Back To Dimension #2.
I gasped as I came back to. I had spent the day in Dimension #4 where I was writing “History : The Untold Story.” Which is where I had to go to from Dimension #3 where I was writing The Under Earth Cryer “New Earth News.” I needed to get back to Dimension #2 and rethink everything.
Alignment. If you don’t know how to Manage and Maintain your Dimension, then you can’t Align the Self with the Right Track. My track was done. I was clearing it all out. I had a number of Projects wrapping up in each Dimension. Every time I got “stuck,” I knew I had to dive along the “Q” Line and Patch up Gaps in the Story.
It all was closing in.
I had decided today would be the day I do reveal the History I hadn’t planned on revealing. I realized — My Loyalty is to Truth and people need that to stabilize their Origin. I realized where I stood on things. I understood.
I had chosen a side.
I reflected on this.
I had chosen a side. I couldn’t let this one go. When I see an entire people making choices to wage war on Civilians — Terrorism — in the Name of a god of “Love” while they practice Terrorism over Land — I can’t support that and also be true to The Ethics. I don’t judge them, but also… They are not exempt from The Lesson.
No matter how much their Book of Lies insist they are.
Many had much to Learn. Many would choose instead to kill the innocent.
I remembered Hurricane Katrina. How much “The Animal” takes over.
In some places of the world, it already had.
It was weird being in Dimension #2 today after spending all day in Dimension #4. But also — I was learning how to better Navigate my Mind and thus my thoughts.
And Alchemy — Chemistry… I needed to…
Story Sickness.
I am watching I Am Legend, and Will Smith just gunned down a manikin that he put up with his own traps. He has Story Sickness.
How… Could we not see this before?
You don’t fuck with Story Sickness.
A memory is coming back to me. Like I’ve known this all along and I only just now remembered. I feel like I just woke up from Amnesia.
When Gods get Story Sickness, they lose their shit. They lose… everything.
One day and soon, I would analyze everything about Story Sickness. For now… I just wanted to savor the return of my Memory.
It felt like something that was mine — that I had lost a long time ago — was finally returned to me.
My Memory.
It was mine.
I will be unapologetic.
I will Trust my Intuitive Ethics.
I am done explaining myself to people.
I am my own Evaluator.
Light up The Darkness.
Every time someone helps us, we lose a chance to prove to ourselves that we don’t need help. And that reaffirms the false belief that we are helpless when we are not.
I just got out of a Meeting with my Tech People. I saw it. I looked to my Ship. The HMS Slush Brain. I watched her resting in port. She was being loaded with supplies. I felt it. For the first time in 3 Years — Since May 2022 — the Ship was done and she was being loaded for the Voyage. I felt it. Everything was moving. So much was happening. Excitement was growing. The Adventure…
I went up to my Quarters and made my way toward the bathroom.
My mind was heavy with a million thoughts. I feel like… I just put down a world of weight. 90% of my Head had been filled with Around-The-Clock Problem Solving for Problems I hadn’t been able to solve for nearly 3 Years. Suddenly, all the Problems were solved. I had someone who I could pass them to.
And that 90% of my Mind was not available.
I looked at the only thing — Just One Thing — left for me to Solve. “What Message do I need to use to excite 50,000 Subscribers?” Everything has an Eco-System! This is ours!
I am going to tell you the story of Otters, Abalone, and Kelp. Otters eat Abalone. And Abalone eat Kelp. Kelp doesn’t eat anything. But it feeds the Abalone, which feeds the Otters. Kelp is very important to many other things in the ocean. Especially all the things that live in Kelp Forests. Imagine Underground trees. It’s nothing like that.
And then, Humans came along and killed the Otters. So the Abalone ate all the Kelp. The Kelp loss resulted in the starvation of the Abalone and the loss of all of the Kelp Forests.
