New Earth News™ “Nourishing News” (Annual)

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The Nourishing News direct from New Earth.

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We are Philanthropists!

100% of all Proceeds go toward our Philanthropy Mission with Community Gaia and The Radical Global Healing Plan!

The more you spend, the more you help us help others! It’s News that Nourishes you while you Monetary Contribution Nourishes The World!

Now that is News you can feel good about!


This is our Official Newspaper for New Earth and Community Gaia!

We cover everything from updates within The Abstract, News from The Universal Clock, and News from The Story Line.


We provide Articles on how to keep you prepared for and The Apocalypse, and much more besides.

We revolve our entire Industry of New Earth around The Philosopher’s Stone, which is built on Play + Agape (Philanthropy) + Logic.

While the Muggles report on The War and End of Days.

We talk about What’s to Come, What has happened,  and What to expect.


And how to Survive it all. Our Articles Include –>


Nourishment Centers

The Healing Garden Nourishment Centers are planned and our first Cultivator Training Program is well on its way in Kenya. Stay up to date on our Progress through the Development of The Societal Prototype and how Community Gaia and The Healing Garden is building Global Nourishment Centers!


Back To The Origin

Need to Find your Origin? We have History : The Untold Story available in The Wandering Wench. Stop guessing. No more Conjecture. Here we lay down hardcore Archeological Evidence backed by 30+ Years of Research combined with Readings from The Universal Clock.

Get The Truth. Orient your Self with the Origin. Then use Triadic Healing and The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self to Train under the Ancient Wisdom all the Prophets used.

“You want to be an Esoteric? You need an Esoteric to Guide you.”

Sunshine Imagination Adventures

Sunshine Imagination Adventures encompasses all of our Events!

Anna Imagination Loves to Party! And what better way to Celebrate life than through events called SUNSHINE IMAGINATION ADVENTURES! This is where we put The Radical Global Healing Plan to Play!

The Universal Clock

The Universal Clock is The Universe + Rhythm of All that everything moves on. It’s all the Disciplines rolled into One and — when you can read it — you can see all That was, all that Is, and all that will be again. It is a 2,000 Year Mathematic Rotation of All. This is what The Mayan Calendar was. It is what the Akashic Records were.

The Bible was based on it… But The Bible was also a Manual for “How To Survive The Apocalypse” if you can read Ashavana.


“This Podcast Is Not A Conspiracy”

Here, we help our dear, sweet Muggle Minds out by giving them the rumors we want them to spread about us! At This Podcast Is Not A Conspiracy, we say everything we need to say knowing it’s going to get warped and twisted into preserve meaning that we didn’t intent — AND WE’RE COUNTING ON IT!

When you control the Narrative, it gives you a lot of Freedom to be Honest that you didn’t have before.


The Playing Philanthropists “Giving Circles”

We are The Playing Philanthropists!

Our Scientists — We have our own Scientists — have uncovered the elegance that is The Philosopher’s Circle that links Play + Agape (Philanthropy) + Logic = The Philosopher’s Stone, which is The Mindset required for Flawless Manifestation.

Community and Healing revolves around Giving Circles and Philanthropy and we supercharge that Science with Play and Laughter fused with Strategic Discipline from Psychological Physics and Quantum Logic.

New Earth News has Partnered with Philanthropy Together to supercharge this Dream into Action.


The Radical Global Healing Plan

Did you know that there are Global Leaders organizing for World Peace and NO ONE is covering it!? That is why New Earth News™ was born. Because no one wanted to cover this! So then we thought, “Hell! Why not! We will!”


Jediology News (A Sample of What You Get)

A Letter sent this morning on an inquiry of “Earth + Air + Water.”


