
Reviews for “Broken”

Driven by an urge to throw away her children, her husband, and home, a woman spends the next two weeks reviewing her past to determine the answer to the question: Does she truly want to live in complete isolation? So begins the internal dialogue that is “Broken.” Review written by Joshua Robertson In the writing […]

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Starting Over

We are governed by the psychology conditions we have. If we are to understand our actions and take control of them, then we must first examine our past and confront the hurt we shoulder. WARNING: This article contains graphic sexual material including rape and abuse.   Allow me to cover my sexual past with you […]

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Breaking it Down

Bit by bit, my therapist and I have been pulling apart my personality. Like a ball filled with hundreds of slip knots, gently—and some days not so gently—we tug at the strings and watch the ball fall apart, one knot at a time. The results are always the same. There is a moment of comprehension […]

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