Chapter #15 : Into The Abstract

I slept. I had neck pain for the last two days and it finally took its toll.

I slept. I woke, tried to start my day, and realized I need a “Self-Nourish” Day. I went back to bed. The Vertigo I had was causing Nausea.

I laid in bed and Focused only on Nourishing myself today. I “closed” and surrendered myself to Bergen.


I lay in my bed while he brought me a water and rubbed my neck. I fell back asleep.

Patience. Cheating. Logic Abuse. 


The words cycled over while I slept. The room shifted in my Dream and I was standing in Geometry

I realized that Logic Abuse caused Impatience, Urgency, and Interruption, which led to Cheating.


I sat up in bed and willed my laptop into my lap.

I wrote :

Krités-Adikia Phobia : (Fear of Unjust Judgment) The Fear and/or Severe Anxiety or Aversion that you will be Judged by the Listener or Receiver  before they hear your entire Story or Logic or before they Arrive at Understanding of You. Often mistaken as “Social Anxiety” or “Guilt.” 

From the Ancient Greek → Krités = Judge, Adikia = Injustice, Phobia = Fear


I shifted, willing myself into The IDE of the Quantum Self.




I was home. The grid above and below stretched on for ever. The Integrated Development Environment of the Quantum Self.

Geometry in its Pre-Form. This is where my Mind put me in 1988 and where I lived for 32 Years. I ran. Long and Hard, my feet pounding the grid with a great echo.

This is where Naruto went to talk with Kurama and where El went when she looked for others. This is where the Core Self lives during Multiple Personality.

The Eternity of Possibility.

I sat down and meditated.

“You’re looking.”

My Oldest Self said, gliding into the room with my Most Youngest Self.

“I am,” Youngest said.

“And what do you think you will find?” Eldest said.

“Rather stoic of us,” Youngest said. She shrugged.

“We try.”

“We’re in a cave. The Cave of Quantum Self. We’re growing if only we could find the right components needed for this next journey. We’re disoriented.”

“One always is when they begin a New Round of 12,” Eldest said.

“And I’m trying to re-orient myself to begin the 12 again,” Youngest said. I said. “I’m opening all of my feelings and Self. I’m exploring all that I have learned. I’m learning to look at All within me without judgment. Judgment.”

I realize.

“Justice,” I said.

She nodded with a smile. I new I was on the right path.

“Six Times I have completed the Round of 12. Six Times, I have walked through the 12. I am in the Beginning of the 7th, which commands the 7th while I explore the One. While I reflect on all I learned up to now.”

“And what did the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th Teach you on the 6th Round?”

I pondered this deeply.

Control of Self. Control in who we talk with. Control in our Choices and Power. Control is Choice. Choice is Control. Self Value and Equal Footing. And the Patience of the Journey. The Self Judgment that results from Self-Reflection.

If we don’t Self-Reflect, we never can assess and thus Judge how we did.

Learning is our own Judgment.

At the 7th we Judge so we can decide what it is we have to Learn.”

In that moment, I realized this is what a proper “Justice System” should be teaching and doing. It is “The Classroom.”

I thought on what the 7th was really and why The 7th Followed the 6th.

“You cannot Learn at the 7th if you do not reflect on the Lessons of the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th.”

I nodded.

“When should you let someone in?” I asked.

“When should you cut someone off?” I asked.

“When should you give someone a chance?” I asked.

“When should you close the Assessment and decide that you’ve heard enough of their Story?” I asked.

“Make it Relative to the Conclusion you want them to make,” she said. “Only the Relative.”


“If we fail to do this of the 4th, the 5th, and the 6th then we cannot possible Learn to Grow and Change or even navigate our own Growth. We have Free Will. Freedom to take Control and Responsibility of our Life Journey. Freedom to take Control and Strategic Action with our Lives and the Learning of our Life Navigation. And Freedom to leave ourselves Defenseless and at the Mercy of Fate.

And Fate is Merciless.

And we have the Freedom to Choose to turn our lives over to The Mercy of Fate. But… If we choose to do that, we choose to accept all the Horrors that come with that Choice.”

“It is in this moment here, right now, that I think deeply on Justice, which is “The Science, the Logic, and How to retain the Equilibrium of the Self and of the Universe in balance of each other. And that is only done and achieved through Learning,” she said.

Self Value to Self-Evaluation.

Self-Reflection. Constant Assessment.

This is Learning.

When you Take Responsibility and you choose to switch your Free Will and the Mercy of Fate over to Free Will and choosing to be proactive about how you are going to Strategically Navigate your Life.

Are you a Participant of Life?

Or Are you a Navigator and Captain of Life?

Justice is not at all about “What was done to you.” But rather what you are going to do about what was done to you.

Standards define the amount of Scarcity or Abundance you will have.

Quality of Standards is not a “Luxury you can’t afford.” It is a Mandatory Requirement that Defines what Type of People you will allow in your life.

And only after you set the Standard on your Quality of People, Life, Living, — only the people who will rise to your Standards will Love you.

The way Quality works is, the reason you have no Friends is because your Standards are either not set or they are too Low.

We create our own Scarcity by having Low Standards.

Low Standards create Scarcity. And when we learn to increase that Standard, there is Abundance.


“Judgment Words.” I wish to remove these from my Mind, Logic, and Vocabulary.

  1. Words
  2. Overall Mindset (Emotional Mental Environment)
  3. Action/Behavior
  4. Choices
  5. Outlook (Attitude)


“Did you find all that you were looking for?” she asked.

I had forgotten she was there.

I reflected.


“I’m in my Cave,” I said.


The Pre-Integration Spiral :

  • Stage 1 and 2 (intuition paradox)
  • feel and image (Pre-Think Tank)
  • Stage 3 Intuition

The Integration Spiral : Process of definition, description, simplification, summation (Spiraling into control)

  • Description Rounds, every
  • The Point of Comprehension
  • Naming : Understand (Plato’s Point)

The Naming : Stage #4

(#5) Logic +> (#6) Math +> (#6) Physics


I was feeling much better. I looked around at the IDE.


IDE (Integrated Development Environment) of The Quantum Self : The Work Space within the Self where Self Work is done at the Meta, Micro, and Quantum Scales of Self. Where all your Self-Work Tools are used to utilize Self-Work.

Example : The User Manual of The Subconscious Mind and Triadic Healing are the Tools, the Compass, and the Map of the Self IDE of the Meta, Micro, and Quantum Scale so a person can do the Work they need to do to Nourish the Self.


Nourishment : The Tools, Practices, and Acts of Maintaining the Subconscious Mind within the IDE to empower and Nourish the Self to Grow and be Optimized.

You need to use Contradiction that is more powerful than the Logical Fallacy that will override the Fallacy and thus, reject it. That is how I do it. I use Contradiction and my Ethical Loyalty and Love to build a Contradiction of the Fallacy to reject the Fallacy from my Logical Fabric of Comprehension.

I smiled. I loved the Days where I came to the Point of Comprehension and the Naming. I needed this day in the Cave. I needed this time alone in my IDE. No Imagination. Not today. I needed to get behind the Imagination. in the Quantum and Logos Scale — Before I built Imagination. And I needed to make sense of everything before I built the Skins of my Dreams.

“Psychologists will be required to learn Software Engineering/Computer Programming either Java or C, and Logic in my School,” I said. “And Physics and also Economics. And Philosophy. And Biology.”

I smiled.

“They are really going to hate me in the future… And Love.”

It was quiet here in the Abstract. I loved it all so much.

Judgment Words. I would revisit this later.