I felt a million pounds lighter.
If I played my cards right, I had Broken… I had Breaking Delusion… I had Into The Abstract.
I sat back in my chair and I thought long and hard on all of this.
We do not have Five Senses.
We have Eight.
Intuition and Perception.
And the Integrated of the Seven into One.
This is Mother Nature’s Harmony.
Which is our Scales. Now… Now I am understanding.
Today does not feel good.
Cults only exist when Learning is done Out of Order.
When the Sequence is Violated — The Logical Violation — Cults are Born.
Threat is perceived also when Logical Violation occurs and/or if Someone truly is a Threat.
Proper Learning is a Story.
Music Theory. They would need to start with Music Theory. This is the First Language they would have to Learn. It’s The Story and the Languages all compiled and Integrated into One.
I would have to show them Language. But if I don’t give them the right Path, then they will never find the Door.
A storm was brewing outside.
I stood up and paced the Floor. I sighed. There was too much. How was I going to do this?
I was a Pirate. I knew what I needed to do.
I was thinking about “What kind of Human are you?”
- Surviving
- Doing my own thing
- Too busy working to care about anything other than work
- Trying to figure it out
- I’ve figured it out and tend to stick to my own
- I’ve figured it out and I know we need to band together
“It’s not that I don’t know how to connect with others… It’s that… I’ve never known what to say to them to determine who they are, if they are for me, or if we need to part ways.”
I thought on this.
“So I walk away from each connection, feeling unfulfilled and disconnected and without a proper answer from people. And I go weeks and months unable to directly ask what I need to say to them… And I say, “I don’t know how to connect,” But the Psychology teaches us that this is wrong. The real problem is “I don’t know how to determine if they are the people I am looking to connect with.”
And we’re so busy saying “I don’t know how” that we’re not even asking the right question. I do know how to connect. But I don’t know how to determine if they are the right people who I am trying to connect with.”
“In Star Wars terms… The Force was taken out, captured, and the Knowledge of the Force hoarded by Evil people in Power. But the Evil People in Power had no idea how to use The Force. And everyone who came to learn of the Force enough to use it were killed so no one ever could ever be more powerful than them.
But The Force was supposed to be Free for everyone to use. Everyone was supposed to Learn about the Force. and I’m on the Mission of restoring the Force and the Knowledge of the Force back to the People.”
Now. Now that I finally have communicated all of this. It is time for me to look for my people and…
I looked out the window toward the Sea. The Light from the Beacon above stretched across the Black water.
“They will have to be divided,” I said. “The Secret Ashavana Mission and The Surface Mission for the Global Immune System. It is in the Nourishing of the Immune System that the Ashavana Mission will take place in its own time.”
There will be no war. There will be no need. Legion will rip apart its own Self. But I cannot let these people fall. So we will catch them.
But I can’t tell all of my Story to the World for it takes three Books to be told. It takes a full Book Series to be understood. No one will sit through this story in a telling.
And also… It still is being told.
The Matrix is not only real. There are three of them. And What the Matrix is hiding is not something most people are ready for.
“Legion” is the word I use to simply describe Mental Illness that causes Insanity and Unethical Behavior that spreads Mental Illness. It infects too many people. This word “Legion” is helpful in focusing the problem on the Disease and not at all on the People.
And it helps communicate my Agenda clearly to Religious People. Too Many people are Lost to Legion. Too many people in power are infected with “Legion.”
My true Mission — My Secret Mission — is to take down Legion by starving it out through the Surface Mission.
My Surface Mission is Nourishing The Community and “Dream Machine” of others. I Empower people’s Dreams. By realizing your Dream, Legion is taken down. People are Nourished back into Optimized Health and they grow on to do greater things for People.
My Personal Mission is this : Some people help 5 people in their life. Some people help 5 million people in their life. Some people can help 5 billion people in their life.
I Nourish and help the people who can help 5 Billion people in their life. I am their Servant. I serve the people who Nourish 5 Billion. The more they are Nourished, the more Legion falls.
If you are reading this, you are one of few people who have made it this far. There is a reason why I am writing these words on this website, buried in this book, disguised as a Fantasy “All-Genre” Fiction.
How can I live honorably and speak the Truth and tell no lies if — through my full transparency, which you require from me — I speak words that Legion would kill me for?
This is Anna’s Paradox.
So… In keeping my Truth from you, I save my own ass, and thus, I can save all of ours. But to do that, I had to deceive you. All of you. And that… That was haunting me.
I had to do things, say things, become things I hated.
People I loved carried too much Legion inside of them. And when I told them to get away from me, they would not. I was ugly and brutal and I judged harsh.
The 12 Ethics are Mandatory for The 12 Ethics are Proof that Legion is not at all Present.
When someone betrays The 12 Ethics, they carry Legion in ratio to the degree of the Betrayal.
But also, my Story is Long and hard. Most cannot hear my Story, but they will judge me. And they will judge me without Mercy. Without ever hearing all of my Story.
And so…
I had to figure out a way to gift you with my Story in such a way that you would read it all and receive me. So I wrote Broken.
And I wrote Breaking Delusion.
And now, I write Into The Abstract…
And all the while — as I built everything — I too had to write my Story. So I had my Personal Story to Tell. I had The Global Immune System and The Regulator and “The Verb” to Restore.
But also, I have Legion to take down.
I have Legion to avoid.
While I moved through the World on The Revived Circuit and “The Verb” I could travel on.
And I have to Mine the Knowledge and the Science of The Lost Science, which I use to Build this Path for the World, while I tell the World “Come to the Path” while I also hide from Legion.
The rain pelted the window. It was cold and stale in the air. I craved a fire place and cozy blanket.
“I thought I would find you here,” Bergen said.
I turned around as I hugged myself and looked back to the window.
“I figured you needed time alone.”
I nodded.
“But you seem stuck.”
“I am,” I said. “I’m processing it all.”
“The Compass is Spinning.”
I nodded.
The Spinning Compass is when you are Self-Regulated so quickly prior to The Integration Point. It’s the last sign of Self-Regulation before you Integrate. And I was Spiraling fast into Control.
The Global Immune System. The Regulator. The Verb Road.
Into The Abstract. The Summit Festival. The Verb Road.
The Wisdom. The Love. The Logic.
Truth. Nourishment. Freedom.
“The Origin only travels along The Verb Road, which is Logic. Without Logic, Love doesn’t go anywhere. And — as a result — too many people are lost… Severed from Wisdom. And they are Lost for so Long that — over time — they even forget what Love even is.”
The rain was pounding like hail.
We had another person come on board. I was feeling the Energy shift so I could relax. I was “putting it down” and was able to start trusting. I was safe. More people were coming on. More people were telling me, “We will keep you safe, Anna.”
“See this to the end,” I said to them. And I did. I was ready to rest.