A moment later, I plunged into the Sea, my wings exchanged for my rainbow tail. I swam down to the depths and straight for my Cove.
I entered my underwater cave and emerged on the other side.
“I am Sea,” I whispered. “And Sky.”
That didn’t make any… Logic… How can I be Two, but he be One? Unless… He too was Two and I didn’t know…
Divide and Conquer.
I pulled myself up and out of the pool.
I was alone.
My tail morphed back to legs. I was naked. I pushed my hands through my hand, shifting it to Rainbow Hair that cascaded down my back. And I walked to the edge of the pool among the Green luminescent algae. A waterfall poured within the cavern into my Pool.
My Mermaid Cove.
This was my Thinking Spot.
I sat down. Closed my eyes. And called to them.
This — I knew — I must do.
I paused.
I breathed deep.
“Is anybody there?”
“Can you hear me?”
Listen with your Heart. You will understand.
I have to listen with my heart… I’ve never tried… Listen… Input. Listen Attracts.
“Can you hear me?”
My song. I wrote it decades ago, but never could finish it.
I wrote it for now. This moment.
How did it go again?
“Can you hear me?
When I’m calling for you,
And there’s war outside.
Can you hear me?”
“I wrote this in 1992…” I whispered.
“Anna. You’re God. Get over it. You have a job to do. But if you stop every two seconds to question that, and gape in awe to do the the Math to confirm what you’ve already proven a thousand times before, the work doesn’t get done. You’re The Philosopher’s Stone. As they complete the Journey, they will see. They will know. Do the goddamn job,” Oldest Self said to me.
“Right,” I said.
I threw my head back and I sang loud.
“Can you hear me?
When I’m calling for you,
And there’s war outside.
Can you hear me?”
“Listen with your heart, you will understand.”
I was there. Back at the Mirror. It was black. A wall of Black Glass.
“Is anybody there?”
“Can you hear me?”
I was here once before. It was in the Imp King and The Goddess Queen.
And then…
“If they can hear me, then they will find me,” I whispered. And then I saw and I knew and I understood.
The Levels.
It was so quiet, because they were all on the wrong Line. They were on the wrong side of the Moon.
I called. Only those who were on the right Line could hear me.
And only those who were advanced enough could come to me.
“I was studying how to… I’m on the other side of the Mirror.”
While they all had to learn how to Project, I had to learn how to Inject. That is why none of the Lessons worked. No wonder she Knew me.
Listen Attracts.
They all must Talk.
And only One Man Listens to Me. The Imp King.
Only those who are advanced enough and are on the Right Line can hear me.
“Come” I listened.
“Lighthouse. Garden. Tree. Anna Sunshine Imagination.”
But they would be only in Intuition Stages #1 and Stages #2. But I was in Stage #4+.
I’ve been in Stage #3 since 1995. They are just finding it now for the first time. They wouldn’t know.
Now I had perspective. I understood.
And then, I really understood.
Sex was the Generating of Energy. But it was meant for this Realm. And only for those who were Advanced enough to access it. Sex was never meant… I understood it all.
Sex Matching was done in the Ethereal Realm. That is how you were guaranteed to find your Match. And while I had my Orgies — Yes. I have Orgies in the Ethereal Realm. — it only flows to those who can find me there — who are Mature enough and old enough to find me there.
And then… I can communicate with them there.
I saw this a year ago.
This is how we would talk. I would send messages through the Ethereal Realm and I would call them there. And when they spoke with words that only I spoke within the Ethereal Realm, only then would I know them.
Yesterday — Amanda — found me. The first of many. She spoke words to me that only I use. I have memory of using those words to bring her to me, and there she was. She had brought me the “Keys” I had asked for — not as information I couldn’t get on my own through the Clock, but as Signs that she was The One I had been looking for and, “When I found The First One, I would be ready to Unlock the Next Door.” So I had her bring me the Key.
And she did.