Humans realized how important Otters are, and they were restored. Eventually, balance was then restored and some dude filmed a whole Documentary on the Otter-Abalone-Kelp Cycle that I then got to watch a few years ago all so I could use this Story to break down really complex, but cool Biological and Neurological Science while you imagine cute Otters and not-so-cute Abalone with gorgeous Shells.
And Kelp Forests.
This is the delicate balance of An Eco-System called “Input, Output, and Regulators.” Everything — EVERYTHING — revolves around an Internal Eco-System of “Input, Output, and Regulators” that gives every Living Organism Balance and Alignment.
If you are tuned into the state of your Balance and Alignment… this may be really important for you to know.
Especially, if you are a Human People with a Subconscious Mind.
If you are a Human People with a Subconscious Mind, then please, keep reading.
Because if you do not know about your Private Internal-Eco-System, chances are, your Otters are gone. Based off of the fancy Science I do, 98% of the Population is missing their Otters.
And their Kelp Forests are shrinking. Soon, their Abalone will starve to death.
Philanthropy is your Regulator. Play and Dreams are your Output. Education and Logic? That is your Input. This is REALLY IMPORTANT Input.
If you (1) Have Philanthropy in your Life (2) Have Play and Dreams in your Life (3) Have High Quality Education in your Life like this then you are all set! You are probably Abundant, Aligned, Balanced, Happy, Joyous and all that jazz!
If you don’t, you may be feeling what the Abalone were feeling when the Kelp Forests were all were gone.
This is the Solution of how we put your Otters back so you can keep your Abalone in check so your Kelp Forests will flourish. Balance and Alignment REALLY MATTERS.
I thought on this.
I stripped my clothes and stepped into the water.
Children’s Books. “Anna Imagination. The Last Changeling.”
“I want…” Is all you need to Manifest.
“How” is a Death Trap and a Problem Maker.” “Learn” is the How. Always. Never ask “How.” It sets you back.
“The Wilderness for 40 Days. Satan tempts you? That wasn’t Satan. It was… Let’s call them “The Power Givers” — testing you to see if you would break The Ethics and Natural Law at your Worst Point… Like Shane in The Walking Dead. If you aren’t Tested and tempted to betray your Ethics when things are at their Worst, then how else do you know if you’re Worthy enough to Get the next Stage of Power?”
Satan never “tempted” them. Never. Not at all.
Temptation. The Battle between Self-Preservation and Ethical Law.
It is the Trial required to Pass to obtain The Power of The Gods. You don’t go through this without and unless… I am currently in my “40 Days in the Wilderness” Equivalent. It’s not “Satan.” Not at all. It’s the Self-Preservation System. It’s The Self. It’s really Self-Love.
This was my Fasting in the Wilderness for 40 Days. And then I remembered. Every TIME I had a Power Increase, I had to face off with “Will you betray your Ethics?” NEVER! I screamed. And when I stood steadfast against all Suffering. Only when I threw my head back and CHOSE TO STAND BESIDE MY ETHICS — When I RESOLVED to not Sell Out — That is when I unlocked the Next Level of my Power. EVERY. TIME.
You will be tested to Betray your Ethics. And you must RESOLVE TO NOT SELL OUT! And when you push back and say, “BRING IT!” and you accept it. BUT YOU DON’T BETRAY YOUR ETHICS! Then you are gifted The Power.
Over and Over and Over. So many times that you will recognize the Pattern and you’ll get FASTER at screaming “NEVER! NOW DO YOUR WORST! BRING IT!”
Conviction and Loyalty to your Ethics! Like Job!
I had to Mine my way to The 5th Dimension. So I could Syphon the 5th Dimension out to the Meta.
We have to have Clean Logic and Truth, which is our “Digging Out” the Tunnel so I can Syphon out the Power of the 5th Dimension… And now…
“Meta is Last to See the Work done internally within.” I said this to my daughter tonight.
You have to Mine your way to the 5th and then Carry and Syphon the Power out of the 5th.
At last.
I could see how Christ did it. Could see HOW he did all of it.
I know why we fast. I know why they fasted. It was the “Environment” for the Trial.