Hello, Dear Reader :
Yes. It’s a lot. Pace yourself. Earth, air, and water.
I will start you here –>
The Psychology of Gods is something the Modern Mind does not understand. It’s “Roman Psychology” vs “Greek Psychology.”
Before Rome, Gods were not “Owners” of “Possessors” of The Earth, Air, and Water. They WERE Earth, Air, and Water. As in, when you breathe, you are taking in Anu. When you drink water, you are taking in El.
Every Cell contains a Record of The All Of Everything. The Logical “Open” and “Close” or “1” and “0” is a program inside Cells that tells them which part of the Records is “Open” and which is “Closed.” And this Code Tells the Cell what to Become.
Thus, every Cell contains The All of Everything within. This is how we are connected. I am inside of you. You are inside of me.
Lies mess up the Code and create Story Sickness. This is why Truth is SO important.
For more on The Elements –>
Old Norse and Freyja.
Ancient Egypt with Isis, Osiris, and Set.
Look at how they are the SAME. Not Different.
Now, When you read you must “Mind The Dimensions.” I will explain what this means. Imagine there is a Grandfather (Dimension #1), a Father (Dimension #2), and a Son (Dimension #3). In Quantum Logic, A Generation is a Dimension.
“Grandfather is The Origin” and is the Purist of Story. This is an Integrated Whole of One called “Henosis.” “Solomon” was another Ancient Greek word for Henosis, which meant “One Wonder” or “One God.” Also “One and Only.”
Father is a Divide of the One, which is “Daemon” that meant “Divided Wonder.” or “Divided One.”
In Integrated Mathematics, this “Division” is called Disintegration (Process of Dividing from One) and Integration (Process of becoming One) and is the same math we see in Cellular Biology with Cell Mitosis. It is The Creation Formula. Divide does not at all mean Dissolve (That is Cell Apoptosis) and even the word “Divide” is wrong. It’s actually Disassembling and Reassembling.
Never “Breaking Down” but rather “Simplifying” (Integration or Engineering) and Complexifying (Disintegration. or Reverse Engineering).
The further away from the Origin you get — The Grandfather, — the more “Divided” or “Complex” the Stories become. This is Important. As you read, the more “Confusing” the Names and the Genders get, which tells you how far away from the Origin you are. The more Divided, the farther away from The Grandfather you are.
Which means the more incorrect the Story is. Which is why you need to look ONLY for the Common Denominators.
Here is my Book, Breaking Delusion. It’s “The Story Book” Version of the Science. If you want the Core Science that is shown in Breaking Delusion, here is The Theory of Love.
Sorry for the Backstory. Now I can explain.
In God Science — I call this God Science “Jediology”… Because I have Naming Rights and no one can stop me — Earth, Air, and Water are the 1st Dimension from Henosis.
Isis/Ishtar/Angalta/Gaia/Danu/E’Anna/Anu = Air
Osiris/Aion/Hades/Phosphorus (Lucifer)/Lugh/Enlil/Sin = Earth
Water… I will be blunt. Water looks like an Integration or a Bridge between Earth and Sky. This is where…
I haven’t been able to find many Common Denominators. Post Roman — and during The God War — Water was overthrown by his own Son or outright replaced and the Usurper went on to Kill/Imprison the other Two Gods. I have much to say on this. I’m currently writing History : The Untold Story.
Set/Hermes/Zeus/Cronus/Marduk/El = Water
In Jediology –> It looks like Air had elements of Water and Earth had elements of Water. Water is what they shared and this aligns with (1) Quantum Logic (2) Integrated Mathematics (3) Biology (3) Chemistry (4) Music (5) Psychological Physics.
Look to “The Three Sisters” in Ireland.
The Norns
The Fates
The “Three” Women.
Now, in Jediology, The Law of Nature revolves around Four Formulas. A “5” Formula. A “7” Formula. A “12” Formula. The [5 + 7 + 12] +>// 1 which is written 3+>//1. which means “The 5, 7, and 12 Formulas Integrate into One Formula.
And that is where Earth + Air + Water +>// “Solomon” or Henosis.
And once you see those Four Formulas, you can’t unsee them. All of Everything revolves around those Four Formulas.
5 and 7 are Harmonic.
The 12 is Melodic.
This is getting you into “Mother Nature’s Song.” Another Rabbit Hole.
As you research, look ONLY for the Common Denominators. Everything else is a lie, omission, red herring, or cultural embellishment. Mind the Grouping. This means don’t mix up Dimensions. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME TODAY!  Where someone groups a “Father” with the “Son.” This is because they don’t have Integrated Mathematics or Quantum Logic. Sloppy Science results.
I am available to you at any time for more details if you wish.
Warmest wishes,
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