1 Corinthians 14
Follow after Agape, and desire Spiritual Gifts, but rather that ye may Prophesy. (2) For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God : For no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. (3) But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort. (4) He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself; but he that prophesieth edifieth the church (5) I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied : for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying.
January 2025, I read an article in Archeology about how Archeologists took 30 years to identify an Ancient Greek inscription because it was written in Mirror Image. Can you recognize English if it is written in Mirror Image?
February 2025, I read an article about how Archeologists mistranslated Newton’s Latin, which changed the Meaning of a Law of Physics. This will dump the Physics world and Science world on it ass.
Earlier this year, while doing Archeological research in Paleo-Hebrew Artifacts — while trying to find any evidence in Paleo-Hebrew Artifacts — all I was able to find was a botched “Abstract” written by Jews — Not Archeologists or Scientists — claiming the Ancient Greek Artifact to be Hebrew.
The Abstract read more like a fan letter from a student to a teacher and did not at all resemble anything a Scientist would call an Abstract while the “Abstract” went on to warp Ancient Greek into — what they claimed was Paleo-Hebrew. This “Abstract” is the only evidence of any existence of Hebrew Language that isn’t The Ancient Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written between 500 BCE and 100 CE.
The entire New Testament was written in Koine Greek. Koine Greek has 7 Words for “Love.” So when Christ said, “I am Love,” it is really important to know which “Love” he meant, but also, how that word would translate during The Ancient Greek Era.
More and more, Proof that Archeologists are not adequately trained for their Job is clearly evident.
Biased Scientists are not Scientists.
Biased “Right Seekers” enter the Fields of Science and Archeology all the time with intent to manipulate Truth and re-write History to their Advantage.
In fact, this “Rewriting History To The Author’s Advantage” was so common in Mesopotamia from 2,000 BCE to 400 CE that “New Mesopotamia Literature” became a renowned Writing “Style” associated with that era.
I am a Professional Author with a Writing Career that began in 1988. *ahem* Lying and Embellishing Truth is not a “Writing Style.” It is the act of a Thief, a Liar, and a Cheater.
The more I studied The Psychology, Politics, and Language of Ancient Greece, the more I began to see a Different History than anything we are told. The more I could see just how much The Bible was written — very clearly — in Ancient Roman before they banned the Ancient Greek Language and switched it to Latin.
Words are Math. Logic is the Science of Word Math. Math without Word and Logic is incomplete and stands without its Origin.
Words without Logic becomes Rhetoric.
The Quality of Translation and Archeological Work is inadequate and no longer meets the Scientific Standard for Validity. 100% of all of it must be reviewed by True Scientists who are Properly trained in Logic, Psychological Physics, and Linguistics in order to determine everything from 700 BCE and on.
In my research, I noticed “New Mesopotamia Literature” was significantly a problem from 700 BCE to 500 CE and on.
The Prophets and Philosophers are all 100% Correct and in agreement.
But their Translations are all botched and poorly slandered due to “The Rewriting of History To The Bias Author’s Advantage,” which continues up to and threw to this Day.
One thing that really stands out — above all else — is the amount of absent proof, but credibility placed on the Bible.
The entire Bible — with the exception of The Words of Christ — are purely New Mesopotamia Literature. Only The Bible says that events occurred over thousands of years. But :
(1) 100% of The Bible was written only from 500 BCE and after.
(2) The Psychology of the Bible is 100% Pure Ancient Roman and Ancient Greek Psychology and strongly reflects the Psychology of 500 BCE to 100 CE.
(3) The entire Old Testament looks like it was written by three different groups : (1) King Darius The Great himself and/or Followers of King Darius, (2) worshippers of Marduk of Babylon, and (3) Philosophers of Zarathustra, Pythagoras, and Socrates.
It looks like a bunch of Greek Ashavana got together with The Roman Senate, and The Roman Senate wrote their bits in New Mesopotamia Literature while the Ashavana peppered in their bits using a variant of Pythagoras’ isopsephy Language. The Ashavana bits contain a Message that is mirrored and repeated in every Great Book over 2,000+ Years while Romans doctored The Bible to their Ego’s Liking making it very easy to tell which parts were written by Greek Ashavana and which parts were written by The Roman Senate.
(4) The Entire Bible — with the exception of The Words of Christ — has been re-written multiple times over time without ever obstructing the Ashavana Message. A substantial amount of rewriting was later done by King James during the Religious Reformation — I strongly recommend you look up the word “Reformation.” — during the 15th Century.
