Chapter #9 : Anna’s Annals : Into The Abstract (Book #2)

I woke up the next morning.

I was groggy and lost. Or so it felt. No more Work. Just Play.


And I am The Philosopher’s Stone. I am the Key. I was to “bring the dead back to life” and Free the Gods from their Prison… All of that was in The Universal Clock. But how?

I climbed out of bed and decided, at last to go find the Kitchen in the Chemist’s “Other” Lab. I grabbed my robe and pulled it around me then headed for the Stairs that lead down to the Lecture Hall.

I stopped. Turned instead to the Balcony and jumped, expanding my Dragon’s Wings to carry me down into the Amphitheater.

“Anna” meant “Sky/Heaven Stone.”

“Did they think the Sun was a Stone?”

I made my way toward the Chemists’ Wing and walked my butt to the Kitchens. AKA “The Edible Labs.” Bergen was there eating Cheese and peasant bread.

“Hey,” he said, giving me a nod.

“Hey,” I said. “Are we really doing this? We’re Buddies now?”

“Hey,” he said through a mouthful of cheese. “We’ve also been Buddies. You’re just slow to realization.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, I grabbed some cheese and bread to join him.

He put on the coffee as I sat down at the table to think.

“So,” he said. “You’re The Philosoher’s Stone,” he said.

“I am,” I said.

“That makes you The Key,” he said.

“It does,” I still couldn’t figure out The Riddle. Mother Nature sure does love her Riddles.

“So what are you going to do?” he asked.

I shrugged. A moment later he was turning off the stove and pouring me a cup of coffee.

“I Play. Anna doesn’t Work. Anna Plays. So… I guess I’m off to the Playground,” I said.

I imagined The Playground.

Anna’s Playground was always this “thing” in the far distance, all the way over there and to the right. “After I’m working, then I get to play.” And for two years, I wasn’t permitted to touch it.

For two years, I pined for the Playground, telling myself it was “The Reward” for my Success in Work… only… Two years Working — I had never worked harder in all my life — and the harder I worked, the poorer I got. So I quit. I had no doubt. Human Beings are Play Beings. And Play gives us our Power.

If Work was so Profitable, then — with how much we all worked — all 8 Billion of us should be Billionaires right now. But we weren’t. And then it dawned on me.

Play. The Clubs. My Books. Philanthropy.

“She will bring the Dead back to Life.”

“She has the Keys to The God’s Prisons.”

“She frees the Gods from their Prisons.”


“Work IS the Curse! WORK IS THE CURSE!”

I gasped.


And — at long last — The Full Prophecy became Visible.

“The Philosopher’s Stone is The Key to bringing The Dead back to Life and Freeing God from the Prison.”




I shifted the Words.

“The Philosopher’s Stone is Key to bringing The Living Dead back to Life and Freeing The Gods from their Prison.”


“Anna Sunshine Imagination is The Key to bringing The Living Dead back to Life and Freeing The Gods from their Prison.”

I am The Key to The God’s Prison! Their Prison is inside of them!

“The Philosopher’s Stone Transmutes Mercury into Gold. The Key Ingredient is Phosphorous.”

“The Philosopher’s Stone Transmutes Mercury (God) into Gold (Wisdom). The Key Ingredient is Phosphorus (God).”

“Anna Sunshine Imagination Transmutes Mercury (God) into Gold (Wisdom). The Key Ingredient is Sunshine (God).”

Imagination IS the State of Being! Which IS The Point of Comprehension! That IS where the Mirror is!


So then I thought, “If I am The Philosopher’s Stone, then It’s me! It was me the whole time! I didn’t have to DO anything! It was like Harry Potter with his Patronus or Dorothy with her Shoes or Po with his Dragon Scroll!

I just had to KNOW it was ME.

They need Play. They need Agape. They need Logic.

“And there is the recipe,” Bergen said.

“There is the Recipe.” I gasped and sat back down. “Play. Agape. Logic.”


Anna looked up from the pages and stared at the Reader dead in the eye. This isn’t Fiction. It’s real. This is why I built Anna’s Playground and merged it with my Philanthropy. “Agape” is Philanthropy/Charity Love. It is the Word Jesus used in the Bible. But Agape isn’t enough. Play isn’t enough. Logic is the what else Man needs because Man cannot live on bread alone.”

You have to Play and do Agape and study Logic all at the same time to heal. Play and Agape. That is how we all save the World. Go to my Garden. I’ll take care of you there.


I dropped my elbows on the table and my head into my hands.

It was done. The Riddle was done. The Riddle Solved.

Part #3 was finally Complete.

“That was FUCKING HARD!” I screamed and laughed.

Riddle #1 –> “What is the Meaning of Life? 42. What is the Right Question?”

Riddle #2 –> “What is The Philosopher’s Stone?”

Riddle #3 –> “How do you Free The Gods?”


I looked at Solomon’s 7 Seals. Done.

I looked at The Philosopher’s Stone. Done.

I looked at… The Healing Garden. Gaia. Gaia is The Holy Grail.

The Promised Land. The Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is The Holy Grail. Done.


In 1992 I started research for something I found in Philosophy.

I had no idea at the time that I was studying the Science behind The Philosopher’s Stone and The Holy Grail. But it was all in Riddles.

It took me 32 years, but I solved it this morning.

There were 3 Riddles +> 1.

