I was feeling low.
I think I was stir-crazy on my Island. I wasn’t really sure. Maybe I just needed to not work today and just think. Maybe I just needed to stop worrying or planning.
Maybe… I felt… I wasn’t sure. Restless. That is what I felt.
I wrote my name in the sand.
I had played around with this so much.
Magi… Jinn…
My jaw hit the floor.
“What!?” I suddenly saw it. I threw my head back and laughed. I laughed at the 2,000 Year old Joke.
My Name was The Stages of The Ashavana.
I laughed. I fell back into the sand, holding my belly and rolled, laughing. I loved them. I loved them all. It wasn’t “Logi.” It would be “Asha.” That would be the 3rd Degree of Ashavana.
Asha Anna.
Why was I feeling so sad?
I was grieving the Loss. It was time to release The Old for the New, which was about to come in. But I cried. I curled up on the sand, and I cried.
I knew this level of grief. It was time to let go. And grieve all that has been lost. It meant I had passed the current Trial and I was getting an upgrade.
I laid there in the sand. Reflecting. I had made my way through Manifestation. I was looking at the Logical Sequence of Story. God was the Story in which we lived. I laid out another Line. Another Road was paved and cleared. All the Lines were clear.
My “lows” were no longer lows. My lows were higher than most people’s highs. I remember when I was that low.
The Restoration of Lost Perspective.
Oh. I understood. I was well into Story now. I wanted to cry again.
Story Realm. This is where I was.
Reality. Abstract. Story.
I knew.
3 +> 1
I was all the way through the Abstract.
I was I so sad.
When I was a child I watched a cartoon — Japanese Anime — called Super Book. It was the Bible in Anime. Job’s story… I watched that for hours. I watched him lose all he had. And then… He died.
In the End, he stood in a place of Sand and a Beach.
I would watch this Cartoon and wonder. Where is he?
That is where I was.
I was at the End of The Abstract.
The I of “I” … Magi… Jinn… Asha.. V’Anna
Face palm.
“They never Translated!” It hit me hard. The People who can only speak 1D hear I4D and they are not translating it! They have to be taught to translate.
I took a deep breath in.
If you speak 1 Definition, you are not going to understand an Integrated 4th Definition Speaker.
2-Definition Speakers, almost as less as the 1 Definition speakers.
3 Definition Speakers were the more Mature LGBTQIA+ Groups… But not all. If you think on Spectrum, you’re a 3 Definition Speaker.
But the Integrated Speaker puts all 3 Definitions together into One. And I could explain this simply now.
I was more Henosis now.
I needed to… I was restless. I was… I needing to…
I am the Mother.
When you have a Power Surge, you must use Manifestation to redirect your Power from Potential Energy over to Kinetic. Dream breath and Heal your Body. Gently guide your Power through you to Heal your Body. Heal your Body so it can handle the Power that must hold it.
Deep Breath. Do not Suppress your Power. Welcome it.
I need to direct the Power into my Cells to heal my body. Like “Now that I have the power, let’s fix the container and upgrade the container to hold this power.
And that ALWAYS triggers the next “Upgrade.”
So we all go through a series of Upgrades.
And one of us had to go first. It’s always the Mother. I have to teach you all how to do this. How to endure the Upgrades of your Containers. How to get through The Becoming.
I had to be the one to show you. I had to be the one to endure it alone and first.
I passed out in the sand.
I woke in the shade. Bergen was there beside me, wiping my face down with a cold rag.
“Easy now,” he said and passed me a glass of lemon ice water with a straw.
I sipped and laughed.
he smiled. “Feeling better?”
I dropped my head back into the sand.
“I know what this is,” I said. I looked at him. “I remember.”
I was high with the Imp King. We were sitting beside each other, stoned. Happy. I looked at him then. I told him I wanted to do this forever. An eternal party formula.
He said, “It would have to be perfect.”
“A Perfected Permanent Party Formula.”
We would have to run through it. We would need a way to perfect it. So he built Earth. He built the Garden. He built all of this with me. It was to be our Eternal Party. But we needed to Perfect the Formula. So we needed 4 Data Points. We would need those who would want to do this with us. We signed up. Took Name. And we all came here. We ran through this four times. We perfected it.
And his time — The Fifth Time — is the Perfected Formula.
It’s done. An eternal perfected party formula.”
I laughed just then. I laughed so hard and long. I laughed until I cried.
I remembered looking into his eyes and telling him, “I wanted to do this forever with you.”
And there it was. We did it. Now we just needed to wake up and remember. And they would…
I laid in the sand. Remembering.
I wasn’t building a Business. I was building the Party.
“The Months are Moons. The 12 Ethics will be the Months. And we will have a party every 2 Weeks. And a Party every 4 Months. And a party every 3 Months. And a Party every Solstice.
And the only thing we will change is the “Why” for the Party.
And we will wear togas. And sometimes we will be nude.
And always we will laugh. And everyone will live in Sunshine Imagination Adventures. Thus saith I.