Chapter 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 are from my Book The Theory of Love.
The 4th Ethic
The Ethic : Self-Control, Discernment
The Corresponding Stage of Scientific Method : Intuition Stage #4 → Simplification and Summary of The Definition, which is Word Math.
The Corresponding Academic Discipline : Music, Song, Dance, Art, Theater and Stage, Reading and Writing
The Indulgence : To seek Self-Control and Safety through Law and Order
Runs The Risk Of : Policing Others. Using the Fear of Loss of Control to Control Others through Law Enforcement that becomes Fascism and Dictatorship. Over-depending on Laws for Order.
What you are Avoiding : Self-Honesty. Whimsical Living.
The Ethical Growth Trial (The Lesson to Be Learned) : How to Use Self-Law and Self-Control to Structure your own Personal “Law Book” for you to follow so you avoid unhealthy situations entirely. Learning Discernment.
What Parents can do for their Children : You sit down and write a list for yourself on all the Rules you have for yourself. Make sure your children is watching you and when they ask, you tell them that you are setting Rules for YOU to follow so YOU don’t hurt others (Write down these 12 Ethics). Let the Child watch you. Do this every week. Set the Example. Watch yourself and look for when YOU violate the 12 Ethics. APOLOGIZE to your child when you do violate the 12 Ethics and then go back to the 4th Ethic and create a new Law for yourself. Invite your child to write their own laws for themselves.
Common Perspective Abuse For This Ethic : From Parents, this is the Parent who says, “You live under my house, then you obey my rules.” This is the Strict Parent or the Military “Drill Sergeant” Parent. The more the Parent feels “out of control,” the more rules they tend to make, instilling “punishment” for breaking these rules.
If this Ethic is not Learned : Mental Illness will develop. They project their Ethical Growth Trial of “Personal Law” onto others and then will create Police and Laws to Govern Others. The more Mentally Ill they are, the more Laws and Enforcement they will focus on, eventually escalating to Gun Control and “Violence for your own good.” Learning is Slow and very hard for them. Most will not even try to Learn.
The 5th Ethic
The Ethic : Self-Accountability
The Corresponding Stage of Scientific Method : Scientific Method Stage #5 → Logical Proof Construction / Building Understanding by Compounding Simple Clause Structures in Order.
The Corresponding Academic Discipline : Music, Song, Dance, Art, Theater and Stage, Reading and Writing
The Indulgence : To seek exercise your newly-found Power
Runs The Risk Of : Hurting others and not caring. Power Hungry and making aggressive choices that harm others without a care in the world.
What you are Avoiding : Laws and Order. How you affect other people.
The Ethical Growth Trial (The Lesson to Be Learned) : How to Use your Power without harming others and learning to be Mindful of how your Power affects others.
What Parents can do for their Children : Encourage their Power. Empower their Independence and tell your Child to “Mind their Ripples.” Point out how their Actions affect others. That “with great Power comes great responsibility.” And the more responsible you are with your Power, the more you get Power. But only if you use it to Protect and nourish Others. Most of all from Yourself.
Common Perspective Abuse For This Ethic : From Parents, this is the Parent who says, “You have to get a job!” when the Child must be a Freelancer, Artist or an Entrepreneur. This is the Parent who forces the child to become a Doctor or Lawyer, or forces the Child to “adopt the Family Business.” This is the Dream Killer Parent. And Disownment is the Punishment.
If this Ethic is not Learned : This is where you will see a Divide between “Three types of the 5th Ethic.”
Type A : The Optimized 5th Ethic → This 5th Ethic is “just passing through.” If this Ethic is not learned, they will cherry pick learning as they focus on their Business and Work Life. 100% of all 5th Ethics are Business Owners. They can’t stand “being told what to do” and they must become their own boss. 5th Ethics who are Optimized will be mindful of others and they will grow into “The Self-Wisdom Journey,” which begins at the end of the 5th and the beginning of the 6th.