I had one discussion with a former friend on the credibility of the Bible as an Archeological Source.
“When was the Bible written?” I asked her.
“10,000 to 6,000 Years ago,” she said.
I looked it up.
“It was only written 2,500 years ago starting at 500 BCE.”
“No. It was written around 10,000 BCE,” she said.
“No.” I said. “The Bible — in 500 BCE — claims it was written in 10,000 BCE… But no it wasn’t because I’ve studied the documents from 10,000 BCE and there is no such thing or mention EVER… ANYWHERE of Israel, Jews, Hebrew, Canaan… None of it. In fact, NONE of this — Not even “Jew” or “Hebrew” or “Israel” even existed anywhere prior to 500 BCE (closer to 400 BCE).
Fact : The ONLY mention of “Israel” — and there is only ONE — is in an Egyptian Hieroglyph around 1,200 BCE. The inscription is “Israel is no more. Their seed is dead.” It looks like The Roman Senate grabbed this one word and used it for their New Mesopotamia Literature so they can invent their own history to their Advantage and no one of “Israel” could object because — according to Ancient Archeological Findings — “Israel is no more. Their seed is dead.”
Fact : The entire region were well written, scholars, and highly educated — much more educated than anyone is today. Ashavana — people like Jesus, DaVinci, and Solomon — were the norm and they were everywhere in Persia and Egypt. Palaces of Kings included Ashavana Temples — Universities — and Kings would have up to 500 Ashavana on hand. The more Ashavana you had, the more power you had.
The power of the Ashavana was called “Milk and Honey” in Egypt or “Ambrosia” in Ancient Greece.
They all were Prolific Writers. And not ONE culture EVER mentioned “Jews,” “Hebrews,” Israel,” or “Canaan.” NOT. ONE, which was very — VERY — out of character of everyone back then and in that region. These were people who wrote EVERYTHING down. Even the Language “Hebrew” did not exist until 500 BCE, which appeared — all of a sudden and with no history — as an Ashavana Secret Code Language embedded with a Variant of Pythagoras’ isopsephy later called “Gematria.”
It looks like — It feels like — It appears — that “All of a sudden” someone invented “Jews,” “Hebrews,” Israel,” and “Canaan” right out of the the blue with this new secret language.
The entire Bible — with the exception of The Words of Christ — are purely New Mesopotamia Literature.
Only The Words of Christ seem to be left untouched. I conclude this is due to Ancient Roman Superstition and later Medieval Superstition. “Don’t touch the Words of Jesus.” Which fits their Psychological Profile.
But, this poses the Question : “Which parts of the Bible were written by Lord Marduk Followers?” and “Which parts of the Bible were written by True God of Love Followers?”
A Mastery in Logic makes this question VERY easy to answer. Lies — in Logic — are as Visible as “Bold Neon Red” is in a Black, Green, and Blue Room.
100% The Words of Jesus are words that reflect a Follower of The True God of Love.
100% The Words of Muhammed are words that reflect a Follower of The True God of Love.
100% The Words of Zarathustra are words that reflect a Follower of The True God of Love.
100% The Words of Confucius are words that reflect a Follower of The True God of Love.
100% The Words of Pythagoras are words that reflect a Follower of The True God of Love.
100% The Words of The Buddha are words that reflect a Follower of The True God of Love.
When you put their words together, you get The Big Picture. And now you’re starting to think like an Ashavana.
Genesis is a mix of both.
Revelation is mostly written by True God of Love Followers.
Jericho, the Land that flowed with Milk and Honey, was about True God of Love Followers written by Lord Marduk Followers.
Joshua was a Lord Marduk Follower.
King Saul was written by True God of Love Followers about a Lord Marduk Follower.
King Darius was Lord Marduk Followers.
David and Goliath was about True God of Love Followers written by Lord Marduk Followers.
Solomon was about True God of Love Followers written by Lord Marduk Followers.
Exodus was about Lord Marduk Followers written by Lord Marduk Followers.
I will be covering The Ten Commandments near the end of this book to show the Ancient Greek and Ashavana Translation.
The Prophet Muhammad said it : The Moon is Split.
Everywhere the word “Sin” is mentioned, Marduk is talking.
“Sin” is the Mesopotamia Word for God of Moon or God of Love who was the same person.
The God of Love’s True Name was Phosphorous, who was also called “Lucifer,” which meant Light Bringer or Light Bearer. His name also was called “The Morning and Evening Star.” Which mean Venus or Love.” In Ireland, he was called Lugh.
