Let me introduce you to Aurelia Maria Casey. Aurelia runs “Aurelia’s Virtual Book Club.” http://amcasey.com/aurelias-virtual-book-club/ Every month, Aurelia hosts monthly book readings. But not just any book readings like any ol’ book club. Aurelia begins the reading with a live video interview with the author through Google+ Hangouts. Then she and her readers read the […]
Check out my new Logo!
My cover artist, Indigo Forest Designs, designed these! Subscribe Thank you for stopping by! I invite you to take a moment and join my monthly newsletter. Subscribe below and receive the post notifications anytime a new article is published and receive the monthly newsletter with updates, news, and exclusive offers. You can unsubscribe […]
Aurelia’s Virtual Book Club
On 4 September 2015, Aurelia Marie Casey interviewed me via webcam for her podcast! Her book club—Aurelia’s Virtual Book Club—will be reading Dolor and Shadow this month! This is the pre-reading interview. You can join Aurelia’s book reading here! After the reading, there will be a follow up Dolor and Shadow interview where readers can […]
5 Myths of Romance Novels
Today is 20 August 2015. I’ve been running the Brain to Books Blog Tour now since 24 July 2015, but 18 July 2015 was slightly different. In addition to her post, author Rosanna Leo, included this in her post. I’d like to thank Angela very much for hosting me on this fun blog tour. It’s […]
Bloodline by Angela B. Chrysler
Bloodline by Angela B. Chrysler published May 2009 in Kritter Kronickles Magazine Sleeping beside me is my *ten-year-old cat, Peach. Peach is as ordinary as any short haired, white cat can be. But for me, Peach is special. At night, she crawls up against my chest and I hug her as if she were a […]
Welcome Guest Blogger Joshua Blum
Art Imitates Life Imitates Art: Writing Fiction as Kind of Therapy I was recently listening to a radio program talking about a classical piano competition in Moscow where competitors from all over the world were tasked with playing works by composers like Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. The commentators were talking about whether there were rivalries […]
Bookmarks now available
[wpecpp name=”Paperback with bookmark” price=”11.99+S&H” align=”left”] You can purchase the bookmark separately for $1.50 USD (This includes shipping costs). *please note the coloration and shading tones may be different than what is shown in the digital copy. Also, at this time, I am only able to ship to the Continental US, Alaska, and Hawaii. [wpecpp […]
Glance an update
Glance An Update A quick summary on my current writing projects The Eladrin Stones (D&D FanFiction): The Eladrin Stones are D&D Fan Fiction that I do not take seriously. Neither should you. It is for ADULTS ONLY as there is much swearing and debauchery. The Eladrin Stones can only be found here on my site […]
Annabel Lee By Edgar Allan Poe
Poe wrapped these words around my heart. He drew me close to him. And through these words for him, I fell. He’ll never let me go. Annabel Lee By Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know […]