This is our Official Newspaper for Under Earth and New Earth.
We cover everything from updates within The Abstract, News from The Universal Clock, and News from The Story Line.
We provide Articles on how to keep you prepared for and The Apocalypse, and much more besides.
We revolve our entire Industry of New Earth around The Philosopher’s Stone, which is built on Play + Agape (Philanthropy) + Logic.
While the Muggles report on The War and End of Days.
We talk about What’s to Come, What has happened, and What to expect.
And how to Survive it all.
Nourishment Centers
The Healing Garden Nourishment Centers are planned and our first Cultivator Training Program is well on its way in Kenya.
Back To The Origin
Need to Find your Origin? We have History : The Untold Story available in The Wandering Wench.
Sunshine Imagination Adventures
Sunshine Imagination Adventures encompasses all of our Events!
The Universal Clock
The Universal Clock is The Universe + Rhythm of All that everything moves on. It’s all the Disciplines rolled into One and — when you can read it — you can see all That was, all that Is, and all that will be again. It is a 2,000 Year Mathematic Rotation of All. This is what The Mayan Calendar was. It is what the Akashic Records were.
The Bible was based on it… But The Bible was also a Manual for “How To Survive The Apocalypse” if you can read Ashavana.
“This Podcast Is Not A Conspiracy”
Here, we help our dear, sweet Muggle Minds out by giving them the rumors we want them to spread about us! At This Podcast Is Not A Conspiracy, we say everything we need to say knowing it’s going to get warped and twisted into preserve meaning that we didn’t intent — AND WE’RE COUNTING ON IT!
When you control the Narrative, it gives you a lot of Freedom to be Honest that you didn’t have before.
The Playing Philanthropists “Giving Circles”
Our Giving Circles are everything! This is where we train others on Philanthropy that we top off with Psychological Physics and how and why Philanthropy matters to your Health! We build our Missions here, our Workshops, and our Plans! But most of all we build our Friends here.
We meet 3 Times a week for Onboarding, Direction, Think Tanks and just plain “Campfire Community!”
The Radical Global Healing Plan
Did you know that there are Global Leaders organizing for World Peace and NO ONE is covering it!? That is why New Earth News™ was born. Because no one wanted to cover this! So then we thought, “Hell! Why not! We will!”
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