At 8:46 a.m., five hijackers crashed American Airlines Flight 11 into the northern facade of the World Trade Center‘s North Tower (1 WTC)- Wikpedia
Broken and Memories
As the world knows, today is the 14th anniversary of 9/11. For me, it means a lot more than that. The trauma of 9/11 hit me on a very personal level—this is not to say there are others who did not feel this event just as deeply. I am simply reflecting on my own unique […]
Take the Survey…
There are only two ways to confirm what you are doing pleases your readers. Statistics…and surveys! Alas, I have no stats 🙁 So this is a short survey I am presenting to you with a cordial request and my best smile. Would you please take a moment to answer these questions and email your answers […]
Protected: For the Mature Audience
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Protected: The Looking Glass #2
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Face the Fear
I have been terrified of spiders since I was 8 years old and a nest hatched on me. This is me facing the fear. lol… I thought I handled it well. 🙂 Spider web A photo posted by Angela B. Chrysler (@abchrysler) on Sep 4, 2015 at 5:07am PDT A photo posted by Angela B. […]
Protected: The Looking Glass
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Click here for glance at the Fan Art Coming soon! I’m still brainstorming this one! Days later… Brainstorming… Complete! I’m embracing my Nerd on this one… I am disciplined when it comes to writing, networking, and events. I compensate for this plethora of discipline by ensuring I remain undisciplined in the art of blogging, posting, […]
Aurelia’s Virtual Books Club – AVBC
Let me introduce you to Aurelia Maria Casey. Aurelia runs “Aurelia’s Virtual Book Club.” Every month, Aurelia hosts monthly book readings. But not just any book readings like any ol’ book club. Aurelia begins the reading with a live video interview with the author through Google+ Hangouts. Then she and her readers read the […]