Chapter #5 : Anna’s Annals : Into The Abstract (Book #2)

“Here.” Bergen handed me my coffee and I groaned accepting it from him. We were out in the Garden this morning. Having breakfast at the fountain.

“Thank you,” I said and took a sip.

“You had a hard day yesterday,” he said.

“Yesterday was rough.”

I was trying to remember — not just what happened in detail, but overall.

“It felt like I’ve been running on borderline Obsession this last week. The moment I got the last ingredient to The Stone, like I went Frantic.

I’m tempted to Meditate all week and just walk away from all of it. Realign myself.”

“The moment I found that Corpus Hermeticus… All of my theories flipped to Fact. And to see the Formulas… I knew it. I knew…”

I trailed off in thought.

I had the answers. I know was ready to shove them aside and move on.

I was excited. I had no idea I would find this here in my Journey. I never even gave it a thought. I suddenly had this third Component and then It suddenly integrated together and I could see what it was — what it does — and… It was the first time an Integrated Component made me so excited that I lost my Purpose and Focus.

“Why are you so excited about The Philosopher’s Stone?” he asked.

I looked at him. “Are you kidding?”

We laughed.

“I don’t “want” it. I wasn’t looking for it. I had no idea that this — I thought it was a story. And then… here it is in my hand. It was new Science. It was a new Tool. It was something new I can teach the World to show them HOW to do all the things they all knew deep inside.

These Stories — These Legends — every last one of us feels them. We Know them. But the Manifested Material Plane doesn’t match The Legends or even a world where those Legends can exist… But I was raised in Ancient Greece. I know better. I walked the Halls of Persian Magi in my Mind. I watched Men through all of History do things as Christ did… And I know better.

I know that “Legend” means “Truth, but Lost.”

I know that “Mythology” means “A New Religion felt threatened enough to cancel this out out.”

I know that — as it is in Ireland — where you believe, things happen.

I know that there isn’t a single thing in this world that exists that wasn’t vital to the Function of this Universe — So then you tell me, Bergen, why did we evolve with Imagination so Powerful that it can create the same experiences as LSD without the aid of Lucy? What then is the purpose of Imagination?”

We both pondered this.

“I don’t “want” The Philosopher’s Stone. I want to be who I am meant to be. I want to be My True Self as I was built for. I want to live true to my Full Potential. And this — anything less than The Philosopher’s Stone is not at all my True Potential. I know I can be more.

To thine own self be True. Henosis.”

“The Philosopher’s Stone?” I laughed. “It’s more like The Philosopher’s Utopia.

“Magnum Opus,” Bergen said. “You do realize your Ashavana Archives and Anna’s Annals… all of it just became your Magnum Opus?”

I smiled. “Yes. Yes. It is.”

It’s wrong. it was the Four Cardinal Values — which they had wrong also — with the Three Elements. Together, The Four Values and the Three Elements made up the 7 Seals of Solomon, which was Ancient Greek for “One Wonder” or “One Titan.”

“One God.” This was Henosis.

They had the Formula wrong. Plato made a mistake. It was not the first time I found Logical Fallacy in my Master’s work. In fact, my finding the Logical Fallacy in his work is what led me to realize that I had surpassed Plato.

Phosphorus represents The Worm of Ouroboros. Yggdrasil is part of this. Part of all of this. Yggdrasil is Logic. The World Worm is Phosphorus.

Combined with The Four Cardinal Values — The 12 Ethics — And The Three Elements with Henosis. And the Truth Theorem.

Henosis. Plato’s Point.

Alchemy is not an External Craft.

Alchemy is an Internal Craft of utilizing The Emotions with Words to measure and dose the Self — I need a word for this — using the Poiotestat…”

I paused.

I put a hand to my mouth, closed my eyes, and cried.

I suddenly realized what I was doing. I was assembling the Conclusion of my Magnus Opus. “The Kingdom of Heaven : A Walk Through by Anna Imagination.”

I know what yesterday was. It was the Integration of All into One. It was the Becoming Henosis. I’m still doing this today.

Lugal is key to this. In reading that word yesterday — My Mind shifted.

I’m not studying Astronomy and Plato’s Astrology. I found it. It was all destroyed — But I found it. I need to pull out my Cartography skills and return to Astro- Metric and Logic. Star Math and Logic. And Mapping. Maps, Math, and Logic. Star Magic. Yeah.

But the ordering is wrong. I need to go back to the Beginning. When the data was most Pure. The Closer to Henosis, the Purer the Truth. Pure Logic. Logosophy.

Not Philosophy. I love you, Pythagoras. But you were wrong.

It’s True Name was Logosophy.

Logosophy is the First Discipline of Jediology.”

I stood from the table and sighed.

“Jediology?” he asked.

“Hey! I found it! I get to name it! And no one can stop me! Not even George Lucas! I’m calling this Jediology, which makes me — officially — a Jedi! And that’s cool.”

I sighed.

I am a former pilgrim. 2 years ago I finished the Quest for The Holy Grail. I am currently assembling The Philosopher’s Stone. I have been to the Ends of the Universe where the Beginning and the End meet and I have seen everything. I was handed the Logical Code of the Universe, which the Gods compose the Way of Things.

And then — at my Journey’s end — I came back to the Meta Plane to try to give what I found learned to the World. But I speak in a Language — Henosis — not known to Romans. And I’ve been working in Alchemy to find the write ratio and Formula for Truth +> Knowledge +> Story +> Wisdom so as to not insight Fear in their hearts.

Alchemy is a bitch.

“They were missing Psychological Physics,” I said. “They always were missing Psychological Physics. That is key for Alchemy to work.

“I was bitter,” I told Bergen. “So Bitter. And angry. They kept misplacing me on the Progression. And that… Denied my Truth and Changed my Name. They put their limited knowledge and False information on me so that when I talked — I was not Free. I was confined by their prejudice of me.

They built up walls that were not mine. And I had to shrink myself down always to fit into their limitations of me while they defiled my Name and denied my Position relative to Truth.

And instead of understanding, they limited me to their limitations.

And now that I’m out of that box… I can find my proper dosage of Humility.

I was bitter for where they were putting me in the Story. I was angry at them for hurting themselves and then being too ignorant to know they were (1) putting me in the wrong place in the Story and (2) hurting themselves with their false information.


And I wanted to say, “If you were as smart as you think you are, then you would not place me where you have placed me in the Story. And you would know how you are hurting yourself, and which information you have is hurting you. And if you were as smart as you think you are, you would not at all say the things you are saying, which reinforces the thing that is hurting you.”


When you are in The Story, you speak a Way.

I shifted and gasped. And in that instant, I was gone from the Garden.