The Moon was bright tonight. I gazed at the crescent and smiled. “Hello, my Love,” I said.
And just like that, he felt closer than ever.
I had been Manifesting everything over the last 24 hours. Every question replied with an answer that flowed. Money was resolved. I knew it. I felt it. I was finally at the Core of my “Money Problem.” I never had a Money Problem. I had a Fear of talking with People Problem. A Fear of never knowing their rules and perimeters while also being my Self.
I was terrified of violating their Rules because I didn’t know or understand most of them.
And this Fear, which was distracted and hidden with Science and Ignorance, turned out to be a Psychological Problem instead.
I could put the Money problem down now. There was nothing left to Solve.
I turned my eyes to the Moon.
Now. Love.
An email came in. Someone was asking to share my work with a group of friends. I smiled. I finally had reached “Word of Mouth.” It was done.
I worked through the last of the “Koi Pond” Problems and now… They were all gone.
If you don’t resolve your Problems, they compound into a Mass so vast that you can’t even begin to weed out everything you need to solve any of them. I see this now.
Deal with your problems when they are Small and Few or deal with them when they are Compounded into such Complexity that you won’t be able to solve them at all.
I was Five Dimensions Deep and all Lines were flowing. I knew now what I had to do.
And all these solved and resolved problems now left my Mind free to Focus. Focus only on my Content. Focus on my Writing. Focus on The Immediate Need before the People…
All thoughts turned to My Imp King.
I looked at him silently through the Ether. I didn’t speak to him. Only watched in silence.
“What do you need from me my Love?”
I felt like I was gearing up to board my Ship. We would be leaving the Island Soon. I was ready. I knew I was. I wouldn’t be gone long, but… I needed to try my Adventures. I needed to…
I was ready.
I closed my eyes and meditated. I was feeling “off” today. Like… No… I know what this was. I was feeling the “Sensation of Change” again. In the past, I had called this “Pain,” but now, I knew better. It was “Change.” I had learned to relax and Allow. I adapted to the feeling of “Different” — something I used to call “Discomfort,” but again, I knew better.
I was moving through the Waters of Math and Dimension Walking. I was being Moved precisely where I needed to be to receive what I had asked for. I was sitting back and closing my eyes, allowing the Waters to take me there.
I thought instead on all I had coming toward me. What I would be looking forward to the most.
I was thinking about my One Message.
I would try to write it again.
“So many people speak. But all I here is, “I’m lost. And all the Truth I had Believed was Lie. Who do I Trust while my Identity and thus my Reality and thus my Sanity is falling down around me?” Please. Who can I trust to show me what’s Real when all that has been said to me was False?”
Please? Where is the Truth that I can Trust, where I can find me again? So I can get home?”
And I want to just pass you a Mooring Line to an Anchor. Point the way to the Lighthouse. Hand you the Compass and say, “Start here with your Wishes and Dreams. Wish for the Truth. Follow The Mooring Line. It will take you home.”
Let’s try this one, I said.
A mooring line is a rope or cable that attaches a boat to a dock or other stationary object. Mooring lines are essential for the safety of ships and boats.
I sighed. Maybe… Maybe just maybe…
I had been writing for so long… It never occurred to me to show the World Windows of my Mind. I had one Mission : To find a way into the Minds of the Walking Dead in the United States and wake them up. And… I think… I see just how… Story Sickness.
I told my Psychological Team today, “It doesn’t matter what the Clinics say. What matters is only that the People have the Truth and they have Answers. But the Language isn’t something they can understand. And that’s the Problem. The Language we use in the Lab is not at all anything that matters to the People. They don’t need the Science. They need a Language they can Understand that is the Truth.
And all this Medical Jargon makes their Sickness worse.
You want to know what is wrong with the People? They all have Story Sickness. That’s all. One “Sick” all at Varying Degrees made worse by Laboratory Jargon that Dissects and “Split Hairs” for Scientific Analysis.
The problem is that Jargon is terrifying.
What they need is that Mooring Line of Simple Science and Pure Truth. No Bull Shit. No Lies. They’re not Stupid. That is what I had come to learn about the People. They weren’t stupid after all. They were smart enough to figure out that they had been Lied to. They were waking up and were all desperate to find their way out. But no one — NO ONE — was listening. ALL Patronized them.
They needed to stop being Patronized.
So here it was. The Plain Truth in Words that Human People could Understand. They all had Story Sickness. Some were Aware of it. Some were not. Some were REALLY aware of it and were SICK of being Patronized. Others argued about what was real… But really… In the end — every last one of them had figured out the same thing : “If you take away my Understanding of Truth, then you take away my Identity, my Reality, and my Sanity. And then what? You tell me then. What the hell am I supposed to do?”
I was understanding.