I was back in my bed. My laptop in my lap.
I felt like I had been run through. I still had the Groupings of Ignorance to write up. I wasn’t sure if I was feeling it or not.
I had been focused so much on wanting Comfort and Relief of Pain or Comfort and Relief of Struggle… It never occurred to me that I was still purging Trauma and Pain.
You can still have Trauma and also be Healthy.
And for every Fallacy I purged from my Logical Fabric of Comprehension — for every Truth I Named and Nourished into my Logical Fabric of Comprehension — I was one step closer to The Next Stage and my Goal.
I wrote :
“The Types of Ignorance” and thought. “Ignorance is the Common Denominator.” I thought some more.
“What are all the ways a person works to preserve their Ignorance and avoid Love?” And then I wrote.
Avoidant : Amnesia, Forget, Delay, Postpone
Cheating : Unfairness, Bypass, Rush, Skip, Prejudice, Change of Order, Fail to Finish, but Claiming the Prize not Earned”
Denial : Lie, Mask Wearing, False Names, False Titles, False Words
Courage (Freedom) for Avoidance
Patience (Nourishment) for Cheating
Trust (Truth) for Denial
In all three of these cases, Love (Nourishment), Logic, Freedom, and Truth is being Obstructed. The Person is either Avoiding Love (Nourishment), Logic, Freedom, and Truth. They are Cheating Love (Nourishment), Logic, Freedom, and Truth, and/or they are Denying Love (Nourishment), Logic, Freedom, and Truth.
Courage is Not Avoiding and Facing Love (Nourishment), Logic, Freedom, and Truth head on in a timely fashion to Preserve the Highest of Quality of the Love (Nourishment), Logic, Freedom, and Truth Process.
“Huh,” I said and smiled. “Resistance is actually resisting Love.”Well, that explains why it hurts so much.”
“I love my Purge Days,” I said, dropping my head back to the head board and pillows. It was wonderful, spending the day in bed.
Bergen brought me a hot chocolate.
“Thank you,” I said. He pulled up a chair beside my bed.
“How are you feeling?”
“Better,” I said. “And worn out like I just got out of a war zone.”
I took a sip of hot chocolate and saw the Line. Finally. The Line I had been looking for.
“I can see The Spectrum at last,” I said. “Where my Contamination Point is.”
As I spoke I drew a Line in the air before me.
“The Contamination Point is where a Person can be exposed up until they become Contaminated by another. And mine is… There.”
I had a very Low Contamination Point.
“I had too much Trauma in me for too long,” I said. “It doesn’t take much for my Subconscious Mind to “remember” my old Programming. But it won’t allow it either. When it’s around, It immediately identifies it, and rejects it. It hasn’t learned yet… This is…”
I shook my head.
“This is beyond all of us for now. I still have much to learn.”
“And today… You did learn much,” he said.
“I did.” I reflected on everything.
“I spent the day clearing out my Logical Fabric of Comprehension with my New Perspective. I was able to Define and Organize my newest Components. I was able to Identify many new things and put words to so much. And I think… A Person… A Person much choose and must Learn over and over and over again to choose Love over Ignorance. And that we all live with this One Lesson. How to Choose Love over Ignorance. And always, each one of us can always try again. Always.”
I laid there thinking about this. About all of this. I dipped into The Universal Clock. It was moving fast. Everything was aligned. It was waiting for me. I had much to work on and fast so as to get this shuffled so I could move forward. I required Data — This data — And once I had it…
“Knowledge puts you in the right Current and River,” I said. I suddenly saw it. My eyes widened.
“I see it!” I said. “All of it. Three Rivers. Three Currents. Love Current. Wisdom Current. Freedom Current. And the three Currents would carry you to…”
I looked at Bergen and he was smiling. He knew what I knew.
I saw the Chest again in the land of The White Desert with an Ash Tree carved into a box of limestone.
“We have got to get to that Chest, Bergen,” I said.
“It’s in Eire’s Land,” he said. “It was Ciardha’s Chest. I’ll take you there.”