anna. So that you might Play and Laugh again. Funny how “Laugh” is spelled almost like “Lugh.”


And I’m done building now. I’m just waiting for you. You’ll be here soon. And suddenly, I realized, I love you. I love you so… so much. And I hope — I hope I did enough for you. I hope this all is enough.


But… I have to think about myself now so I don’t burn out and so I stay healthy. So that this Example teaches you how to do it. So…


(4) Anna’s New Earth News™ is going to be a Whenever Publication and not a Daily Grind. That is NOT what New Earth was about.

(5) All of my “Side Quests” … My Civil Rights Missions and my Philanthropy… All of this will be Integrated into all of this. And… It’s done.


Everything is Built.

Now I can just… Be The Merlin In Your Pocket.


Intuition and Play to be worn on the Outside — Play and Colors… Serious is to be worn on the Inside. The world has that backwards — Not children though. The Children have life all figured out.