I just solved the last 2 and then integrated them into the 1 Riddle. And that gives the Answer.

“Play. Agape. Logic.” These are the Ingredients to Happiness, Wealth, and Abundance.

I have built the Garden around them and today, I am launching Anna’s Playground. We are “The Playing Philanthropists” … Because this is what creates Self-Love. The same Self-Love that My Imp King used to heal me. I have already seen the Power of this Formula. I am The Product of the Power of this Formula.

“Agape” is Ancient Greek for “Philanthropy/Charity Love.” It is GIVING Love. If “Work” was the way to Wealth, then 8 Billion people would all be Billionaires by now. Work does not make people wealthy. It keeps them tired, despairing, and impoverished, which is WHY “Work” does NOT feel good.

Because WORK is NOT Healthy. And that is my Official Psychological Deduction.


I sat back with my coffee and drank my Coffee. Savoring the taste and smell.

I was gifted The Best Story of The World… And I got to Live it In full Conscious Awareness and in Real Time… And I was only 44 Years old.

4+4 +> 8

I smiled.

“I am reaching for the Stars my dear People. And I am taking you with me.” I am taking every last one of you with me.

Whenever we Give, it comes back 10 Fold. Always.

But you Give with Play and Logos.

Giving with Love.

Giving with Intent to Receive is not Love. And that is where too many people get it wrong.

Bergen sat down at the table across from me.

I continued to savor and relish my breakfast.

“So what now?” he asked.

I smiled.

“I will finish enjoying my coffee. And then I will build my Playground. And then… I will board my Ship and sail off on my Sunshine Imagination Adventures… And I have no idea what Adventures or Lands will behold me.”

And where those who Learn come to me with Listening Ears, I will tell them all I know. I will tell them the Formula and I will correct their Math. But only those who Humble and Submit to Learn will be — How do the Christians put it? — Meek and Righteous Enough to Receive.

Only the Humble Receive. But only The Poor are Humbled.

You cannot Receive and also be Elevated.

The Elevated never Receive. Only The Elevated may Give.

So you have to choose. Are you Poor and Humbled and thus Receive? Or Are you Elevated and Wealthy and thus you Give?

The thing is…” I paused. I looked. I smiled.

“Ah,” I said. “I found The Door out of Poverty.”

“You have to Elevate yourself in Love and Play and thus you Give to Elevate Others.”  This is Teamwork.

“But if you wait for someone to Elevate you — You’ll never rise up and out. And if you Give to Nourish the Self, that is not Giving out of Love.”

Trust is the Key. Those who Give with Love for Others to Nourish Others in Love and Play are already Elevated. The Elevation comes before the Giving to Others in Love. This is where they all mess this up.

“How do you Elevate yourself then so you can Give to Others in Love?” Bergen asked.

I smiled. “By Giving to yourself in Play and Logic,” I said. “You must Give in Love to Yourself in Play and Logic. Building up your own Elevation. And then — Only then — When you have the Surplus can you, at last, Give in Love to Others in Play and Logic. This is the Door out of Poverty. I have been looking for this… for so… so long.”

I am reaching for the Stars and I am taking ALL OF YOU WITH ME! And now… I know how.”

I sat back, relaxed.

I felt as I always had all of my life, but all at once. I felt the Love of my Play — My Ludus. I felt my Logic. I felt my Agape. I realized, just then, my whole life, I had lived in these three Separate moments. Broken. Breaking Delusion. Brain to Books.

I just needed to Integrate them together into One.

And there I was. My Alchemical Formula roared and I felt it changing me. It stabilized, and I purred.

“I want to live in Central Park. I want to Live in Central Park.”

I sighed.

“I want to live in Central Park.”

“The Moon is Split.” This is the First Riddle. “Now you tell me what you think he meant.” That is Quest #1. That is where The Game begins.

I was finally in The Right State of Being — The Kingdom of Heaven — to Manifest.

Finally. I sighed. Every Step in my Road was set.

My Track was laid in Completion from Beginning to End. The Ends had finally met. “A” — at long last — was connected to “B.”

I felt invincible. I felt like a massive “Shield” was wrapped around me.

Another “Vaunted Teacher” messaged me. Wanting to talk to me about what they think happened with my Story. I was finally “there.” Finally.

“I am only for Truth,” I said. “I am not for Roman Ego. I have the whole story if you want it. I am available only for Students. I don’t placate conjecture.”

They argued in Rhetoric and gaslit. I felt my Shield push out gently. I felt untouched by their words. “Vaunter-Teacher.”

“I am only for Truth,” I said. “I am not for Roman Ego. I have the whole story if you want it. I am available only for Students. I don’t placate conjecture.”

I had heard that story too many times. I was not longer available. I am for Students only.

I felt it. I felt it.

Students and Listeners only.

And just like that, the world was Silent. I smiled.

I thought of the people in my Circle. I understood. I understood… so deeply. The Student does not “gift” Teaching to the Teacher for Reciprocity. This is False.

The Student understands Agape.

But the Vaunter-Student uses Transaction in place of Agape. They have replaced “Agape” with Transaction.”

Agape + Storge

Tit-For-Tat Transaction

“I want to give because I Love.”

I wanted a glass of wine to celebrate. I wanted pizza and a party… But most of all, I wanted… Nothing. Really… I felt like. I wanted for nothing. I had peace.