Type B : The Sub-Optimized 5th Ethic → This 5th Ethic is the Business Owner who very much behaves like a 4th Ethic. They will toggle between 4th and 5th. When Drinking, they will drop down to the 3rd Ethic. This is where “Angry Drunk” comes from.
Type C : The Unhealthy 5th Ethic → This 5th Ethic is really a 3rd Ethic “in disguise.” They are abusive, Violent, and have learned that if they are Powerful, then they can “obtain the Upper Hand.” This is where we see a lot of Abusive and Unethical Politicians, Doctors, Business Owners, and Corporations. Donald Trump is here. This Ethical Perspective has learned that Knowledge can be used for Evil. Elon Musk, John D. Rockefeller, Mussolini, Putin are all here. They will only learn just enough to Manipulate Power and then they will become aggressive once they “are Most Powerful.” Then look out…
The 6th Ethic
The Ethic : Self Value and Equal Footing.
The Corresponding Stage of Scientific Method : Scientific Method Stage #5 → Logical Proof Construction / Building Understanding from Simple Clause Structure
The Corresponding Academic Discipline : Music, Song, Dance, Art, Theater and Stage, Reading and Writing, Language, Philology, Linguistics
The Indulgence : To ensure Fairness for All and Ensure Everyone Has A Voice and equal representation. Independence of Others.
Runs The Risk Of : Self-Loathing due to Remorse for how much harm they caused others up to the 6th Ethic. “Making up” for all they did to others by lowering themselves to “below” equal footing. Believing that Self-Value harms others. Using Self-Depreciating to uplift others.
What you are Avoiding : Self-Forgiveness. Your own Worth. Your own Power. You making your own Decisions. More Responsibility lest you harm others again.
The Ethical Growth Trial (The Lesson to Be Learned) : How to Include Yourself in “Equal Footing” so you don’t sacrifice yourself for the sake of others. A Martyr is not a Hero, but a Self-Villain.
What Parents can do for their Children : Love yourself, Mum and Dad. Love yourself. The more you show your child how to love yourself, the more your Child will understand. Cry. Be human for your child. Embrace Pity. Self-Pity. Teach your child that a Martyr is not a Hero, but a Self-Villain. Children in this stage naturally are kind to all others, especially animals. Many people become Vegetarians here. Allow your Child to embrace this choice. And remind them also to protect themselves.
The Metaphysical Transformation (Psychological Physics Awareness)
100% of all People at this Ethic become aware of Psychological Physics. We all can feel our Emotional Energy. But at the 6th Ethic, we also can feel Rhythm (Called Frequency), Logical Alignment, Truth, and Balance (The Waters of Math), and also The Force (The Strong Force in Physics).
It feels like your Mind and Body “Turns On” Electrically in the exact same way a Woman’s Body “Turns On” when she becomes Pregnant.
I believe this is to prepare us for Power Economics that is Learned and Discovered in the Ethical Stages of #7, #8, and #9. I call this Metaphysical Transformation.
Some people become Religious.
Some people become Spiritual.
All people at this Stage begin a Pilgrimage.
If this is your Child, we strongly encourage you to direct them to The 12 Ethical Perspective Stages and Human Growth and Evolution so they can better prepare themselves Safely for this Journey. The Self-Wisdom Journey is included in our All Inclusive Ashavana Educational Program and includes Options for all The Prophets and Cultures as well as Atheists. We provide a very Scientific Approach backed by Psychological Physics for All.
Self-Regulation, Metacognitive Awareness, and The Philosopher’s Compass are all mandatory in Self-Navigation to ensure your Child gets through the 7th Ethic Safely as the Wrong information does create Mental Illness and worsens the Condition.
A lot of people are terrified of their own Sanity and Mind when they enter the 6th Ethical Perspective Stage. This Panic often leads to Cults, Misinformation, Depression, The Oasis, and Logical Fallacy that nourishes Co-Dependency and Delusions of Arrogance that results in Toxic Groups, Drug use, Alcohol use, and much worse.
