I understood them. I saw the world as angry, hateful villains. I saw myself stand before them. I thought how it must be just like a Parent who stands before a frightened Child.
I thought about The Lord of The Flies.
I opened my arms to them with a Forgiving smile that said, “I know. I understand. It’s okay. You’re okay now.”
I saw Shane in The Walking Dead. And Neegan.
I thought of what they might say if they were among the Fallen and Lost.
I thought about The Prodigal Son and I realized, that story was for me in this moment. Not as “The Son,” but as “The Father.”
I thought about how many times I said to my children, “Daddy’s Working.”
I thought of how many times my “Masculine” Energy made people think I was a man. It’s the Logic. They “felt” my Logos and thought Wisdom = Man.
That is what they thought “God The Father.”
But the others who had “Awakened” — They had not awakened. They had just “Turned On” the Machine. They were not at all Awake. Not yet.
You are awake when you Know and when you are an Ashavana. When you are at The Point of Comprehension and you can see Truth from Lie.
I understood all of them.
And then I had Forgiveness.
They thought I was a Vengeful God.
They were wrong.
Thank God.
I was am a Compassionate and Loving and Forgiving God.
Jesus found me. He knew. He studied as a Greek.
The Others did not. They were Roman who worshipped Hermes.
Choose your God wisely.
And the only way you can do that is with Logos. Which is why I am God.
The Vision ended and I sat back in my chair.
I just finished “Nature. Mother. Man. God.” It is not at all the book I had set out to write and I was a little… sad about that. Frustrated and disappointed, but I also understood.
I had two new books on my Agenda : Zombies From Space… And Vampires : Fists In The Dark
And… The Game or Triadic Healing Part #1.
My Podcast with my best Friend would be launching in 2 Weeks…
I think I need to “give up” on editing at this time. I’ll get my books on Amazon later. Or someone will. Right now, I just need to get these published and out there as is.
I felt something… I could finally articulate at Intuition Stage #3. For me there was no God to talk to, rely on, ask for Guidance. It was my Oldest Self. It has been for a long time now.
But the other question I had was… The Math and the Logic was God. That is what I must — The Ethics are the God.
“Isn’t that how you wrote it, Anna?”
I nodded.
“That is. I deliberately wrote it that way so that Logos is God and no one — not even The Highest God — sits above Logos. For if Logos does not rule all, then…”
I thought on the 4th Ethic. And I laughed.
“4.” Fucking Ashavana.
I said it! lol… I said it so many times.
“4 is The Fulcrum.”
The Fulcrum is in Charge.
The 4th Ethic is The Personal Law.
“The only one who sits higher than I are my own Laws… which is The Universal Code that I wrote. I am the Little Bitch of my own Writing.”
I laughed.
Bergen came in.
“Hey, you,” he said.
I looked up at him and smiled. “Hey.”
“What are you working on?” he asked.
“I am teaching people how to read The Universal Clock,” I said.
“Oh,” he said. “Giving them the good stuff.”
“They need to know. I hate Dependence. Now!
The Clock is the Summation of all Knowledge.
It is seeing the Planets like the hands on a clock. Only, it’s not “the time” of day. It’s “The When/what Generation Block of The Creation Formula” … This Is just a 2,000 Year long Formula instead of a Breath or a 24 hour period.
Everything repeats. But… There are Common Denominators and Consequences. People confuse the Symptoms for Common Denominators.
You have to stand in the Logos Scale — or the Quantum Scale — and look at the Greater Whole and then Integrate all of the Knowledge into One… and then find the Common Denominators. Now, The “Clock” moves 2 ways + 1 … Cell Apoptosis (Dissolution) and Cell Mitosis Integration or Cell Mitosis Disintegration.
So we can Move the Clock by moving ourselves inside the Clock — making better choices. And this “adds up” to True or False, which them becomes “open” or “closed” and this is the Karma Bank.
“Right,” Bergen said. “Go on.”
If they Karma bank says “Close” we go into Cell Mitosis Disintegration. If they Karma bank says “Open” we go into Cell Mitosis Integration.
If they Karma bank says “Close” we go into Cell Mitosis Disintegration and we DON’T regulate, it becomes Cell Apoptosis (Dissolution).
We are currently in Cell Apoptosis (Dissolution). The Healing Garden is designed to move people BACK into Cell Mitosis Integration.
Once you identify Pattern Recognition, you can see — predict — what will happen next, and again. Exactly like how Criminal Psychologists can predict when “the next crime” will occur. It’s the Rhythm of the their Regulator to determine the “Spike” of Adrenaline in ratio to the Rate of Metabolizing before it hits the “Bottom” Trigger that sends the Criminal back out to Commit another Crime.
So it’s all about the Rate of the Regulator in ratio to Processing/Metabolizing Speed.
Easy peasy 🙂
Combine that with Integrated Mathematics with “The Creation Formula” and you can see precisely which Patterns happen where and how and when.
“23 August 2044,” I said, quite suddenly while I was thinking about it.
“What?” Bergen asked.
“23 August 2044,” I repeated. That is the Date predicted in the Bible for “When he will be revealed to the World.”
Bergen blinked.
