12 Ethics To Jesus : Chapter 8

The 12 Types of Courage “The 12 Trials of Hercules”

I had no idea this was the Trial while I was in it. Had I known, I know the Trials would have been much easier. This is where everyone starts out.

Courage to be Vulnerable.

Wooden Boys think it’s “Courage to be Brave.”

Real Boys know it’s “Courage to be Vulnerable.”

So many Wooden Boys here “Courage” and they arrogantly say, “Oh! That’s easy!”

If it’s easy, then it’s not a Trial.

The Yellow Brick Road starts here. What is your Greatest Fear? What is the One Thing you know you need to do or should be doing, but you have been putting off because you are Afraid? How does that Fear make you Vulnerable?

Guess what, that is your First Trial. Now go do it.

These Trials are different for everyone and also the Same. And after you are through the Courage Trial of Courage, you get to do the Courage Trial of Self-Authority : Standing Up To The Authority in your Life and Doing your own Thing.

And then, Courage to Take care of Yourself at the expense of Others. Feel all those feelings of “sick” in your stomach?

Courage to Talk to People.

Courage to be Seen.

Courage to tell people your Perspective and Beliefs.

Courage to Trust Others.

Courage to Trust yourself.

Courage to Be Honest with yourself about what you can and can’t do.

Courage to admit that all the things you learned in life turned out to be nothing.

Courage to accept that you must live a life other than the one you had planned for.

Courage to let go of your plans.

Courage is Practiced in every Ethic. For all Infinity.

Respect The Logic. Respect Logos. Patience is Preserving the Quality of The Logic for the Journey. Do the Ethics in Order. Either Way. You Pay.

With Commitment, The Formula, and Fully Optimized Mental Health, this takes a Year to go through. Without the Formula, people don’t complete it.

With Mental Illness, people don’t ever begin it.

This is The Shaping, The Building, The Discovery of You. It felt very much like a Space with every Bone from every Mammal in all the World — ever — all over the place. And I was told I had to build My Skeleton from these Bones… and I had no Map and No Bone Knowledge.

It felt like I would find a Bone and not know where it goes or if it was even one that belonged to me.

Soooooooo many people kept handing me bones. And every time I allowed them to help me, I ruined my work and had to break down what I had built under their Instruction.

This is the Breaking off of the Nonsense and Purging of Mental Illness. The Triage of “What is Authentic and Genuine You” and “What is Trauma.”

The Stage of “Just show me The Basic Human Parts so I know what I need to Purge!”

It took 8 Months to build my Skeleton.


The 12 Types of Self-Authority “The Valley of Shadow and Trust”

By the time my Skeleton was built, I was very aggressive about other people who kept touching my Work, Advising me, Forcing their Non-Consensual Teaching on me.

It felt like —  All through the 2nd Round — I just barked, growled, snarled, drooled, and screamed. I had worked so hard to build my Self and Find me. But I was Soft Clay. And people kept “poking” my clay.

Your only goal is to get your Soft Clay to The Hard Clay Stage without anyone poking your clay.

The 12 Types of Self-Authority is you Mastering the 12 Ways to say “No. I will not listen to you. You are not qualified to teach me. I am not the same as you. You are too ignorant to know what I am doing. Do not waste my time. I am alone.”

And you have to be. Because you are in the Soft Clay Stage. During this Stage, Alone is the only way you can be. You know you have to get through this. You know you need to build.


After you learn Courage, Self-Authority is the Trial. The “You” of Self is when you come to Discover The How to Honor your own Self-Authority while also living Parallel to Another. It is brutal.

It’s the Mastery of Nourishing The Self while Living Beside another who you Nourish with your Surplus, while also learning how to Keep them off of you while keeping you off of them.


The 12 Types of Self-Authority “The They Of I”

This is the Hard Stage Clay where you realize who you are. And you’re “close to something.”

The “Pull” is getting stronger. It is so strong. And you know you’re on the edge of finding something HUGE… And then… You arrive at the Point of Comprehension.


And then you understand The Book of Job and The All of Everything.


In this Book, I will not cover anything but The 12 Trials of Hercules. There is much to cover and — at the Metaphysical Transformation, all your Focus should only ever be at the Task in front of you.

These 12 Ethics are all about The Self Discipline and Self Mastery of You becoming the Best Version of You that you can become.

And Focus and Mastering your Focal Point is The First Lesson right after Quality. You not Focusing on what is directly in front of You guarantees your Failure of the Thing directly in Front of You. If you’re looking at your Past or looking at your Future or looking at your Ancestors — You are looking at everything, but at the One Thing you need to be looking at more than everything : The Current Growth Trial.

You have the Map of The Asha Journey in Chapter #5.

You can learn ABOUT The Asha Journey or you can DO The Asha Journey. Learning about The Asha Journey is nothing. You have to DO it.

If you are a Religious Leader — You have no Ethical Choice. You have to Do it. And if you do not, then you are not at all Qualified to be Teaching this. You have to DO The Journey. And the only thing you can really teach others is to DO the Journey WITH you. Be the Role Model.

And then… Call your Congregation to the Challenge. Become a Challenger. Invite your Congregation to become Challengers WITH you. Discover The Journey together.

Teach them HOW you Found The Door.

Guide them to Open the Door.

Hell, Watch my YouTube Channel and you can even DO the Journey with me in 2023.

You can learn ABOUT Christ or you can DO as Christ.


Read the Book The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. This is a Metaphorical Emotional Showing of the Feelings you can expect. And it is a Fraction of the Hell on Earth you can expect.


PS – I gameified this into an IRL RPG Dungeons & Dragons Game, which is available in my book, Into The Abstract.