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Embarrassed? Now!?
So much has changed… so much… I started following a group on Social Media a month ago for BPD. Then I joined one for depression. Today, I made one for rape survivors. So much happened today. I had a dream. It was a nightmare, but I didn’t know it at the time. I dreampt I […]
Broken Audio Excerpts
Audio Excerpts Play Time: 2:01 “A new silence” Play Time: 2:46 “Alone” Play Time: 2:41 “Close the book here and pretend I was never Broken” Play time: 6:43 “Be careful”
One year… One Milestone…
Today is a milestone day for I’ve been watching the numbers creep in and noticed three days ago that I was at 999,000+ visits total. Today, I am thrilled to announce the 1 millionth visit to So to all of you, I want to say thank you so… so very much for your […]
Protected: Weekly Digest 27 November 2015
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Working WordPress
Step #1 Selecting your theme: Go to your site and proceed to your dashboard Select Appearance > Themes> Add New Select “Feature Filter” Select whatever you would like, but you will want to select “Responsive Layout” under “Layout” This will ensure you will only be looking at the layout that will adjust to smaller platforms […]
Protected: Newsletter: December 2015
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Stunned silence…
ROFLMAO!!!! Yes! This is a real ad!! Check out the ads playing in the States!
Why you should read Broken… if you can.
Most memoirs are written with a “matter-of-fact, these are the events of my life” format. The stories of the abused leave you feeling detached from the experience as the author tells about their lives. We collect the data, nod our heads as we listen, send our condolences and respect… then forget. Broken, doesn’t let you […]
Reader Interview on Broken
Reader interview for Broken Featuring Jules Mortimer Interviewed by Angela B. Chrysler One reader of Broken reached out to me after writing a review on Broken. After a wonderful conversation, I asked if she would be open to an interview. Thank you, Julie, so much for agreeing to this interview! ***SPOILER ALERTS*** This post […]