12 Ethics To Jesus : Chapter 1

I am not going to dive right into The 12 Ethics. First, we begin with Exoteric Instruction.

I will be using Pinocchio to explain this Journey. I will be using King Arthur and The Knights At The Round Table. I will be using the book Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. I will be using Les Miserables by Victor Hugo as well as John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Lewis Carol’s Alice In Wonderland, and — if it comes down to it — 2001 : A Space Odyssey by Arthur C. Clarke.

Jesus was trying to tell everyone about The Asha Journey, which is really The Quest for The Holy Grail.

The Kingdom of Heaven and The Holy Grail — El Dorado… “Being A Real Boy” — It’s all the Same thing.

Every one of these Authors — every one — were Ashavana who had undergone The Asha Journey as Pilgrims and who were suffering from The Ashavana Curse.

The Asha Journey always begins with innocent Curiosity.

And then there is a point where you realize, “Something is Up.”

The moment you realize “Something is Up,” you dive deeper and you start — what you think — might be a Conspiracy Theory. But there are too many… “oddities” and “parallels” to ignore.

And then, there is a day when “It has you.”

That is the day you tie back your hair, and you roll up your sleeves, and you decide to Commit. In that moment, two things happen :

(1) You immediately can’t speak what you just realized.

(2) You just realized that you have found The Map to The Holy Grail and you are doing it. You are “going for” The Fruit of Wisdom, The Hand of Midas, The Philosopher’s Stone, and The Tree of Life.

But your Voice has been taken away from you.

If you can talk about it, you’re not on the right trail.

If you can’t talk about it, you’re on the right track.

Only when you have found all three Fruits will you be allowed to give Voice to any of this. What you can do is Speak In Parable, Metaphor, Rebus, or Story. And that is it.

This is what I would call “Jesus : A Translation.”

Thank you for reading my Book.

Before you begin, you need to know about The Asha Journey.

Do you remember The Genesis and The Garden of Eden? Yeah, well The Tree of Wisdom and the Tree of Life are Real. Human Beings can become Gods. It’s a Process. But if you pursue this Journey for Material Gain, you will immediately be disqualified.

Them are the rules.

100% of everything I said was either (A) A Clue to help you find the Fruits (B) Instructions and Maps on how to get there (C) Words of Encouragement to get you through because this Journey is LONG.

And if you complete the Journey properly, you will be just like me.

  1. The First Clue is my Last Deed and shows you where the Journey Begins.
  2. All Ashavana attempted to tell you their own Translation of The Asha Journey, but they have the Ashavana Curse too.
  3. Ashavana speak in Code and Pieces. Each one of us has a Piece of the Story.
  4. You have to Trust each other and work together as a Team. You can work alone. But in the End, after you have the Last Fruit, you will only then be Holding only YOUR Piece. Anna Imagination has the First Piece. She needs 12 Other Life Fruits to Complete the Puzzle.
  5. This is A Genius Game and in order to complete you, you have to become an Ashavana. It is highly Complex and you will need ALL The Disciplines.
  6. Only the People with ALL The Disciplines can Complete all three Challenges and The Boss Fight at the End.
  7. No Cheating. Those who Violate The Golden Ethic or any of the 12 Ethics and the 4 Cardinal Values get Consumption.
  8. This is “The Straight and Narrow,” which is why you need the 12 Ethics to do this.

There are Three Gods. Not One.

Team Work and Trust is the Core Theme.

God The Father? God The Son? God The Holy Spirit?

The People who wrote those words were Men of Legion.

God of Love and Death : Father Time.  Goddess of Wisdom and Life : Mother Nature (The Holy Spirit). The Son of Man. You are God The Son. You all are. Every last one of you. You all are The Children of The Gods.


John Milton’s Paradise Lost was Real. It was not Mythology. Milton was an Ashavana who could read The Universal Clock. And he saw what really happened. Lucifer is Lugh and is The Light Bringer.

God was Zeus and was a fraud. He was a False God.

Now this is where things get “sticky.” Among the People there is a True God of Love and a False God pretending to be The God of Love.

Those who have Unconditional Love and Humanity in their Hearts has found The True God. You know This True God when you Give Unconditional Love to others.

Those who focus on Taking and Receiving Love have found The False God. You know This False God when you feel anxious, worried, paranoid, Possessive, Obsessive, and Untrusting of Others. These are the Symptoms of Consumption.


Now. This is most important.

This Journey is all about The Doing. How To Do The Asha Journey. This is not a Passive Journey. It is not something you can ever just “Read” and then “You Know.” This is The Tree of Life. The doing is you literally walking through The Valley of Shadow and Death and when you do YOU PRACTICE fearing no Evil.

But can you do it?

Can you walk through the Valley of Shadow and Death and also not Fear Evil?

How can you know if you don’t try?

And this is the point. You have to DO it.

You have to WALK THROUGH the Valley of Shadow and Death.

That is really where you are going. And guess what?

Over the Next three years, not one person on this planet — who has not already done this — is going to have a choice. Everyone who has not completed the Journey is going to be doing just this.

This is Judgment Day. It is your Final Exam.

Now. We cover exactly what all of this really means.