The True God of Love was Phosphorous/Lucifer.
The False God of Love was Lord Marduk.
The only way to tell them apart is with Logic. Logos. Who was Goddess of Logic and Wife of Phosphorous.
Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. Hence the Gnostics.
The Gnostics — Which gave us the word. “Knowledge” — knew Phosphorous/Lucifer.
Christ worshipped and prayed to Phosphorous/Lucifer.
Early Christianity — Lord Marduk Followers (Romans) — destroyed the Gnostics (Greeks) who used Logic to tell Phosphorous/Lucifer from Marduk.
And Muhammed saw the Truth because Muhammed studied Logic and Phosphorous. Muhammed tried to warn people that there were two Gods of Love. One True. One False. But Muhammed and Jesus both suffered from The Ashavana Curse.
The Law of Logos that states “He who pursues The Wisdom of Logos cannot speak of it” to prevent the Wisdom from falling into the wrong hands. If you wish to know The Wisdom of Logos and The Way of Christ — The only way is to Walk The Journey via the Doing. Language will be taken from you. And you will be forced to speak “In Code.”
Which is why no one can understand a Sage or Philosopher.
Only those who know Logic can know True Love.
That sentence is written in both English and Ancient Greek. To uncover its True Meaning you must Study Logic and Walk the Journey.
Without Logic, you cannot know Love.
The True Love Language — Just like True Philosophy — is a Doing Language — a Language of Action — which is what Christ was trying to teach his Followers. Agape is Ancient Greek for “Philanthropy.”
Pragma — Not mentioned in the Bible — is Ancient Greek for “Unconditional Love,” which meant “Long-term Love.” Hence Unconditional.
Storge is Ancient Greek for “Parental Love.” If “Parental Love” was Unconditional, then how can we have Unconditional Love for our Partners? Simple Answer : Parental Love is not Unconditional.
Ancient Greeks used Alchemy to “mix” these Love Types to get an Alchemical Concoction called A State of Being.
A State of Being was then used to Access the Wisdom of their Choosing.
The True Parent of this Science is Ancient Persia, Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. The Fertile Crescent. Much of their Ancient Arabic Manuscripts are all beautifully preserved, fully intact, and are not at all studied or translated because Romans don’t much concern themselves with Arabia due to their blind, hateful Racism. Fortunately, this meant their precious Documents were left untouched while Rome burned Alexandria.
You want True Ancient Wisdom? Learn the Psychology of Ancient Persia and Ancient Greece. Learn the Ancient Languages of Ancient Greek and Sumeria, Akkadian, and Sanskrit, and then Ethically — Authentically — earn the Favor of their people so that you may have the greatest honor of studying their most precious History.
I recommend you start with The 12 Ethics.
Romans truly are The Children of Marduk who “Burn books instead of read them.” – Dr. Jones from Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade.
Pragma + Storge + Agape for Parents to Children.
Or Eros + Ludus + Pragma for Spouses.
Eros is Intimacy Love. Not Sexuality, which was an entirely different thing in Ancient Greece.
It takes knowledge in The Ancient Greek Language, Ancient Greek Philosophy, and Ancient Greek Psychology to translate any of this properly.
The True Love Language — Just like Philosophy — is not a Spoken Language. It is a Doing Language of Action.
Only followers of Lord Marduk talk about their Love Language in a boating/braggart fashion (we call this Vaunting and Vanity).
Followers of Phosphorous — Like Jesus and Mohammed — Did. They Practiced Love.
Inventing an English Word 1,500 years after the Ancient Greek Philosophy reflects the Psychology of the 15th Century and not at all the Psychology of the Ancient Greeks. “Pragmatic” does not come from “Pragma” Love any more than “Platonic Love” comes from Plato. Pragmatic and Platonic were invented 1,500 Years after the Era by Men who had no idea about Ancient Greek Philosophy or Psychology.
And thus “Pragma Love is Pragmatic because Pragmatic comes from Pragma” is an illogical Statement just as “Platonic Love means Plato because Platonic came from Plato.” No. No it did not. This is botched Logic and botched Philology Practices.
Later, around 300 BCE to 100 BCE, Lord Marduk’s name was changed to Mercury/Hermes — God of Thieves, Liars, and Cheaters — and the Title “Lord” or “Bel” was carried over from Babylon.
This Chapter is just one of many examples I will be presenting in 12 Ethics to Jesus that breaks down just some of The Bible, History, and The Prophets — as well as Jesus — to provide the Philosophical and Ashavanic translations of what the Prophets really meant.