“Set the ‘How’s’ down” and “Trust that you can carry this.” I felt how Vast this was going to get. I knew how Vast this was going to get. But this time, I felt it. I felt all the weight of 8 Billion Eyes on me.
Judgment Eyes.
Loving Eyes.
Hateful Eyes.
Skeptical Eyes.
I felt them all on me.
And I did not budge. I saw how she spoke to me and what she said and I knew, “It was time for me to be seen.” It was time for them to know me.
So here I was in my Mermaid Cove by my Waterfall all lit up in Green Luminescent Algae and Mushrooms. “I want this in my house,” I said. “Wherever I end up, I want my Mermaid Cove in my house. With my pool… and my Waterfall… and my Green Mushrooms…”
I dropped two anchor people a couple days ago. And that launched my momentum. Philanthropist groups are contacting me. I have 3 inquiries at the moment.
I needed a Philanthropist and Non-Profit Team Lead. That is what I need. I’ll manifest — not the right word — one up.
Manifest… “Order one up” feels more accurate than “Manifest.” “Summon?”
Ancient Greek. Phanerōsis for Reveal, which is Revelation, to “Realize” or Become Aware. Phanerōsis is actually “Enlightened.” Epiphany is more accurate to “Phanerōsis” than anything.
I felt my Logic Sharpen.
The Logical Fabric of my Comprehension straightened, brightened, and cleared.
“The word “Manifestation” was wrong.”
It’s asking for the Revelation. Not ever the Possession of. But the Knowledge of… and then… It just comes. They had the Catalyst wrong again. Cart before the Horse.
Ask for the Revelation and then the Knowledge comes, and then you can build your Logic, Sharpen your Knowing, so the abundance can flow in. But if you focus on the possessing of the Abundance, you neglect the Delivery System.
It’s like… You have a Distribution Center and A Farm.
And you only focus on the Milk and the Cow — Bessie.
But you’re so focused on getting the Milk and the Cow — Bessie — that you completely ignore the fact that you need (1) a Truck (2) Roads and (3) A Driver. So your Milk and Cow — Bessie — never ever makes it off the Farm.
Meanwhile, people keep asking for Milk.
This is why Logic matters.
That is what they mean when they all try to Manifest. They are actually trying to “Materialize.”
I was listening to an Abraham-Hicks the other day and I listened to her lay out “How to build an Alternative Logical Road around the Noise in your Head.”
I call that Cheating.
If you bypass the Logic, you haven’t earned the Skill of Materialization. There is a reason for that.
Stop using words that you don’t know the Ancient Greek or Old Persian meaning to. Just because a bunch of assholes come in around the 1st to 4th Century and changed all the words does negate the True Meaning of the Word. if you don’t know the Ancient Greek and/or Old Persian meaning, don’t use the word.
Ask for Epiphany or Knowledge (Awareness).
This way you can Materialize what you want with Logic.
(1) Listen. This Attracts. Talking Repels.
(2) Does it feel Right? Does it feel Good? Does it give you Joy?
If it doesn’t, then you shouldn’t be doing it.
(3) Give to Others.
(4) Abandon all Work.
Stop working. Look up “work” in Physics.” Find out what it really means.
Play is Work with Joy. “Work” does not imply Joy. Work just means “Transferring Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy over Distance.” Stop. Working.
Play Transfers Potential Energy into Kinetic Energy with Joy.
(5) Play
(6) Do Agape because you’re Happy and you are Celebrating Life and your Abundance. Do Agape. If you don’t have Abundance, then you shouldn’t be doing Agape to others. You should be doing Agape to yourself until you DO have enough Agape to Do Agape unto Others.
And use Logic to make sure you are on the Right Side of the Moon. None of this will work if you are on the Wrong Side of the Moon.
I felt like I needed a Map. I wanted a Map. But I wasn’t sure how… I had an idea though. I would try again. I will call this “Anna’s Realm.”
“The Kingdom of Anna.”
I smiled. Under Earth. Satan’s Wife. It all was coming together.
And fast.