Phosphorous. Logos. Agape.
Sexuality. Eros and Ludus. They overflowed.
Logic and Story.
“I want to know how to Manifest Wealth and Money,” I said.
“I want to Manifest Wealth and Money.”
That didn’t feel right. I looked at The Philosopher’s Stone.
“Gold,” they said. Back to the Hermeticus.
“The Asclepsius” as in “Asclepsius.” Son of Apollo. Apollo was “Man.”
“The Rod” was stolen and given to Hermes.” In Ashavana, that means “Man gave The Power of The Asclepsius to Hermes. As in “Man made Hermes The God.”
Within the Hermeticus, “The Prayer of Thanskgiving” reads :
We rejoice, having been illumined by Thy knowledge. We rejoice because Thou hast shown us Thyself. We rejoice because while we were in (the) body, Thou hast made us divine through Thy knowledge.[1]
According to Wikipedia –> The Prayer is addressed to God in thanks for his gift of revelation. It says that God is called “Father” because he “giv[es] us mind, speech, and knowledge” out of fatherly love.[1] It has a typically Gnostic view of salvation.
In Ashavana, this means that the “Book of Revelation” is really the Walkthrough of how one comes to Revelation and the process — which I already knew having gone through it myself already. But then all of the World will go through it at once…
The Knowledge was taken away to keep us from Revelation, which is the Path to The Kingdom of Heaven. I know all this. This is not news.
The Hermeticus confirms my conclusions that Alexander The Great did study from the Book of Hermeticus — Black Magic.
I can see where they all messed this up. Even Aristotle.
Phosphorous. Every last one of them messed up this Translation. It was never Phosphorous. It was Phosphorus. So they all chased Minerals and Powders, abandoning the Internal Quest for an External Quest.
And the Hermeticus is Black Magic based. It isn’t at all Gnosticism or Philosophy. In fact, The Hermeticus denounces both and contests with it — throwing away Logos — which is Central to the Power.
And there was the Schism. I finally found it.
“There it is,” I said, peering over the Tome. “I know why Black Magic is Black. Dumb fucks. They count Fire as an Element. But it’s not. And this changes the Number of “Three” to “Four” causing an Imbalance. They have the Math wrong in the spell. Dumb fucks. THIS IS WHY DUMB ASSES SHOULDN’T DO MAGIC!”
I screamed and ran my hand through my hair.
“Dumb. Mother. Fuckers!”
I screamed again. I. saw it all now. All of it.
“Feeling better?” Bergen was there.
“THEY FUCKED UP THE MATH!” I screamed. I found their spells! Fire is not an element! The Ancient Greeks fucked up the Spell! I love them! And then they used the wrong Phosphorous! When you do Spell work, the Math must be PRECISE! But only a Logician has the skills to do this! Only a Logician has the Perfection — The LOGOS — to ensure the Quality of the Spell! And THAT IS WHERE LEGION COMES FROM!”
I huffed and heaved. Breathing with such irate rage.
The Mithras Liturgy has Mathematical errors in it, Bergen. And The Mithras Liturgy is the Tome that Students have been using for Centuries — It is the one Isaac Newton used, for Me’s Sake!” And Set is here! And Thoth! And Hermes! And Apollo!”
I screamed. I screamed loud and long and hard.
I ran to the balcony, and jumped, spreading out my Dragon’s Wings and taking flight. I was enraged. I was boiling. I flew.
They did it all. They did it all to themselves. They Cheated and so they invented their own Pandora’s Box. And every time one of them cast another Spell with Fire as an Element — they created more Black Magic in the World.
They turned to Stones and Material Things. All because of a stupid — the dumbest — typo in the history of mankind. “O.” That one — God damn stupid “O” made all the difference in the World.
Cheaters. All of them. This is what happens when you try to steal and cheat the Power of the Gods when you haven’t done the damn work to earn it.
I came to land at the top of my Lighthouse, peering over my Island, the Sea, and my Garden.
I understood too well. All of it now. More and more…
We built the Fruits as a Contest — a Game — To give Man the chance to become God. And — over 2,000 Years, I saw what they had done with it. What they are still doing with it.
“No,” I said. “They don’t deserve it. They don’t. So few of them actually do the work. Too many Lie and Cheat and Steal what they have not earned. And they create Legion and Demons instead of God.”
I thought of the Universal Code. I could too easily write it into the Code to remove their Chance. They are terrible Humans. They would make even worse Gods.
2,000 Years manipulating what does not belong to them. It was simple. So simple. Learn. Logos is God. Agape was the Tool. Nothing sat above Logos. And what did they do? They changed “Logos” to “Love,” abandoned the Preservation of Quality, lied, cheated, and stole. Botched spell after spell.
I remembered my Remembering. Watching people I had met — entirely too soon and without any knowledge — manipulate Runes and try to build Magic without any understanding.
In one “If/Then” Clause, I could wipe out their skills of Magic…
“If they shun Logic and refuse to learn through Logos, then they cannot have any Magic of the Esoteric Sciences. If they do not have Logos, then they do not have Magic.”
Logic is part of Magic.
The Power of Magic is in Logos and Agape combined. Alone, neither one will ever work.
I had to think on this. I had to think hard on this. I had to play through the consequences and the scenarios. I had to think.
Their Botched Spells come back on them.
But they’re hurting themselves.
And that is the balance required for The Equilibrium to be preserved. It only eats themselves.
