Mitchell Woods: All the while, rings of white flash in the bare rooftop moonlight (there is an extraneous moon in the sky; long story) as a Templar knight sways and lunges around Mitchell’s flourishing claymore. Mitchell missteps; at once the knight dives into range with lombard sword stretched skyward. But here, in the clamor of […]
The Holodeck: Part #2
Benjamin Scheinfieldo: A deadly shadow slithers into the garage. It’s Ben. Moving at a half crouch, he makes his way behind the sofa and checks his blue paintball gun at the ready in his twitching fingers. Still smarting from where Angela’s shot hit his thigh, his mind is busy formulating a plan of wholesale destruction. […]
The Holodeck: Part #1
THE HOLODECK: THE EMPTY GARAGE Jaselyn B. Taubel: **As I come racing through the door, I realize the garage isn’t as empty as I thought, and I hide myself behind an old bicycle, covered by a dusty tarp as I reload my paintball gun. I hear the door crack open a bit, and aim my […]
The HMS Slush Brain
Slush Brain (noun) : The condition a writer comes down with after spending eight hours editing or researching. Symptoms include, but are not limited to poor spelling, atrocious grammar, and an inability to stop talking. Example in a sentence: Angela often has slush brain. Argh! Welcome aboard, mateys! This is Captain “Princess” Boozic and I […]
The HMS Slush Brain
Argh! Welcome aboard, mateys! This is Captain “Princess” Boozic and I man the ship I commandeered known as the HMS Slush Brain. On board this fictitious vessel docked at Twitter, a collection of writers and I escape our obligations. Stories enfold, crazy conversations are exchanged (with a lot of wine and Guinness), and ideas are […]
The Eladrin Stones: Introduction
Join Golgh, Benison, Varghul, and Orga in their hunt for The Eladrin Stones. Trek the land that is Faerun, avenge your kin, and face the Order. Genre: D&D Fan Fiction AKA Fantasy Action Adventure This is The Eladrin Stones that I started writing on my phone in a waiting room. Yes, I frequently return to […]
Update on The Eladrin Stones
When I first posted the Eladrin Stones way back when, I was new to blogging and didn’t think a 4,400 word chapter was a stretch. *Face palm…waits a moment while the reader shakes their head at the blogger* I have since caught on to the “keep it less than 1,000 words…500 is better” rule, and […]
Gone With the Wind Gone Wrong
Jacob: I’m in a playful mood today. Be warned. – Angela: Oooh! You want to play? *Angela wads up a piece of paper and chucks it at Jacob* – Jacob: Folds it into an airplane and it lands in Angela’s ear – Angela: (4’11’’) Bull charges Jacob (6’1’’) and promptly goes nowhere. – Jacob: She […]
The HMS Slush Brain: Debauched Voyages (Part 3)
Currently on board the Slush Brain… Donned in her gown, a tiara, and her kick-ass thigh-high stiletto heeled leather boots by the name of “Daryl” and “Dixon,” Captain Boozic (That’s me) and her sexy first mate, I-can-hold-my-own-armed-with-a-wine-glass Mrs. Dixon, have risen this fine Monday Morning to commence with some wild debauchery. Before the booze is […]
The HMS Slush Brain: Debauched Voyages (Part 4)
Last time on board the Slush Brain… Donned in her kick-ass thigh-high stiletto heeled leather boots by the name of “Daryl” and “Dixon,” Captain Boozic and her sexy first mate I-can-hold-my-own-armed-with-a-wine-glass Mrs. Dixon, partnered to take down the loquacious too-loud-for-a-Monday-Morning ship mate, Corvus. After binding him to the mast of the HMS Slush Brain, Captain […]