Social Media. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Goodreads, Instagram, Tumblr…my god…There really are a lot of them today aren’t there? I still remember waiting for the dial up back in 1996 on our Tandy 1000 that accepted floppy discs. Did your brain just explode with nostalgia? LOL Mine did. It seems such a waste to just sign […]
Thoughts on Social Media Part #1
Goodmorning me dearest reader. I wrote a 2,000 word post this morning and have broken it into four 500-word parts for easy digestion. The goal of this…monologue is presented in Part #4, which you are welcome to skip to. Part’s #1, #2, and #3 are just exploratory dialogue to help me get to what I […]
Update on Dolor and Shadow #5
I just finished the edits on Dolor and Shadow! *THROWS CONFETTI* I am currently working with my editor and illustrator on the final blurb, dimensions, and format to upload to Smashwords and Kindle. I also have to set up Amazon for the paper back edition! So excited! Today will be dedicated to the final formatting […]
Linguistics over breakfast
I am working on edits this morning and found a bit of a research issue I have to go back on. I figured I would walk you through my process. The line is: Gudrun eased her grip on the Seidr staff. My editor wants me to change this to Gudrun eased her grip on the […]
Casting the Roles
I’m working on my interviews and one question was “If you had to cast your characters for a Hollywood movie, who would they be?” Oooh! I just had to share! So! Portraying my strong headed Kallan is the lovely Emmy Rossum! And for Rune…the sexy Clint Barton! And for Bergen… Wait! I want to see […]
Update on Dolor and Shadow #4
I just finished editing a grueling chapter. Not hard, just tedious. I am getting ready to start Chapter 57 of 66, but I feel the “Slush Brain” setting in. I am grabbing lunch before I finish this up to recharge and postpone the Slush Brain! I adore this part of Dolor and Shadow because it […]
Exploring Genre
Okay, so it’s 10:36 and I haven’t touched Dolor and Shadow yet, but it’s my birthday! I’m allowed to blow off work today if I want. I have so much yummy things happening and I’m just so excited! First, I found this yesterday on Twitter. It’s paranormal romance. I read every genre and LOVE […]
Happy Birthday to me!
Good merry morning, mina! So…it’s my birthday today! I’m 30 something…again…(I was born in 1980. You do the math, BUT DON’T TELL ME!) and I walked down to my coffee and this…THIS…is what I found! ISN’T IT EPIC!?!? Okay, so I’m a little excited. My husband rocks! Not flowers. Not lingerie or candy or anything […]
Another One Bites The Dust
“Another One Bites The Dust” by Queen because I love Freddy Mercury Hello, Mina! …and for those of you who do not speak Japanese, “mina” means “everyone.” I watch a lot of anime. Currently I am working my way through One Piece, Naruto Shippuden, and Hunter X Hunter. So I just wrapped up Chapter 52 […]
Self Appreciation Day
I’m eating my lunch and hanging out. Feel like writing free form before I return to edits. I am eating a peanut butter sandwich (no jelly) on whole grain bread with kettle corn and a wine glass of milk…all the regular glasses are in the dishwasher. Besides…this makes me feel classy. Oh…and I’m playing Avenged […]