Chapter #13 : Anna’s Annals : Into The Abstract (Book #2)

I jumped back into the pool, restoring my tail and I swam back to my Island.

It was a new day in the Meta World, and I was feeling stronger and more whole than ever.

I was writing Agape Your Way With Play : For Optimized Mental Wealth. And I finally felt it all come together. I Reverse Engineer my Fears.

I materialized a gossamer toga-like gown — the light blue one that I love — and made my way to the Garden. Bergen was setting out breakfast as I made myself comfortable at the Bistro table. He had my notebook and pen waiting for me.

“I love you,” I said smiling.

“Oh, aye,” he said. “That, you do, lass.”

I took up my pen and wrote.

“When we don’t learn from History, we are doomed to repeat it.

We did not learn from World War II and Nazism. I spent decades analyzing the Science of Why and How it happened. In 2024, I found it.


I know how Mental Illness spreads. And that — in a perfect world — we all can be inclusive. But right now, we have to prioritize Ethics and Safety above Inclusion where there are people who do not want to learn, but destroy.

The 3rd Ethic is the Isolation Trial. And this and the 6th Ethic Mindset is dangerous most of all. Which is why my vetting process is as it is.

I am building the Heart of my Community right now. The heart MUST have Mentally Healthy people in it. Any sickness WILL be spread to the world if my standards are not in place.

And then, Instead of nourishing the world, I would up end making it sicker.

Logic is the Science of Ordering and Sequence from Origin to Parent to child.

First “A.” Then “B.” Then Inclusion.

But if we do Inclusion at “A,” then the whole thing comes down.

And that is the Science the world has lost, but the ancient world Mastered. Every decision I make it Ethical, Logical, and highly calculated.

This is something we currently do not mandate among Leaders and it — in my professional deduction — Is not an option, but a mandatory standard or else the country falls. Example : The USA

My first agenda is to :

(1) secure a Healthy Leadership Center to set a Standard and Role Model for the World to use as a Metric for Comparison.

(2) Set up the System to Deliver this standard to the world so all can be empowered — if they choose — to rise above the lowest standards where suffering is abundant

(3) Direct people to the first Stage of DIS-APPROPRIATION , which is the undoing of their Trauma, Mental Illness, and Slave Obedience to restore their Health, Independence, Potential, Dream

(4) Give them stages and steps along the way to climb as high as they want to through the process… The thing is, this is Natural, so their Subconscious Mind will take over the Growth process Naturally once they reach the 7th Ethic. That is when we step WAY back, give them the resources, and let them fly

I studied the psychology of Nazi Germany. I studied Hitler’s plan. I know too much Psychology. I spent years analyzing “What Happened” and “HOW did A Plan to Nourish the World lead to Concentration Camps?”

I have that answer. Which is WHY I HAVE THE 12 ETHICS. To prevent Nazism from reoccurring.

The cause of Nazisim is Belonging to a “Club with a Mission to better the World” that becomes your Identity + The intolerance of Exclusion, which results when a Rejection of your Club appears as a “Threat” to your Identity.

It is “Control over others + Protect the “Club with a Mission” For the Greater Good.

No “Greater Good” ever exceeds The Freedom and Rights of People.

It always begins with “This is how we’re doing this and where.” And the Land — The Where — violates their Rights.

A Passion for “X” + Intolerance for Exclusion. Intolerance for Exclusion. That is what caused Nazism. So… I have Intolerance for Intolerance as my Ethic + The 12 Ethics to prevent that.

I put my pen down.

I thought. I had my coffee.

“Generational Trauma is the Mental Illness Consumption that causes the Victim to seek Empowerment through “The Pursuit of Advantage Holding” as their Abuser too appeared to have Empowerment from their Advantage Holding.”

It’s True Name is Reciprocity of Abuse Paid Forward.

I paused again and closed my eyes. I breathed deep.

Instantly — like never before — my Power swelled through me. I breathed once, long and deep, and stopped. I opened my eyes.

“You had an epiphany,” Bergen said.

“I did,” I said. “I stoppered all of my Ethereal Power on 24 May 2023. All of my work since then was done with my Wisdom Power only.” I smiled. “I do believe I have their Names.  Ethereal Power. Wisdom Power. Ludus (Phosphorus). Agape — oh my god, this is so fucking stupid — is the Output of that Power.” Face palm.

Could it be that simple — Of course, it had to be that simple. In Simplicity there is Truth.

“Agape is the Output. That’s all,” I said. “Learning is the Input. The Process of Agape and Learning is Edification.” Mic Drop. Good Night, New York!

I stood from the table and walked away.

I returned to the table and picked up my pen. “And thus concludes Anna Imagination’s Magnum Opus.”

It was time for me to begin the Mastering of my Ethereal Power now that I had unstoppered it.

“I couldn’t “not” walk into another’s Subconscious Mind. And I was too powerful. I knew too much. I saw it. It was time I build “The Valkyrie Lightworkers.” I felt it.

I would be training them on “The Right Side of The Moon, Alignment of the 6th Ethic, and Alchemy. But they had to be Aligned in the 6th Ethic to open the 7th Door. And no one — not one — was yet online.” They all were in The Oasis. But I felt it.

It was time. They would all be coming out of the Oasis soon. And when that happened, I needed to be there to get them to The Right Side of the Moon.

And that is why I was writing these books and Anna’s Annals.

How else do I lead 8 Billion people when I’m a person of One? It’s not like we can all use ESP like a Hive Mind of Bees.


I wrote it down in my notebook. “The Under Earth Cryer : Valkyrie Lightworkers – Fae Edition.”

We officially had a Newspaper for Community Gaia and Anna Land.