12 Ethics To Jesus : Chapter 2

What do I have to do?

You have to Learn.

You have to Learn Courage and Self-Nourishment.

The Valley of Shadow and Death is you being Honest with yourself.

Rule #1 – All Masks must now come off

Rule #2 – No more Lies are allowed

Rule #3 – Self-Evaluation is now Mandatory

Rule #4 – It’s time to Face your Inner Demons.


This is an INSIDE YOU Journey

There is a Universe inside of each and every one of us. And the Universe Within is deep and Vast. The Kingdom of Heaven is inside This Universe within. There is a “Door” to this Universe. The “Door” is metaphor for a “Blocked Point” that no one can pass until they have completed The Basic “Humanity” Trials.

Which are a kind of “Pre-Test” that unblocks The “Door” and allows you to continue.

Also, The Basic “Humanity” Trials cures all Mental Illness. The Process of purging your Mental Illness during the Humanity Trials is the predecessor to The Valley of Shadow and Death. Its a “Valley” because you are Low and it will fel like you are very much in a Valley.

The Kingdom of Heaven is a State of Being inside of You. It’s the State of constant Joy, Happiness, Abundance, Wealth, Wisdom WITH Growth and Movement, Freedom, and Change all in one.

There are four Rewards for completing this Journey. But if you attempt the Journey for the Wrong Reasons — To obtain The Fruits — then you will never find the Door. Only when you pursue the Journey for the Right Reasons — For Truth, To Love and Help and Serve Others — can you find the Door.


This Journey — The Asha Journey — The Way To The Kingdom of Heaven is an In-Real-Life Walkthrough to a State of Being into The Self.

A State of Being is a Mindset that requires 36 Stages. You must :

(1) Trust God so much that you can Prioritize Truth above God and you will KNOW that you will still find your way back to Truth.

(2) Trust that NO AMOUNT OF KNOWLEDGE will ever take you away from God and — IF IT DOES — TRUST that you WILL find God in the End.

(3) Decide how much of the Journey you want to complete.

There is The Fruit of Love. There is The Fruit of Abundance. There is The Fruit of Wisdom. There is The Fruit of Life.

Each Fruit is hidden in a place where the Pursuer will never think to look.

You have to find The Fruits in Order. Love is the First One.

Of everyone I’ve spoken to they all said the same thing :

They Surrendered. They Submitted to Learn. The Quit Distrust.

They all “turned themselves over.” It’s a surrender of the Heart. Total and Complete Trust.

And then Unconditional Love for All. Most of all your self.

But, Love is just the First Fruit. That is not The Journey.


Your Manifestations :

“I wish to know Love like You, Jesus, knows Love.”

“I wish to Unconditionally Love myself.”

“I wish to Unconditionally Love my Body.”

“I wish to Unconditionally Love Others.”


Just The Love Fruit

You’ll go no where. And this not going anywhere… It isn’t Growing.


The purpose of “Getting TO Heaven” is to “WALK THROUGH” the Valley of Shadow and Death. It’s Psychological Shadow Work. You have to first, clean up your Mental Health.

You won’t get through the 6th Ethic without your Mental Health cleaned up. You can have NO LIES in this Journey. Not the Lies you tell others. I mean the Lies — The DEEP Lies — you tell yourself. They Valley of The Shadow and Death is the YOU Purging the LIES you told yourself that caused all of your Mental Illness.

Self-Honesty, or you don’t pass the 6th Ethic.

Getting The Love Fruit

The Love Fruit is located in the Quantum Music Realm. The easiest way to get there for some people is to study Music Theory and Sound/Sonar Classic Physics with Existentialism and Logic.

When you “Turn On” your Mind, you will be in the Quantum Music realm. Most people think this is the Quantum Physics Realm, but they are not Physicists or Musicians to know any of this and they are wrong. Also, This is the only Fruit that is on the outside of the Journey.

You have the Love Fruit when, You can Manifest Love, Friendships, and your Community, 100% the Time and receive your Manifestation 24 hours or less.

The Time it takes to get to you is equal to how much Trust in Love you have and Trust in yourself you have.

Getting The Abundance Fruit

Patience is Required.

Patience is the Preservation of Quality through the Logical Sequence of Progression.

The Love Fruit and Clean Logic and Belief is required.

The Wealth Fruit is located in the Quantum Logic Realm and only after all of the Arts have been Compiled.

This was the last Fruit I found. It is the “Path” Fruit and the Conduit that Connect All. It is the Freedom Fruit. The Ability to Move and Build anything at whim. It may require the Wisdom Fruit first. More Data is required.

You have the Abundance Fruit when, You can Manifest Wealth, Money, Surplus 100% the Time and receive your Manifestation 24 hours or less.

The Time it takes to get to you is equal to how much Lies and Logical Fallacy you have inside your Logical Fabric of Comprehension.


Getting The Wisdom Fruit

Trust in Logic and Loyalty to Truth is required.

The Wisdom Fruit is located At the 36th Level of Consciousness at The Point of Comprehension.

It may requires Mastery in Music, Art, Theater and Stage, Reading and Writing, Language, Logic, Math, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, Biology, The Academic Cradle of Cultivation, And The Academic Cradle of Story/Logos.

You have the Wisdom Fruit when, You can Manifest Knowledge and all you need to Know 100% the Time and receive in 24 hours or less. You just want and ask. It’s so simple.

The Time it takes is equal to How many Lies you are telling yourself.

What does it look like? Neo in The Matrix, “I know Kung Fu” fast. But you have to WANT the Knowledge you seek.