Goodbye, Doctor (Peter Davison)
After Tom Baker, the time with Peter Davison just flew by.
Featured Guest: Amie Irene Winters
Only those who possess wild eyes, an impulsive heart, and a wandering spirit hunt for the Theater of Secrets—and once they witness the darkest of magic, they don’t return. It promises to change your life forever—but is the mysterious Theater of Secrets legend or something more? Tasked to answer that very question, Daisy Darling sets […]
Protected: Lorlenalin’s Lies: Deleted Chapter: Original 32
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
“I’m sorry. I have to end our commitment.” I run these words over and over in my head lately. I can’t stop replaying them. “It’s been a while since we last spoke.” I looked at William at my kitchen table. The afternoon Irish sun blazed through the open window. From here I could see the […]
Help! What Genre Do I Write?!
I know. I broke my own rules. I’m posting an article about writing on a reader’s website. Forgive me, dear reader. Humans are obsessed with labeling things. It’s part of our psychological makeup. Choke berry? Fatal. Blue berry? Safe. Fuzzy little rabbit? Safe. Saber tooth tiger with ferocious growl? Fatal. Sadly, this primitive need to […]
Breathe. Let go. Smile.
Mediation is the undoing of trauma. Yoga is mediation for your body. – Angela B. Chrysler I feel it. The end of my journey. The end. Something you never quite recognize until you can look back and see just how far you’ve come. Something you never quite recognize until you can look ahead and smile. […]
Goodbye, Doctor (Tom Baker)
So… When last we spoke, I had just started the 4th Doctor. An era is now at an end. Here are my parting words.
Protected: With You Sneak Preview
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The power of “I.”
This is one post I’ve put off for a while. A number of my followers will unfollow me. Many will lash out at me. Total strangers will attack me for this. Then, just yesterday, I realized that these same people didn’t care about me when they horrified me and threatened me as a child. Nor […]