Once upon a Time all The Gods were One and we Lived within a Single Cell birthed from the point of Most Nothing. And it was soon time to Emerge and Multiple.
“Who should go First?” We asked.
For We were the All of Everything. After much discussion, it was decided that Love would be First and that Love would be The Origin of All.
Except… Love was Wild, Free, without Order, Chaos ensued and “Love Changes everything. All the Rules we make are broken.”
Do we really want Love to be first?
So the All of Everything looked then to Wisdom and asked Wisdom, “Who should go First?”
And Wisdom thought long and hard on this.
If Love goes forth Chaos would ensue. Let Logic go First so that Love can be Maintained with Order.
And all thee Gods agreed. And so it was that Love submitted — with Love — to Logic.
And Logic was deemed God that Love gifted to Logic in Love.
For Logos and Love… they were deeply in Love so much that — According the God Legend — It is said that Love was birthed from their Union.
Giving Thanks To God
I know why we must say “Thank you for the food”
When we Give Thanks for something, we are Honoring The Cycle of Life that brings us The Food and keeps the Abundance Flowing. This is not just about Appreciation. This is giving Recognition and Validation to the very thing that keeps our Abundance moving.
This is not at all a “One Man Job.” It is a Team Effort.
Focus on just Love invalidates the Team and breaks down the other two Team Players who are Mandatory for the Cycle to run… which is what is wrong with the world today.
The Cycle of Life is Not “Love.”
The Cycle of Life is Wisdom to Maintain and Preserve The Cycle — To Cherish The Cycle — The Logic that Is the Cycle that carries the Food to us in Wisdom+Logic+Love, And The Love that is the Momentum of The Cycle.
If Love were the answer then Woodstock would have saved the World in 1969. But it didn’t because Woodstock was a Flame. A beautiful Flame that never went anywhere after that because it lacked Logic to guide it and move it and the Wisdom to Nourish it into purpose.
Woodstock was missing Wisdom and Logic to keep the Peace and Love going.
So always pause to “Close the Cycle” and express Gratitude for the Cycle has Completed and always Invite the Cycle to come back around again.
“Thank you for this Food. I look forward to the next.”
It’s just like when we say, “Thank you” followed by “You are Welcome to Come Again,” which later was shortened to “You’re welcome,” which was then shortened to “Hm.”
The Community Gaia Giving Circle “The Science of Giving”
The Community Gaia Giving Circle is our Community built to restore and Nourish all of this. It’s where Psychological Physics, The Self-Wisdom Journey, The Quest For The Holy Grail, The 12 Ethics, Philanthropy, and the Highest Quality Educational System all Come together in One for The Radical Global Healing Journey. And our Dungeons & Dragons Game “The Ashavana Stones” is on the side for those who want to take this into the realm of Imagination where I reside.
It’s the Restoration and The Revival of All of this to get us back to Humanity and Being Human.
It is the Giving Line that Nourishes ourselves and Nourishes others. But without a Surplus to give to Others, Giving to Others depletes our Stores and harms us.
Sacrifice is not honorable. Christ never once Gave to his detriment. He took care of himself first so he could take care of others. Read that again.
Philanthropy is part of The Human, our Psychological Health, and our Journey. To not integrate Philanthropy into your daily life is to cause harm to your System.
And if the concept of Philanthropy overwhelms you or worries you, these are signs that you lack Quality Education and Guidance in this field and you simply need to understand more about it. I strongly recommend you look at Philanthropy Together as they are a Living and Working Model of what Christ was talking about.