“The Moon will be red and the sun will be black,” I said. “That’s basic Astronomy. That puts it on the next Full Moon Eclipse, which is 23 August 2044. And when you look up — in the year 2044 — when the next Solar Eclipse will be, it lands on 23 August 2044.”
The next day, 24 August 2044, that is when “When The Lord will be revealed to the World.”
I just accessed Chemistry yesterday. I started to Reverse Engineer it… which means, I’m done with Physics. And — Quantum Physics is fucking garbage. I’ve exhausted it.
So now I’m on to Chemistry. After that, it will be Biology. And then… I’ll be dissecting my Sciences on the Quantum and Logos Levels.
July 2026, I should be complete with the Disciplines. According to The Universal Clock.
“Wait,” Bergen said. “The Lord –”
“Lord, is such 2,200 BCE Mesopotamia. Can we PLEASE not use that filthy and disgusting word. Bel-Marduk was a Thief, a Liar, and a Cheater and that word — Bel = Lord — is his word. I do not use it. Which is why we call them LAND LORDS. Because “Lord” is a filthy word for Predators of the Poor.”
“That is NOT what Jesus ever was! We do not call him Lord. Thank you.”
“So… God Reveals Himself…”
“That is when I reveal who The Imp King is,” I said, almost bored.
“I am Satan’s Wife. Wife of Sin and Phosphorus, Lucifer, and God of Love, Laughter, Medicine, and Death. I know my Husband. He is quiet. Shy and Gentle. He has the same Growing to do that everyone else here has to do. We all must go through The Valley of Shadow and Death. All must walk That Road. It is the only way.
My husband is a Private Man and is a Greater God. His Trials are much harder — in many ways — that mine ever were. He has lived his entire life not being Loved by people and it has broken him… I can’t begin to tell you how hard it must be to stand at my side as King. And that is his Trial.
It will take him 19 Years to walk the Journey, which he has not begun. And until he is ready, I will protect him. My husband will not be revealed until that day. In the meantime, I will protect him.”
I dropped my head and shoulders.
“He too is among The Walking Dead.”
I stood and walked to the balcony.
“As I walked through this Journey, I remembered things… I became what I am. I cannot begin to tell you how hard it was for me to step into this and own it.
While everyone else talked of gods and aliens, I was remembering also. Only, I listened. While everyone remembered relative to Mother Nature, I was remembering as Mother Nature. I remembered who I am until I could not deny it. And I asked — so many times — am I insane?
But the more the Synchronicities happened, the more it all lined up. My passion and love for Cats and Snakes and Dragons… Who and what I am… While everyone else was 45% to 75% aligned to The Story, my number was 100%. Every God, Ever Hero of Every Story was mine.
Even when I read the Bible, always, I read it as if I was God who had written it. I imagined myself as — Me — writing the Bible through the Prophets. While everyone else spoke of their memories…
And all I can think of, as I go through this, is “As hard as it was for me to realize Oh! I am Mother Nature and I am remembering All that I am. How hard then must it be for Him to remember what He is waking up to?”
Can you imagine, waking up — a Muggle and a Business Owner — and then, just… one day, you’re not just a god… You are THE God? And your Wife is THE Goddess Isis/E’Anna/Gaiai, D’Anu?” And what’s worse! That Goddess Wife of yours OWNS it and is powerful.
While I woke first and Remembered and came into my Own, he then was later to Awaken and Remember… But before he Remembered, he first watched me Become what I am?
How much that must have terrified him. How much that must have scared him.”
I stared out at the sea that morning. The warm, tropical air was breathtaking.
“I remember the day I woke up. He was there. And he looked at me and Knew me. “Oh, I missed you so much,” he said. And then he took my face into his hands and he kissed me. And he laid down with me, My Imp King. And we made love. And then I saw all the world that was and all the world that would be and all the world that could have been. I saw the World red with Fire. And the Golden Garden — The Healing Garden — amidst the Flame.
And I knew that Garden is what I would build to house the…”
I paused and laughed. “I have no idea what to call them.” But then I knew. “The Humbled. I knew the Garden would house The Humbled. Those who Humbled to Learn the Lesson.”
My people are The Humbled. That is who they are. They have one job. ONE JOB. To Learn.
But only the Humble Learn.
I am only for The Humbled. The Student.
Which is why we called them Discipuli.
I felt it. I was… relaxing. I was done laying stones. The Path was built. A was connected to B. The Love could Flow along the Logic Lines and Carry the Energy through.
I now needed to Master the… Physics… Volume. That’s the word.
Now that I learned how to Steer. I needed to Master Volume.
I meditated. I closed my eyes and called to them.
“Can you hear me?” I called out. I felt like an Apprentice. I remembered Luffy (One Piece. Seriously, you gotta watch it. Easter Eggs).
The walkthrough of how to do the Ryuo was exactly how I was to do it. I knew that. “Sakura,” I whispered. How could I not… See this before?
“You cannot use what others use. They are not you,” I said to me.
I breathed deep and relaxed.
“Can you hear me?” I called out. I felt movement…
“We are to talk within the Ether, why… I had to…
I was in the wrong place. I leapt over the balcony and took flight.