Trauma and Abuse – Forced or Premature Maturation – often result in The 6th Ethic being “activated” before the Individual has done the work required for the 7th Ethic.
Anna’s Hypothesis → I believe this is because their Trauma is so severe in some cases that Mother Nature – in an attempt to “save them” – matures them Faster to get them to the Point of the Pilgrimage, which will begin their Mental Healing, which is a Natural Side Effect of the 6th Ethic.
End Hypothesis.
100% of all people who enter the 6th Ethic begin their Healing Journey, which is really The Return to The Learning Journey of The Discovered Self, which is also The Self-Wisdom Journey, which is activated at the 6th.
Common Perspective Abuse For This Ethic : This is the most Abused of all the Perspectives. This is the Hippie and Vegan or Vegetarian who is unwanted in US Culture and Society. This is the Black Sheep and the Independent Thinker. This is the Child who Ethically outgrew their Parents at 2, 3, and 4 years old and who was forced to “Shrink” to fit into a Box. That Box is the 6th Ethic being forced into a 2, 3, or 4 Year old’s Box.
This is why the 6th Ethic behaves like a 2nd Ethic. Because they lack the 1st to know how to Self-Nourish and 2nd Ethic to know how to Preserve their Self-Authority while they – usually after decades and from a very young age – fight for their Independence under the severe ridicule of 2nd Ethical Parents (Strict Traditional/Religious Parents), 3rd Ethical Parents (Violent, Aggressive, Judgmental, Mocking, Critical, Bully, Abusive Parents), or the 4th Ethical Parents (Military Strict, Dictator Parents who Abused them with “Discipline” and “Punishment”… “for your own good”).
If this Ethic is not Learned : This is where you will see a Divide between “Two types of the 6th Ethic.”
Type A : The Optimized 6th Ethic → They have activated the “Self-Wisdom Journey” of the Discovered Self and they are just passing through.
Type B : The Unhealthy 6th Ethic → These 6th Ethics are really 2nd Ethics. They have all the Mental Illness of all the Ethical Perspectives compounded. These people are “In the Oasis,” which is a state of Delusion where they think they are healthy and have found “Nirvana” so they drop their guard and they relax, while depending 100% on Self-Care to “keep themselves on track.”
The Type B 6th Ethic can be more abusive than the 3rd Ethic Aggressor. They are highly arrogant, refuse to accept Humble Submission, they over trust, have no Discernment skills, and often insist on Socializing when they need to be Isolating. They boast their “Empath” Skills, which is their lack of Discipline in Emotional Regulation and are often surprised when they suffer from severe setbacks because they think “they were just fine and already addressed these traumas.”
The one thing that stands out a lot on the Type B 6th Ethic is their constant Eggshell Walking Policing they do to enforce the Language of others to accommodate their Ego despite Logic and Grammar Laws. This is a testament to their arrogance : that they pride their Ego above Grammar and Truth.
They are very aggressive with “Setting Boundaries” while often Vocalizing and warning others of their Boundaries, instead of using “Denying Access” to remove themselves from situations they should not be in, which is a testament to their lack of the 4th Ethic : Self-Law. This is also due to their severe lack of the 5th Ethic : Accountability.
They are often Wiccan and Spiritualists who are just as abusive as some Religious Zealots.
The 2nd Cardinal Value
The Value of Justice
At the end of the 6th Ethic, you Unlock The Core Cardinal Value of Justice. Without the 4th, 5th, and 6th Ethic, the Individual fails to understand what “Justice” actually means.
Justice is a loyalty to The Balance of The Universe. Justice is the Pursuit of Restoring Balance to The Universe.
People who have failed to learn “Justice,” often mistake Vengeance and Punishment for Justice. This is incorrect. To restore Justice – Balance to The Universe – The 12 Ethics must be corrected through Deconstruction of Trauma, which is learned at the 12th Ethic : No Judgment, and the 4th Cardinal Value : Forgiveness.