The Bible was written in Ashavana Code embedded with a Mathematical Code invented by Pythagoras called Isopsephy, the predecessor to Gematria.
But only an Ashavana can read Ashavana Texts.
Jesus is a character who — no matter what stage of my life I was in — I loved Jesus.
I first loved him as a Follower and Devout Christian.
I then loved him with a Love I cannot define.
And then I loved him as a Student of Philosophy.
I admired him as an Atheist and fellow Philosopher.
Today, I love him as my Peer and fellow Alumni.
As I dissect The 12 Ethics and — even now — as I assemble The Philosopher’s Stone upon the completion of my Quest for The Holy Grail, I cannot deny what is now so painfully obvious to me.
That all Prophets from all Religions and Philosophers and Spiritualists — all — are just on The Quest For The Holy Grail and The Tree of Life, and the Prophets all attempted to provide the Walkthrough and Clues of How to do, only… All of them suffered from The Ashavana Curse.
As did I.
(See 1 Corinthians 14 : 1 – 5)
The reason why Christ has Disciples was to translate for him. I too have Translators. The closer you are to Truth, the more you will understand me without Translators. This can be used as a Metric to mark your Distance relative to The Truth.
The Ashavana Curse begins the moment you realize you are pursuing The Holy Grail on the smallest hunch of the Subconscious Mind. And The Ashavana Curse lifts only when you obtain all Three Fruits… which is why I could finally write this book.
This is The REAL DaVinci Code only its real name is The Ashavana Code and it started 2,200 years before DaVinci with a man named Zarathustra.
I don’t get into any of that here. What I get into in 12 Ethics To Jesus is the Ashavana Translation behind Christ’s Words, their Meanings, The Psychology of the Greek Mind, The Linguistics of Ancient Koine Greek — The Original Language of the New Testament — and how much this changes what people thought Christ meant.
But mostly, it prepares the Atheist, The Spiritualist, The Philosopher, and The Religious Person for The Self-Wisdom Journey — The Asha Journey — described by all The Prophets, Philosophers, and Spiritualists.
In Psychological Physics, The Self Wisdom Journey is proven to be a Mandatory Requirement for Human Health and it is a Natural Part of our Psychology and Human Growth and Evolution that is activated at the 6th Ethical Perspective.
12 Ethics To Jesus is The Prequel to The Game.