The Ten Commandments and New Mesapotomia Literature
I grew up with these Commandments. And the more I ventured through the Asha Journey the more obscure they became.
The more they looked liked “Ancient Greek and Roman Man Laws” and less like “God’s Laws.”
The Greek philosophy that I studied was of the Classic Greek Era, post Homer Greek.
Christ studied in the Koine Greek Era. This is much like you reading Shakespeare.
In other words, I studied Christ’s Shakespeare. Christ studied Christ’s Shakespeare.
The Ten Commandments are very much “The Laws of Ancient Athens.”
A great example of this is the word “Adultery.” Which is an Ancient Athens word that means “Don’t have sex with your Non-Roman Slave.”
Which was a rally big deal to Law-Makers during that time.
If Adultery meant what people think it means, then the Commandment would have been “Don’t violate the Laws of Pragma.”
Ancient Greece, Egypt, Persia. These were the three Powers back then. There were many types of City-States and they warred and Traded in and out of the Silk Roads. They all were well-educated and learned.
“How did they lift those heavy stones?” They had Ashavana. That’s how.
“How did they build those pyramids?” They had Ashavana. That’s how.
The Ashavana were the Magi. A king would house his own Ashavana University within his Palace, having upwards of 500 Ashavana on hand. The more Ashavana a King had, the more powerful he was. This tradition took off around Nebud in 1,200 BCE and continued on until 100 CE as The Roman Empire had started destroying The Ashavana Universities and killing them off.
Here, we are going to go through the Ten Commandments to show you what they looked like back then.
The word “Lord” belongs to Marduk. It is “Bel” and belongs to him. Marduk was an Ancient God of Mesopotamia who is renowned for Usurping his Father’s Throne and killing his Father, then changing the Stories to hide his deeds. He was the Sworn enemy of Assyria and the God of Babylon.
The word “Bel,” which means “Lord” came from him. Which is why we say “Landlord” to this day. “Lord” refers to Thieves, Liars, and Cheaters.
Later, when the Bible was written, “Lord” was adopted when “The Two Moons Split” and Marduk took the Name of God in Vain by calling himself “God of Love.”
“Lord” is Marduk’s word. It means no one else.
Marduk’s Father who he killed and usurped was The God of The Moon. These Stories emerged in Babylon around 1,200 BCE.
New Mesopotamia Literature was a “style” of writing that emerged around that time. It was more The Liar’s Script and lot less a “Style.”
“Taking the Lord’s Name In Vain.”
Let’s Translate this Into Modern Language.
What is The Lord’s Name? It’s Love. The Lord’s Name is Love.
“Taking a Name” means “Claiming to do the deeds of that Name.”
“I am doing this with Love” while you do it with Ignorance or Fear is Taking Love’s Name in Vain.
“I am doing this with Love” while you do it with Vengeance or Rage is Taking Love’s Name in Vain.
“I am doing this with Love” while you do it with Arrogance or Conceit is Taking Love’s Name in Vain.
“I am doing this with Love” while you do it with Anger or Hurt is Taking Love’s Name in Vain.
“Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain” — In Ancient Greek this means “Claiming to do something In Love and With Love when you actually do it in Vanity and Arrogance.” It is related to the word “Vaunting”
Vaunt means “Empty Words.”
Vanity means doing it for Reputation without Authenticity or Truth.
Claiming to do something and also not doing it is Vanity.
Which is why Christ often said Do Agape — Philanthropy — don’t just claim.
Every Christian who does not do Philanthropy is Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain.
Christian means Philanthropist.
Christ was Agape — Which means Charity — Philanthropist.
There are a whole lot of Christians right now who all are. Taking the Lord’s Name in Vain.
This is called a Giving Circle. Agape has Power to it. It’s a Power that Billionaires have figured out and they teach others seeking wealth. “Give to Others.” “Do Charity.” It multiplies your Wealth.
Agape does.
But, to get to Agape, you need Philautia. Self-Love.