It does. Consumption. Consumption only eats the Self. No one else.
Let them have their Consumption?
I have to.
Consumption keeps the Balance Aligned. Had they bothered to study properly through Logos, then they would not be dying of their own Consumption.
Don’t try to protect them from themselves. They have to learn.
Liars, Thieves, and Cheaters have earned their Consumption.
Had they learned through Logos, then they never would have contracted Consumption.
I sighed.
Ironically — The True Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists would be fine. They learned that this Journey is within.
I flew down to the Lantern Room. I folded my legs and breathed deep.
I was in the Quantum Self.
The Shadow was there.
“What are you?” I asked it.
“Fear,” the Shadow replied.
“Fear of what?” I asked it. “What do you Fear?”
“No heat,” it said. “Warmth. Loss of Freedom.”
“You already have no Freedom.”
I felt it cry.
“They forced me to Want what I don’t want. They Threatened my Nourishment if I don’t pay Money. They threatened my Home if I don’t pay Money. They threatened my Food if I don’t pay Money. They put their Desire and Greed for Money on Me.”
“What do you really want?”
“What do you want?” I asked the Shadow.
“Food and Home. Warmth and Shelter and Freedom. Freedom to Want what I want because I want it. And not because others tell me I have to. Freedom to Want and Desire.”
“You have Food.”
“Fear of losing what Food I have.”
“Find Gratitude in the Food you do have now.”
I felt the Force. I felt the Force. It was Nourishing In. It needed to Nourish Out in Surplus.
It was Reversed and Not aligned…
Gratitude Out.
“Be grateful for what you do have,” I said to the Shadow. “Consumption is Wanting More when you have. Reverse the Lines.”
I then saw it.
“I want to reverse the Flow of Force.”
“I relish and savor the Warmth I have. I am Grateful for the Warmth I do have. I have Grateful and I savor and Relish the Warmth and Love I do have.”
Agape. Output Love to Nourish Others. Gratitude. Relish and Savor. Joy. Rejoice. Celebrate with Gratitude. Focus on what you do have. When you have it.
“Trust,” I soothed the Shadow. “Let it go,” I said. “Trust enough to Let it go.”
“I’m scared,” it said. “If I don’t worry, then it won’t come.”
“You have worried. And it has not come.”
I felt it cry.
“I don’t want to live like this anymore. And I’m scared. What if I’m wrong? What if, I do stop worrying, and then it never comes. Then what? I don’t want to be poor anymore. I’ve done everything right. I’ve learned. I’ve studied. I’ve forgiven. I’ve grown. I’ve endured. I’ve persevered. I have kept going. I have not quit. I want to be Free. I want Wealth and El Dorado and a Life of Plenty and Abundance because I want Freedom.”
“I never want to be hungry again. I don’t want to lose my Home. I wish I had a Home I could never lose. I wish I had a Home. I wish I had Food always. I wish I could go anywhere I wanted whenever I wanted. I wish I always had Heat and Warmth. I wish I could be Free. And — Most of all — I wish I had this knowledge so I can give it to the World.”
I wish I had the People in my Audience who would hear and receive this Message. I wish I had the resources to expand my Voice and my Message all throughout the World so that all Could hear it and then they would know how to save themselves.”
I saw down within the Shadow. I took it all inside of me. I allowed it to swallow me whole and I took it all into me.
“Put yourself there now,” I said. “Imagine it. Imagine how it feels to have so much Resources that you know you will be without Warmth or Heat again. Imagine having so much that one day you will forget what it was like to not have Food to eat. Imagine wanting and then just Doing. And never having a break in Logic ever again.”
“A Break in Logic,” it said. “Yes. I never again want a Break in Logic. I want my Story to be Whole and Unobstructed. I want there to be no break in my Logic. I want to Wish and Want and then I have. I want Perfect Logic in my Story. I want Perfect Logic in my Story.”
I imagined it just then. Want. Desire. Joy. Gratitude. Relish. Savor. Gratitude.
I needed to Grieve. I needed to Cry. I needed to Let the Emotions Flow. I needed to grieve for my Poverty and all my Suffering of not having Needs. I had to Open for the Grieving Process.
I needed to Grieve for all the Love I did not have from my Partner.
Sad was the Answer. Sad for my Poverty. Sad for my Partner. Sad for my Loss.
I needed to stop resisting the Grief. I needed to Be Sad.
Grief. Sad. End Resistance. This was Surrender.
Grief and Sad ended Resistance. This was The Surrender and Humble Submission to Trust.
I had to accept Poverty into me and make it my friend just as I had to accept Loneliness and Fear and Ignorance.
I must not fear Poverty. That was the whole point. That was the Purpose. I had to stop Fearing Poverty. I had to Know it. I had to Learn Poverty to not Fear it. Just as I had to learn Fear to not Fear it. Just as I had to Learn Loneliness to stop Fearing it. I had to Learn Ignorance to not Fear it.
Also too. I had to Learn Poverty and then Take it into me and Know it.
I smiled just then.
“Hello, Poverty,” I said as if greeting an Old Friend.
I had to Love Poverty.
No one ever loved Poverty. No wonder Poverty was so prolific. No one ever took the time to Know her and to Love her anyway. Unconditional Love for Poverty. Agape for Poverty. Storge for Poverty.
I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. “Cry, Poverty,” I said. “You’re safe now. You are loved. I love you. Cry.”
And she did.