I just love finding and collecting tidbits from around the internet… Enjoy!
The Hobbit: Extended Scenes
I love movies treats 🙂 Here are two clips (in order) from the Extended Edition of The Hobbit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovKDk7ZaXSw
Update 22 January 2016
Released 22 January 2016! Join the Facebook event here! Joe Compton releases his audio book 22 January 2016! You can join the Facebook event here for Amongst the Killing! 27 January 2016, Joshua Robertson prepares his book for release! Join the event on Facebook
Goodbye, Doctor (William Hartnell)
Presenting the final days of the First Doctor: Seasons 1 through 3
The Daleks? The Daleks!
This rant is really Part #2 of the first rant where I talk about how epic-ly awesome Dr. Who is. In case you missed it… here was my first rant on Dr. Who. As I was saying… How epic-ly awesome is Dr. Who!? Before you nod your head and smile saying, “Yep!” I have […]
They’re Taking the Hobbits to Isengard!
The weird things we love… Okay… So… I’m not sure if you’ve seen this. I’m sure you have. But have you seen all of them? Here! Let’s recap! So there is this…
Reflections… Two
There was never any resolution. His coat. His coat. “Why don’t you ever take it off? You always wear your shoes and coat?” “Because I have to be ready to run.” Dad and Shaun would fight. I could hear their screams down the hall. And then the screen door would slam and the fighting would […]
2015 Events
Events From 2015 Appearances I appear on Facebook nearly every month as well as a Goodreads every three months. Here is when you can find me. Holiday Book Giveaway Facebook Party When: 18 December 2015 when we will announce the winners! Aurelia’s Virtual Book Club: Broken by Angela B. Chrysler When: 1 February 2016 […]